Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Field Report: Virus Response in South Florida

South Florida is a hotspot.

A hotspot of warm climate, of senior citizens, of ethnic diversity, and of Covid infection and death.

Thad Guyer gives a field report on conditions there

Thad is about my age, a boomer, a veteran, an activist attorney who now fights for whistleblowing employees. Earlier in his career took on cases on behalf of people victims of police brutality while being arrested or incarcerated. 

I get complaints about Thad's Guest Posts here, saying he is extreme, that he has unreasonable hatred for Biden, that he sounds like Trump sometimes, only sort of liberal.nAll fair points.

But Thad also provides this blog with useful information on facts on the ground, in previous posts and this one. Who is wearing a mast; what is the Covid testing regimen; how are young people behaving in bars. He also offers a first person perspective on what Thad--and perhaps people like him--think.

Firm handshake, big smile.
I don't share Thad's contempt for Biden. I have seen Biden up close. He comes across more like a old-time Senator windbag than as a vigorous, dynamic leader, but he is not the drooling spaced out fool that he is made out to be in GOP ads. He is better in set teleprompter speeches than when speaking extemporaneously, when his answers ramble. 

He is not just not-Trump. In some respects he is the opposite of Trump, and that may be all this political moment can handle. Trump has been a white hot center of attention, and has exhausted a lot of Americans. Biden is time out, a time for the county to sit quietly, and just what the county might want.

Below is the long comment Thad Guyer sent me today. I am doing more Guest Posts than usual, just now. I tested negative for Covid, but positive for cellulitis, a bacterial infection that has caused my right foot and leg to swell up. It is under control and the antibiotics are working, but this is a good time to quote others, while I elevate my leg and sit quietly, a bit of time out. It is what feels right after a period of high fever.

Guest Post by Thad Guyer

“Deep Blue South Florida: Covid-19, Boring!”

     If the premise that one’s sensitivity to the virus is whether they know someone who was hospitalized or died, that would explain why young Democrats here (under age 55) could care less about the virus. Much of the divide between blue and red demographics is based on the overt politicization of the virus by both parties.  Biden clearly believes that to win, Democrats must paint the worst possible picture of Trump’s Covid-19 response, the GOP believes it must depict the best possible picture.  And since the media is the news distributor, and since Americans trust it less than ever before, Covid-19 news is doubted by both red and blue readers.

     People most believe what they see, not what they hear second hand.  To date, I don’t first-hand know a single person who tested positive, much less was hospitalized or died, with one exception—my neighbors husband and wife team, both in their 40’s tested positive, but have experienced no debilitating symptoms whatsoever. Both Democrats, they wear masks and socially distance, but they don’t quarantine.  Our main street and beach fronts are packed all the time with diners and drinkers, which means they don’t have to wear masks as food and beverage customers. And that’s a big plus to at least 70% of the blue population here.  

     I live 100 yards from a private Catholic grade school that has 40% Black and Hispanic kids.  Today was the first day of school, the cars were lined up for the drop off service, kids and parents super excited and supportive of school reopening.  They are blue voters.

     Almost everyone I meet is well informed about the virus, which means they have a lot of incomplete and changing information as the CDC and local health officials lurch from one theory to another about masks, viral loads, surface contamination, etc.  People have reasonably concluded (1) the chances of infection are very high, (2) the chances of serious health consequences are very low, (3) the chances of death are almost non-existent for their demographic, (4) the “millions will die, hide in your home” initial storyline was grossly exaggerated, and (5) neither party is more credible than the other on what to fear or not.

     A low death rate pandemic like Covid-19 is a dangerous thing to build a campaign on if what you need is a high death rate to attribute to Trump.  Biden is being ridiculed by pundits in both parties for his quick proclamation to ABC News that he would “shut down the country” again if his “scientists” told him too.  There is no vaccine for idiocy.  

There is no serum that will allow Democrats to win the White House with an idiot as our candidate to unseat a personality impaired autocrat willing to say or do almost anything to take the election.

Dump Biden!

[Note: Coming later, some comments on the GOP convention. They are trying to make Trump seem kinder and gentler.]


  1. Idiot? Really? Biden is the calm following the storm. The country needs the calm. Too late to dump him and shouldn’t dump him as he will be a sane, good president. He will follow the rule of law and internationally the world needs that as well.

  2. Listening to scientists make Biden an idiot? 178,000+ people have died officially. Many more have suffered with unofficially CoVid19 and death. What we know is that the infection is spreading slowly at about every infected person infecting one more. But you are correct in stating that it isn’t a platform to build your campaign. Rather it’s a symptom of all that’s wrong with the Trump presidency and his current administration. Off the wall example: a sign at Home Depot asking customers to use exact change or a credit card because there is a national coin shortage. Really, the Federal Mint can’t make enough coins that we have a coin shortage. Yes it’s a little thing but this administration, or should I call it the Cult of Trump, can’t handle the little things if Dear Leader feels slighted or isn’t interested. I for one am looking forward to less drama and more competence from a Biden Presidency and a Democrat controlled Congress. It is past time for the decaying power structure that is the Grand Old Party leave the stage to people actually interested and capable of governing.
    Vote Biden November 3rd!

  3. I LIKE Thad Guyer and his guest posts. Do your readers want only one viewpoint?

    “Dump Biden” is never going to happen, though. That ship sailed.

    To Anonymous, above: the “coin shortage” is not a shortage at the federal level; it is a shortage in banks and businesses because people are bringing so few in. My husband was asked by his local bank to bring in any he had. Which turned out to be about $300 dropped into a glass jar over quite a few years.

  4. Americans are getting a firsthand education in how science works. It's often thought of as having precision and certainty when most of the time it's quite the opposite. We are all participating in the experiment of COVID and the best strategy is to keep abreast of all the information as it is revealed. Luckily this bug is not ebola.

    I don't think Democrats are overstating anything. Yesterday in Florida 2673 were infected, 186 died, as of noon today the count is 3220 sick and 150 dead, and Florida is now leading the nation. If that's inconsequential I wonder what would cause concern.

    A national lockdown in March would have had a better result than the current situation. "Test, Isolate, Trace" could have been instituted and saved lives. Moreover, federal leadership on this would have gone a long way to unify the country against a common threat. None of that happened, and the economy crashed regardless.

    Blame whomever, but public health and safety is the responsibility of the executive branch.

  5. Thad Guyer is refreshing because he's not a "homer", he doesn't pull punches, and he tells it like it is. Thad knows that Biden is trash, and that he's going to get smoked by Trump. Blame the Democrat Party power brokers behind the scenes who hoisted an incompetent and corrupt candidate upon the voters. Biden was "on the ropes" before South Carolina, then James Clyburn saved him, then all of a sudden because of Covid-19 Biden was given the nomination. Real progressives know that Bernie got screwed again by the Party, and thus expect they'll have no allegiance to Biden during the election. Biden is going down big-time. He has little support.

  6. Anyone who defends Trump is ignorant and delusional.Can I add ugly? Stupid? Unpatriotic? Ha, ha; Donny Dumbo is a FAT IDIOT!I hear people saying Melania and the pool boy were a thing too, while DONNY DUMBO WATCHED!!!!

    None of the above is how I really feel, nor is it likely true, I made it up. Remind you of anyone? Harsh words for sure but the right clearly admires Trump and Q Anon's whacky conspiracies, serial liars and name callers, right? Q Anon? Really? Holy Crap we are so screwed!

    I expect our economy will spring back and those of us that have will continue to do just fine with our investments. Trump will claim its because of his brilliant handling of the virus and economic genius. Republicans will smile and say he's our man. And American may just win themselves another 4 years of Jerry Springer-style white trash politics for the uneducated masses. Call me an elitist; I'll wear it like a badge of honor.

    BTW Thad,I haven't heard any pundits ridiculing Biden as you say. Did you hear this on Fox or just make it up? Most of the pundits think Trump is an idiot. Except on Fox, where the Trump Kool Aid runs like water. Global warming? Pandemic deaths? Riots in the streets? Suppress the vote? All we hear from the RNC convention is either crickets or loyalists' praise of their Dear Leader's amazing accomplishments. Crisis? What crisis? He's a bloody genius!!!! So compassionate! So Godly! Jesus wept!

    OK, so Biden is a bit boring. We knew this going in. But politics is not the Jerry Springer show. Well, it wasn't until Trump turned the USA into the Divided States of America with his ignorant, race-baiting rhetoric.

    All I can do is sigh. I've had my rant. I feel a little better now, how about you? Peace!

  7. Dump Biden too late. The corporate media hated Sanders...witness Judy Woodward on PBS NEWSHOUR. I VOTED FOR JILL STEIN LAST TIME.
    Democrats have sandwiched themselves between Biden the the cliff. Progressives will hold their nose this time and capitulate hoping to come charging out of the gate to do what? If the senate remains the same...democrats will be spinning their wheels hoping for another next time. The next time in this country will only happen in the street with smoke and rubber bullets. If the right start firing more real bullets, the dictators in charge will really get to work. Have to vote Trump time to dump Biden. As my Nasty Trump Friend for Joe and the Ho and Socialism will run rampant. Right on.


  8. Answer to Ely Schless

    Ely's comment asks "BTW Thad,I haven't heard any pundits ridiculing Biden as you say. Did you hear this on Fox or just make it up?". Thanks for asking the question, Ely. You might want to read this New York Times piece re "Shutdown Joe", entitled "Biden’s Loose Lips Could Sink His Chances- We Elect Presidents to Lead, not Defer", (Aug. 24, 2020 But many other good pieces across the political spectrum can be found by simply Googling "I would shut it down" AND Biden.



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