Sunday, August 9, 2020

Trump Gear Pop-up Store

Business opportunity: Sell Trump hats, flags, masks.  

Lots of customers. Big markups.

"No man, no woman, no commie can stop him."

      Trump as Rambo flag for sale.

A Trump store popped up on a wide spot on the side of a busy highway. It was no frills. It didn't need frills.

The store was a motor home festooned with Trump flags and banners. Local readers have seen the location, at the corner of Vilas Road and Highway 62, just north of a big shopping center where Walmart, Lowes, and until recently Costco, have big box stores. The shoulder of the road is wide and there was space for a dozen cars to pull over.

While I was there--for ten minutes--seven different cars pulled up. These were not curiosity lookers and comparison shoppers. These were buyers. They wanted to buy the hat to put on their heads and display their pride and association with Trump.

It might be obvious, but it is worth saying. This store was not selling irony, or camp, or kitsch material for sophisticates to buy as gag gifts, or as a curiosity. This is for real. 

The proprietor said her daughter had a similar business up and running in a nearby town--Grants Pass--and she hoped to get a better space in a mall shortly, but this would do for now and was really busy.  As I talked with her passing cars honked and waved. 

A woman in her fifties, who had bought an American flag style neckerchief told me she liked Trump because he "was fighting for our liberties, the freedom to have guns. Freedom of religion. The freedom not to have to have vaccinations if we don't want them. I don't want government telling me I have to have vaccinations or anything done to my body."

I asked if she wore a mask in stores. "I do if the store wants me to. It is their store and they have a right to make the rules. Otherwise, I don't care."

A woman in her forties who had purchased a banner said she admired Trump. "He gave up everything a man could want to serve his country. He had everything. Gold everything in his house. Every luxury and pleasure a man could desire, and he gave all that up. While the other guy, he's been there for fifty years on the dole."

Best Selling Item
A man in his thirties told me he was Mexican-American and he liked Trump. He said he was born in LA, but his parents were from Mexico. He said he didn't like Trump saying Mexicans were bad, that didn't sit right, but "there are bad people of every kind. Trump seemed like he was trying his best." 

I asked if Trump did a good job on the virus. He said he didn't know much. I asked if he knew anything about Biden, and he shrugged, and said that he had heard of him, yes.

A man in his sixties said that Trump "stood up for America."  I was wearing a mask, and like every other person at the outdoor store, he was not. His manner was mildly hostile. I thanked him as I backed away.  He said, Trump was "sticking up for America first."

An old woman who stayed in her car while her daughter shopped held a mask but did not wear it. I stayed well away. She told me God blessed Donald Trump and that he was a very good man. God was looking out for Mr. Trump, she said.

The proprietor told me adult size masks were $10, children's were $5, hats were $20 and they were the best sellers, and then flags and banners next, which cost $30 and up. She said she sold one of the Confederate flags so far.

Good markup opportunity

There are substantial markup opportunities for a entrepreneur who wants to get into the business. Similar material is purchasable on line for as little as $3 per hat. But this is an impulse purchase by people excited to be part of something bigger than themselves.

A question for Democrats: Would a similar pop-up store selling Biden merchandise work?  

I expect not. I have never in my life seen a Biden hat, not even at Biden Town Hall events in Iowa and New Hampshire.

A pop-up store selling Dump Trump material might, however, do some business.


  1. Here's the deal, Sage.

    Trump supporters love him, while even Biden supporters like Nina Turner acknowledge that supporting Biden is like eating "half a bowl of shit".

    If T-shirt sales were a poll, then Trump will win the election easily.

  2. American entrepreneurial exceptionalism on display!

    Very interesting and it's always a hoot to hear Trump supporters talk about their impressions. Fun for you too! All of the responses seem to indicate the supporters only know about "The Apprentice" Trump and the mythology of the celebrity tycoon, which reveals how intentionally uninformed they are, ignorance I'm certain extends to every aspect of their lives. It's so cool how you can stick it to the libs by buying a hat.

    Meanwhile, we languish in the August doldrums. In a normal election year we'd be seeing rallies, hearing speeches and counting crowds and frankly I'm happy we are being spared all that though the cost is heartbreaking. The next show is the "reveal" of the VP choice that we all are breathlessly waiting for. I'm betting Sen. Harris, but I'm all giddy over how we could be surprised. Here's the thing: Democrats have put so much emphasis on the VP that they are now depending on it providing the bump that Biden needs to prop up his sliding numbers. He may get it, but then the task will be to hold on to it once the novelty wears off.

  3. I wonder if the polls are capturing these people.

  4. Posted for John Coster:

    Had difficulty posting this

    The consumers of “reality“ TV have succumbed to the illusory “reality” created by the World’s most powerful carnival barker. Repeating people a lot smarter than me, Trump‘s actions are still very destructive to a just, safe, peaceful and prosperous society; but not as dangerous as what he has unleashed with the toxic culture of “me first” Trumpism that will be his legacy. the costs? incalculable.

    John Coster

    Sent from my iPhone

  5. I don't by goods made in China

  6. Yeah, the irony is that most, if not all, of those articles being sold were MADE IN "CGHIGNA" the virus. I am always struck by the naivete, the child-like, almost whimsical nostalgia and sentimentality that exists among Trump supporters for an America that never was.

    Ignorance and hypocrisy abound but are not limited to the Trump side of the ledger. How many liberals are capable of a questioning how a rabid embrace of a meritocratic, professional, expert opinion dominated, neoliberal, globalist, financial market agenda contributed to the alienation of a vast swath of "deplorable" poverty-stricken citizens who became Trump's pseudo-populism base? How many liberal centrists continue to court a mythic swing state "center" that exists only in their hopeful imaginations, even as a truly progressive populism of the "radical left" gains ground daily?

    Andy Seles

  7. This ex-Oregonian now lives in the midst of Trump country, in The Villages of Central Florida.

    Yes, there are the weekend stands selling all sorts of Trump paraphernalia. Streets have flagpoles flying the stars and stripes, with a Trump flag just below. The golf shops have Trump towels for golf bags. Trump signs are in windows of cars, trucks, and golf carts; bumper stickers, too.

    Sumter County just 10+ years ago was the poorest county in Florida, and now has one the highest per capita income in Florida. We're also home to the fastest growing MSA in the US.

    I'm surrounded by retirees from the Northeast and Midwest. Teachers, state and county workers, service members from all branches, and business owners and workers.

    Yes, these retirees and almost-retired are proud of their country, and the success they've earned in their lifetime.

    Yes, there are Biden supporters, too, but they're sparse and mostly invisible.

    From the media, I'm sure you've seen the videos of the Trump parades, and that one "white-supremisist" a few weeks back. You probably missed the f-bomb lobbing small group of counter protests showing there best commentary.

    I've seen a few Biden banners in my travels thru the community if 133K people. That's amongst the hundreds for Trump and Pence.

    For the most part, people are civil, and respectful. And yes, we do have pockets of bad behavior from both sides of the aisle; definitely a minority.

    Just this past Saturday there was a Trump parade of golf carts; perhaps a hundred in one of the nearby villages. No protests, no police standing by, no cause for worry. Most everyone is busy with playing golf, or playing in the pools.

    I spent 45 years in Oregon. It's a beautiful place with mountains, deserts, beaches, and forests. Florida has beaches, forests, and wonderful small towns to visit.

    There's nothing wrong with showing support for your favorite leader, whether here or anywhere. It's too bad that's not as acceptable in Oregon these days.

  8. Perhaps our libertine-in-chief could, in addition to his hawking of fake memorabilia, round up all the former conquests he has paid generously to remain silenet and open a topless (or bottomless for that matter) bar and serve as master of ceremonies, a position (unlike that of president) for which the old liar is eminently qualified. As for the memorabilia, as the old saying famously goes,"No one ever went broke underestimating the taste of the American public".
    Bob Warren



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