Saturday, July 18, 2020

Secret Police Kidnappers in Portland

Man in camouflage: "Get in the van!"

Citizen: "Wait. Who are you?"

Men in camouflage: "Shut up. Get in the van!"

It isn't just illegal. It is dangerous. 

In Portland, Oregon there are reports that men in unmarked uniforms have grabbed people, pushed them into vans, blindfolded them, driven them to a secret place, interrogated them, and then released them.

When police agencies have been contacted to confirm this, there appear to be no records.  It is the secret police.

There have been enough stories from credible people, reported by credible people, and not denied by federal officials, to indicate that something weird and dangerous is happening in Portland.  The Trump administration's effort to bring "law and order is taking the form of scaring the bejesus out of protesters with a super-size version of "stop and frisk." It is intimidation. It attempts a chilling effect. 

Stop and frisk, readers may recall, is a policing policy that directs police to stop and briefly detain any person an officer deems suspicious. The citizen is directed to lean out with their hands on a building or squad car, feet spread, while police search their pockets for contraband or evidence of some illegal activity. People are profiled based on appearance (age, race, clothes, time of day, demeanor) and find it humiliating. The encounter sends a message that they are being watched and had better not do anything illegal. This practice is controversial, but legal, since the encounters are brief, considered a detention, not an arrest. It takes place in public.

Federal law enforcement agencies are performing an enhanced form of this in Portland, only this time it is secret and denied, therefore not accountable. Unmarked vans have approached peaceful protests and shoved people into vans for interrogation. The head of the US Customs and Border Protection, Mark Morgan, gave an explanation by twitter: The agency "will continue to arrest the violent criminals that are destroying federal property & injuring our agents/officers in Portland.” The acting Homeland Security chief was in town and said their purpose was to "restore order." In actual practice, the people being put into vans were not violent nor were they acting legally. After all, they were released.

Oregon officials, from the Governor, two Senators, Portland's Mayor, the County Sheriff objected. They are provoking violence, not restoring order, they said. Governor Kate Brown said the Homeland Security chief's comments "showed me he is on a mission to provoke confrontation for political purposes. He is putting both Oregonians and local law enforcement officers in harm’s way.”

Shot by accident
The exact identity and intent of armed people is a matter of life and death, for citizens and police both.

In two recent events Americans have died in circumstances involving force by unknown actors. Police in Louisville, Kentucky exercised a surprise late-night no-knock entry on an apartment rented by Breonna Taylor. The police thought a man they sought might be there. He wasn't. Indeed, he was already in police custody elsewhere.

Breonna Taylor was awakened by loud banging from late night intruders. A boyfriend, unclear about who and what was going on, attempted self defense against the intruders with a handgun and fired it, hitting a police officer. The police, opened a volley of fire of their own into the apartment, killing Taylor in her bedroom. 

In Brunswick, Georgia three men saw a man jogging in their neighborhood and suspected criminal behavior. They got onto pickup trucks with weapons, pursued him, boxed him in and then, when he was cornered and turned to grab a gun pointed at him, he was shot and killed. The original determination by local law enforcement, prior to videotape becoming public, was that this was an act of self defense by the shooter. After all, a black man was reaching for a gun. The videotape suggested a different story, that Aubery was running away to avoid confrontation with armed men, and it was he that acted in desperation and self defense.

Again, the identity and intent of people using force is a matter of life and death. 

Prudent people do not just get into the vans of strangers. Prudent people do submit to police, but they also justly use self defense when confronted by armed assailants. Mysterous kidnappings by federal officers have consequences. They create confusion. It blurs the line between accountable policing and criminal intent. Protesters will carry weapons. Citizens will get shot. Police officers will get shot.

If the goal is law and order, this policy makes no sense. 

The kidnappings do make sense if the goal is prolonging disorder and creating visuals of confrontations to show as Breaking News on Fox, which is happening currently.  In Trump's view, urban protests--not the virus--are the primary danger to public safety.

 He is betting the swing voters of America care a lot about street violence, but at this point they are sick of fighting the virus and wearing masks.  


  1. Terrorism of a civilian urban city is the objective. Secret police are turned loose on random individuals. The message is clear - exercise your first amendment rights and become a victim of the new police state. The is the face of and proof of the existence of a new a chilling political power - The American SS have come to the aid of man-child Trump.

  2. Good to see that AG Ellen Rosenblum, as well as the ACLU, are filing suit to stop this outrageous & illegal activity. Acting Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security Ken Cuccinelli is already talking about expanding this horror show around the country:

  3. You gotta do what you gotta do to stop Antifa. These Portland riots will be ending soon because of the Federal agents, and you can believe that the Portland Police welcome the Fed's help.

    Both Ted Wheeler and Kate Brown (and Merkley and Wyden) are WORTHLESS limpdicks who are afraid of the anarchists, and they've allowed the anarchists to run amok for more than 50 nights in a row. Well kiddies, your parents are home from vacation, and the block party is over, and since Trump is the only adult in the room, then he's ending your party of destruction. The game is over.

    Democrats don't have a viable plan, they can't govern, and they can't beat Trump, so they've been yearning for a pandemic, or a recession, or rioting, or anything that makes Trump look bad. The fact is that the Portland riots show how inept Wheeler and Brown are. Kate Brown is a total loser, and Ted Wheeler is a failure. I'm still waiting for Brown to address PERS, and a lousy educational system, and inept government agencies like Children's Services. If anyone is a fascist, then it's Kate Brown.

    Peter Sage wants to glamorize the rioting.....until they come to his driveway. Keep fanning those flames, Sage, and the protestors will be at your front door soon. And they won't let you live in that fancy million dollar house of yours any more.

  4. It’s not illegal if they have probable cause. If they spot someone shining lasers into the eyes of the police and then track down that criminal and arrest him, that’s fine and I support it.

  5. CNN, NBC, ABC, BBC, CBS, FOX (yes, even FOX) Portland Trib, Aljazeera , New York Times, USA Today, WAPO...all reporting and expressing concern over the tactic.

    Once all the facts are known I believe this may be a scandal on the scale of the Russian bounties but with more profound consequences. The lawsuits from victims will multiply and settlements will likely be in the millions. Lawyers are trying to figure out exactly who to sue - the ACLU is already rolling on it.

    A major screwup, and someone will "find something new". We just know don't who yet. Jared?

  6. This is, by far, the most frightening and threatening step taken by the Trump administration. If allowed, we're like the Germans of 1932.

  7. The Oregonian reported that the Portland Police Chief was making progress in addressing the anti-fascists right to peacefully protest police brutality only to have his talks with their leaders destroyed by the thuggery of federal police operating out of unmarked vans on the streets of Portland. The federal force exceeded their role as they were not protecting anything when they grabbed a lone peaceful protester. This is not policing this is the operations of a secret police. Their tactics are exactly the same as China, Russia, Iran etc. What would have happened to those individuals detained if they weren't recorded by other protesters. In pre-WW2 Germany - first they came for the Jews, but if you weren't Jewish you shrugged it off until they came for you. When it was too late. This behavior and tactic must stop.

  8. Police may "stop and briefly detain any person an officer deems suspicious." Not quite. The officer must point to objective, specific and articulable facts, not hunches or intuition, to stop a citizen to investigate a possible crime. Generally, an officer must inform the citizen of the officer’s authority and the purpose for the arrest. (Like "you're under arrest for shining a laser in my eyes," not "get in the van.")
    Why Portland? Trump would likely want to provoke an armed shoot-out between uniformed officers in a "liberal" state, as his M.O. is to foment chaos and distraction. Gov. Brown is wise to not give him what he wants.

  9. I would like to hear what our sheriff and local police chiefs have to say about this. Would they welcome DHS unmarked “secret police” in Jackson County or in their cities? It is time for all of us to speak out against this, but also for our local law enforcement leaders to affirm that DHS actions of detaining people without probable cause and not indentifying themselves is illegal, blatantly wrong and will not be tolerated in Jackson County.

  10. The Posse Comitatus Act

    Military intervention in civilian affairs: Drugs, request of Governor , crimes of nuclear material, or weapons of mass destruction.
    Not graffiti and vandalism.
    A Donald distraction while he guts the EPA, ect. Time to remove him from office.



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