Thursday, August 13, 2020

Kamala Harris' First Impression

 There is a race to define her.

She now defines herself on the Biden-Harris website as "the first Black and Indian American woman to represent California in the United States Senate."

Harris in New Hampshire, Sept. 2019

She leads with identity.

Meanwhile, Trump and Fox call her a radical socialist, a loser with a failed campaign, a nasty woman who will dominate and displace Biden.

Today's post is a look back to January 2019, when this blog gave Harris her first long look. Her first campaign rally was in Oakland, California and 20,000 people showed up. It was a favorable first impression. Back then she wanted to emphasize her fearless prosecution of wrongdoing, her personal rectitude, and law and order.

That brand evolved during 2018. Democrats wanted to hear about economic and racial justice, not criminal prosecutions.

Back at the beginning Fox thought to attack her with a "slut shame" focus, noting her former relationship with California legislator Willie Brown. They thought that was her vulnerable spot: the ambitious woman with a oh-so-convenient relationship with a powerful man. The slut!!

In today's political climate that attack seems even more nakedly misogynistic and gratuitiously  personal than it did then. She was little known then, but today she has been on the national stage for twenty months. I expect them to drop this line of attack, although I see remnants of it in Facebook comments from citizen partisans. Sean Hannity is dating a Fox colleague; Donald Trump, Jr. has separated from his wife and is dating a former Fox host. An attack from that direction exacerbates the problem Trump has in reconnecting with suburban women, a demographic that has switched away from him. Trump said he was defending those women, the "suburban housewife." Today that suburban  woman is not a housewife. Like Harris, she works, she has a career. Harris presents as a woman fully capable, fully legitimate, fully worthy of respect.  De-legitimizing Harris by calling her a slut insults and de-legitimizes by implication other women in the workforce.

Here is how things looked back at the beginning. 

Note: I leave my posts up, even when history shows me to have been wrong. We live in real time and I attempt to observe the unfolding present. This and all other posts are unchanged, except for minor corrections of typos if I notice them later:

                                                  ----    ----    ----

January 30, 2019

Fast Start. Big Crowd. "Fearless."

First impressions matter. 

The first things we know about a candidate are the mental structure that we use to understand the next few things we learn.

And we don't have mental shelf space to know very much. We get impressions. 

Kamala Harris's first campaign rally had 20,000 people, standing in a plaza in Oakland. I attended Trump's first rally in New Hampshire, where there were 3,000 people in a high school gymnasium in the town of Rochester, which seemed like a lot.

It's a very good start for Kamala Harris.

The typical American voter outside of California has barely heard of Harris. She starts with an appearance and biography. She is 54 years old, female, dark skinned, a lawyer, a California US Senator, a former Attorney General and District Attorney.

The pundits and activists and political "inside baseball" writers like myself will learn and integrate dozens of more things about her in the weeks ahead, but an ongoing premise of this blog is that most voters will have made up their mind about a candidate knowing about seven things on election day.  Her biography used up about four of them because her being a 54 year old dark skinned woman is a single category.

Archetype: Another premise of this blog is that a candidate for president is understood by voters as an archetype, a stock character in a simple fight in a near-wordless match up--sort of like professional wrestling, but for real. Then voters choose which character they prefer.

Trump has his character: the dominating tabloid newspaper bully, simple-minded but strong, fighting for traditional American values against liberal snobs, criminal aliens, outsiders.

Kamala Harris is creating her counter-brand. Her appearance is a given. Her clothes and manner present her as "professional" which is consistent with her law enforcement background.  She is adding an adjective: FEARLESS

This is a good choice for her. 

There were alternatives. She could have emphasized that she was a scrappy poor person, or fair-minded, or bi-partisan good government oriented, or not-a-narcissist, or intelligent, or really experienced in government. 

There are a multitude of ways to be not-Trump. 

By choosing to be a fearless former District Attorney, voters can make a choice between two worthy champions, two alternative fighters in a ring.  Americans are pre-programmed to understand this matchup. The white-hat sheriff versus the crook. 

Marshall Dillon in Gunsmoke. 

Good guy calling out the bad guy
Harris embraces her law enforcement background--casting against type. Blacks, women and Democrats generally have been positioned as the people sympathizing with Rodney King rather than the white policemen who beat him, and with hands-up blacks shot by white police. 

She is getting criticized for this by the left. The criticism will help her, if she handles it right, i.e. by not backing down and apologizing. She will demonstrate by unmistakable body language behavior that she was fearless. She is what she is. She will not get every left-leaning vote in the primary and her willingness not to pander to those lost votes will give her political credibility.

She has disrupters to this first impression narrative

Fox News slut shames Harris, accusing her of using sex to advance her career. They use a woman to do it. Tomi Lahren calls her a hypocrite. "Kamala, given you're a vocal and proud supporter of the MeToo movement, what are your thoughts about using an extramarital affair to boost their political career?"

Lauren says she lets viewer in on a secret, that Kamala Harris is a conniving imposter who used sex to advance her career over the careers of others, having an extramarital affair with a powerful man thirty years her senior. He helped her career. He got her jobs.

This created a tweet-storm from multiple sides. including widespread criticism of Fox for leading with this. There were thoughtful articles in the Washington Post saying that this is an example of misogyny and that these accusations would not be made against a male.

In general this hurts Harris. The entire subject is bad. In the limited-mental-shelf-space model, Fox managed to put "conniving slut" into the mix of seven things we are learning about Harris. 

It was smart of Fox. Position Harris as the slut who became Senator. Make her appearance a negative. 

But it is a mixed bag, and may well help Harris in the primary. 

Other women, particularly Gillibrand, are associated with MeToo, branding formed by Gillibrand's early criticism of Senator Franken. Slut-shaming by Fox makes Harris a victim. A Google search for Kamala Harris put his Lauren video and Fox News' coverage of the past relationship with Willie Brown within the top five or six about Harris, as of 6:00 a.m. this morning. The charge is working and  Democratic women may take her side: a single woman can't date--how unfair. What we did 20 years ago is held against us--how unfair.

It is a challenge for Harris. Perhaps she can retain her brand as the fearless warrior who represents rectitude, and therefore a worthy archetype opponent of Trump. She needs to appear unbowed and unapologetic. Matt Dillon of Gunsmoke did not apologize for whatever relationship he had with Kitty.

It would have been better had Willie Brown said nothing about their having dated beyond that he barely remembered. But he did help preserve her narrative when he said he dated lots of women and it was along time ago: "The difference is that Harris is the only one who, after I helped her, sent word that I would be indicted if I 'so much as jaywalked' while she was D. A." 

Harris confirmed it with a generational and prosecutorial challenge: "His career is over: I will be alive and kicking for the next 40 years. I do not owe him a thing."

Brown observed about her ingratitude: "That's politics for you."

No. It is Harris positioning herself as a law enforcement professional. "If there is corruption, it will be prosecuted."

Harris will prove herself worthy of being a candidate by how she gets through this.


  1. If Joe is smart, when he becomes President, he will let her be a prominent part of his administration. Not like Pence, who is Trump's gofer, used only when needed. Sort of a blah I'm here type. Biden needs to let her be in on the action, be out there for everyone to see and hear. Show her great strength. If he does that, then when Biden leaves office in 2024, Harris will have a good shot at being the first female President. And a damn good one, at that.

  2. Kamala Harris refused to prosecute priests' sex abuse after church lawyers funded her campaign. She also suppressed "damning" documents. Harris sounds like a real "winner" to me. She blows her way to the top, then she gives free passes to pedophiles who contribute to her campaign. WOW! Justice is for sale.

  3. I allowed the post by “Curt” to go up along with a link to Breitbart because it is an example of the direction of one attack. I consider it likely to backfire on Trump. It will appeal to people who would never, ever vote for Biden—look at that blow job slut he makes his VP!— but it will be understood as part and parcel of Trump’s contempt for women by most voters.

    It is also an example of “Curt’s” attitude toward women. I let him speak for himself. His post was published verbatim.

    I believe the attacks reflect poorly on the attacker and net-net backfire.

  4. Well.....let's see here. Mayor Willie Brown, a 65 year old married man, took 28 year old Kamala Harris under his wing (in return for sex), and Brown appointed Harris to a number of high-paid government jobs, then he groomed her to be the San Fran D.A. Without Kamala being Brown's mistress, she would have just been another nobody. Harris slept her way to power. It's well-documented. It's fine that women hold power when they earn it based upon their achievements. Kamala Harris did the "sex" route instead, then she has a poor record in office since. Look at her record. There are plenty of democrats more qualified than she is, but they're not Black females, and identity counts in the democratic party. Liz Warren is eminently more knowledgeable than Harris is, but she's not Black. Isn't that racism??? Warren did much better than Harris did in the primaries.

  5. Peter,
    Thanks for being open to posting comments from Trump supporters, especially when they push the edges of acceptable decorum. It's important, as most of our responses are, because of the emotion behind theme. Much research proves our rational explanations are just cover for our emotional, gut-level take on things; I'm no exception.

    I'm guessing Curt is justifiably upset with Harris for some of the reasons we on the true left are not happy with her. She represents and dresses like the professional class of Democrats that long ago abandoned the working class and thought themselves insulated from the globalist "race to the bottom" begun by Clinton's NAFTA and embrace of neoliberalism.

    We will get lots of happy talk from the Biden/Harris team about social justice and little about economic justice or class issues. Any promises made in that regard will be scuttled by a Biden-Harris administration as a result of the "two Santa Clause theory" (look it up). Of course, I will vote for them; but I will be "in the streets" day one.

    Andy Seles

  6. It gets better...

    From Facebook:

    "If crazy Joe cannot serve his full term, Kamala cannot by constitutional law become President. She is an anchor baby, mother is from India, father is Jamaican, and neither were american citizens at time of her birth. That means the Presidency would fall on Speaker of the house. Recently Nancy Pelosi stated that she was next in line to become President. THAT in itself is reason to vote her out in November. Democrats have worked the whole scenario out and I believe that is why they chose Kamala Harris. Voter fraud is in the works to get Nancy Pelosi as President."

    Yes, they're baaaaack...Birthers! It would be funny if it wasn't so despicably stupid.

    However, progress is being made. Facebook is labeling these posts as "False Information" which may slow down the spread.

    I think what's needed is a 24/7 fact checking cable network. They could call it FAX News.

  7. I will post comments that aren't obscene, don't ascribe sexual actions or orientations, don't spoof the names of other people. Someone who posts under the name "Curt" sometimes does that.

    I don't like comments that post links to third party sites. I cannot be sure that those don't lead to mal-ware.

    The person who posts as "Curt" sent me a second comment today and I may choose to publish parts of it tomorrow and use it as the basis of a post. The "Curt" person is not objecting to Kamala Harris from the left. No, he is not "justifiably upset with Harris for some of the reasons we on the true left are not happy with her."

    Harris is arguably one of the three or four most liberal members of the Senate, and in ratings that include points for co-sponsors and getting things done, she is rated as more effective for left politics than is Sanders. Your comment, Andy, is useful however. I see people within progressive Facebook posts that say they hate Biden and hate him worse, now, since he didn't do the obviously virtuous thing and openly endorse a Sanders agenda, one the public obviously wants, and name Nina Turner as VP. How dare Biden not promote Sanders' agenda.

    Your opposition to Biden, and now voiced against Harris, makes an important point: activists on the left--and I include you, Andy--are out of touch with the political balance point in America. 97 or so US Senators are to the right of Harris, but the left isn't happy. Probably 418 or 420 out of 435 Members of Congress are to her right, and every one represents a deeply blue and hugely untypical District, but people on the left, like you, are unhappy. The inconsolable left demands suicide of candidates and demands that they represent the political views of, perhaps, 30% the left half of the electorate, and perhaps 20% of the total. But leftists live in college towns and coastal bubbles and either they are unaware of the greater political reality, or they believe in a fairy tale in which, somehow, people who simply disagree with them magically see the light of day.

    No, "Curt" attacks Kamala doubling down on the slut case. He accuses her of exchanging sex for political credibility. It reflects a world view in which Trump is made heroic--masculine and virile--by grabbing pussies and getting lots of sex from beautiful women, while the female side of it are objects of desire, lacking agency themselves, and are demeaned for that role. It is a mindset of Western Civilization. Greek men had anal sex with male youth, but the youth was considered lesser for it. Trump embodies that view. Women are trash. "Curt" expresses it, speaking for himself, but also for others in the Trump base.

    I will publish pro-Trump stuff, as long as it isn't plagiarized from Breitbart or other conservative news sites. We can learn from it.



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