Monday, July 20, 2020

Relax. Biden will win.

     "Democrats have a massive case of PTSD about 2016, so much that they often overlook how this election is entirely unlike the one four years ago."

       Peter Lemieux, Political Scientist with a quantitative orientation.
Getting beat.

Peter Lemieux: 

Don't worry. Biden has got this one.

My blog post yesterday got pushback. 

Yesterday I wrote that there are some frightening parallels between 2016 and today. Biden is doing what Hillary Clinton did: lay low, let Trump have center stage to self-destruct, and flood the market with a hundred proposals for change.

I warned in 2016, and again yesterday, that this gives Trump a better story than it gives the Democrat. Trump has a simple brand; Biden is left being the off-stage guy who isn't Trump. I worried that this wasn't enough.

Peter Lemieux said I was wrong.

Peter Lemieux is a college classmate who went on to get his Ph.D. in political science from MIT. His career is at the intersection of information technology and quantitative analysis, which gives him a different perspective than mine on politics. (I start with partisanship and tribalism, then add narratives and messages. I think people are choosing sides in a drama.) He looks at granular data on voting behavior: what certain demographic groups voted for in the past, then he adds them up, adjusts figures based on new data, and makes predictions. He puts his own analysis up for public review at his website:

Guest Post by Peter Lemieux

Peter Lemieux

"I see Biden winning 300+ electoral votes this fall."

"Democrats have a massive case of PTSD about 2016, so much so that they often overlook how this election is entirely unlike the one four years ago.

Most importantly, 2016 was a open-seat election between two highly-disliked candidates.  2020 is a referendum on Donald Trump. Biden is a good candidate in a race like this since he is so obviously not-Trump.  (People who disliked both candidates in 2016 voted for Trump; in 2020 it's the reverse.)

Second, the margins in polling today generally surpass those seen in 2016.  Biden's lead of 10-15 points is about the same as Reagan's lead over Mondale at this time in 1984.  I recall few pundits expecting Mondale to stage a comeback of that scale.

Third, Hillary ran a poor campaign, especially in the upper Midwest. Not visiting Wisconsin once was a major mistake.

Fourth, Trump won by fewer than 80,000 votes across three states.  I see little chance he will win Pennsylvania or Michigan this time around, and while he might still carry Wisconsin, Biden will likely pick up Arizona.  (I expect astronaut Mark Kelly's campaign for Senate to provide a "reverse-coattails" boost for Biden.)  Flipping just PA, MI, and AZ gives Biden an electoral college majority.

Fifth, people worry that massive campaign spending by outside groups could tilt the balance in the Senate races.  I found no effect for spending by such groups in 2016 and 2018 though spending by the campaigns themselves does matter.  I suspect that massive television advertising, which is the primary instrument available to outside groups, has little effect these days.  Remember how unsuccessful both Bloomberg's and Steyer's campaigns were during the primaries.

Sixth, the polls are better this time around.  Even state pollsters are weighting by education which mattered greatly in 2016.  (Remember the national polls were only off by one percent, giving Clinton an average three-point lead in the popular vote when she won by two.) College-educated people are now more likely to respond to pollsters so they need to be "down-weighted" when estimating figures for the entire electorate.

A plausible way to win

Seventh, Trump is behind in key groups like people over 65.  He carried them by seven points in 2016.  In the latest Quinnipiac poll, Biden leads Trump 54-40 among 65+.  Trump's margins among whites overall, evangelicals, and even white, non-college voters have all declined compared to 2016.

Finally, I haven't even mentioned COVID, Black Lives Matter, or the recession, all of which favor Biden.

I see Biden winning 300+ electoral votes this fall.  My model, based on polling through June 21st, predicts an eleven-point Biden win in November, which corresponds to a 390-148 margin in the Electoral College.  Biden's lead has widened since that article was written.

I expect Trump to lose badly in November, and the Democrats to end up flipping the Senate by a couple of seats.  My Senate model includes Trump's approval at the state level, and again, he is only trending in the wrong direction. "

People ask, what about attempts to steal the election?

These are all common fears on the left, but I don't think any of them will play a big role in 2020.

Let's take voter suppression first.  Yes, there are a few states where governors and state legislatures make it harder for people to vote.  But there are vastly more states where that is not true.  Suppression cannot overcome the kind of margins I expect this fall.

As for electronic voting, many more people (half? more?) will be casting mail-in ballots this fall.  I'm actually more concerned about mail-in ballots being lost by the Postal Service than I am about them being thrown away by local officials.

As for any Trump effort to remain in office after losing, that's what we have the Secret Service for.  I'm pretty confident he would be escorted out of the Oval, by force if necessary, were he to try such a thing.

Finally, please have some faith in the local and state election officials who care a lot about the validity of the elections they oversee.  The program on election administration at the Humphrey School has been extremely active this entire year.


  1. A much better article to read than yesterday’s post. The amount of anger toward Trump by Americans will lead to the deserved landslide. Republicans need to be punished for their acquiescence to Trump.

  2. Thanks for the analysis, but it's only marginally comforting.

    I personally think there are more variables and uncertainties at play that keep the electorate more or less evenly divided. The metric that I follow is the aggregate of polls that is stuck around 40.5%. This seems to be a solid floor that has not cracked since January of 2019. I would be more optimistic if public sentiment had a three in front of it.

    This tells me that things "aren't that bad", for a lot of people. Whether this reflects an actual alternate reality or magical thinking can be debated, but this and a continuing stock market bubble ("booming economy") will resist this becoming a change election.

    I watched with interest the 45 minute FOX interview on Sunday. (OK, not all of it...I have digestion issues) It is being touted as a "tough" questioning, but I don't see it that way. If you look at it from the point of view of someone looking for reassurance and disconnected from reality, Trump's defenses are plausible, with Wallace tossing softballs, but also ever so gently presenting actual facts so as to seem "fair and balanced".

    I don't think we are facing a referendum. Republicans are largely thrilled and circling like buzzards over RBG, and they will not abandon Trump.

    So I'm hopeful these margins will hold and nothing will upset the trend...Biden's health, for instance...but it's not a given by any means.

  3. Dr. Lemieux looks like a perfect example of someone who lives in an East Coast ivory tower, and is dis-attached from the common man (and reality).

    My rebuttal:

    1) Biden is not a good candidate. He's senile and corrupt (China and Ukraine), and the media has been coddling him. Biden has been hiding in his bunker because his handlers don't want voters to know who he really is. He's faced no adversity yet.
    2) The polls are bogus. Biden doesn't really have a 15 point lead. Pollsters are heavily over-polling democrats versus republicans because their polls are used to influence people, and not to gauge true support. Trump supporters won't self-identify to pollsters, either.
    3) Hillary ran a poor campaign, and she was a poor candidate. Biden is also a poor candidate, and he's running no campaign. Biden is in hiding. He hasn't gone under the magnifying glass yet. Trump is under it daily.
    4) Trump will win the industrialized Midwest again, and this time he'll pick-up way more Black voters. Many more Blacks will vote for Trump this election. Trump is the friend of Blacks.
    5) You've seen no negative advertising towards Biden yet, because the campaign hasn't really started yet. Once the conventions are completed, then advertising will begin, and voters will have no choice but to conclude that Biden is senile, incompetent, wrong, and crooked. It's clear as day. Biden won't make it unscathed through the three debates. Biden will screw-up and self-destruct.
    6) The polls are massively slanted and biased, and they are not reflective of whom will actually vote. Have you been polled? I haven't. I don't believe polls. They are propaganda.
    7) People over 65 aren't going to want to "go communist", and have their accumulated wealth confiscated from them. They'll vote their pocketbooks, and they'll vote for Trump.
    8) Before Covid 19, the economy was kicking butt, and there was a huge demand for employees. Covid 19 is the creation of our enemy China, and they intentionally introduced it to America in order to hurt us. Trump has done a great job fighting Covid 19. He closed-down travel to China and the democrats called him a racist. They were wrong. Trump expedited the manufacturing of more ventilators and the discovery of a new vaccine (this is a brand-new virus). All this has been done in the face of democrat opposition who have fostered riots and close-downs. In light of that, Trump has done a good job, and now he's going to quell rioting in Portland that the democrats embraced.

    The AVERAGE mom and dad in America don't want to go communist, and they don't want the $90 TRILLION new Green Deal, which will bankrupt the country. Have you even viewed the Black Lives Matter agenda? It's a hard communist agenda, and Biden has embraced it. The general public won't.

    It's clear that Biden is just a figurehead banking on his past name recognition. Biden isn't the same Biden from 10 years ago (which wasn't that great to start with). Biden is a shell of himself. Biden is being run now by AOC (and her Squad) and Bernie Sander and Liz Warren, and all are self-avowed socialists. They are the most extreme of extremists, and America will reject them in record numbers in November. Voting for Biden now is no different than voting for Bernie.

    IMHO, Trump will get at least 300 electoral votes this time around, and he'll beat Biden going away. People don't want a senile communist who is close to his death-bed running the country, and that's what Biden is. Biden had his chance to run the country for eight years, and he was a abject failure.

    Peter Lemieux may be a nice guy, but Boy is he wrong.

  4. Interesting crystal ball interpretations. I have to agree with Rick and "Unknown" that Biden does not have this election in the bag. No one mentions the "law and order" issue. "When citizens are insecure and at the same time driven by competitive aspirations, they yearn for political stability rather than civic engagement, protection rather than political involvement." (Thomas Hobbes)

    Why do you think Trump has sent the DHS, his Stasi, into Portland? It's a trial balloon, soon to be repeated in every liberal bastion across the country. How will Biden, the 1994 "tough on crime" guy deal with the law and order issue when confronted with Mr. Tough. Biden will fold, like the weak candidate he is by saying that "Hey, I'm tough on crime; I wrote the bill back in 1994."

    Law and order, the new shiny object to take the focus off of Poverty/Racism, Medicare for All, and the Green New Deal. The fat cats in both parties will play us once again, and the Democrats will repeat their mantra that they "tried." We seek safety when we need to be in the streets defending our democratic republic.

    Andy Seles



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