Saturday, July 25, 2020

Q Anon warns: Conspiracy! Hoax! Deep State!


     "Right now the country is being torn apart by the biggest political hoax and coordinated mass media disinformation campaign in living history. You may know it as Covid-19."

      From Video "Covid 911"

The Trump presidency is boosted by people who believe that he is fighting dark forces out to undermine America. 

Who believes these conspiracies?  Lots of people, including Trump himself. 

Donald Trump concluded the 2016 campaign with an ad that summarized his reason for being elected, a two minute "Donald Trump's Argument for America." it took some people by surprise because it projected a dark conspiracy featuring international bankers and identifying George Soros, Goldman Sachs' CEO Lloyd Blankfein, and the Fed Chair, Janet Yellen. It tapped into a vein of anti-semitic conspiracy that struck observers at the time as niche, not mass appeal. Yet, two days later he won election. Click

Conspiracies of a Deep State did not end with the election of Trump. Quite the opposite. Trump says he is beset by the agents of that vast conspiracy. According to a video circulating in social media, Trump is the victim of a man made weapon of that conspiracy. Here is a 9 minute video, posted by a person going by the name "Joe M." Watch: Click: Covid 911 Video  

From the video: Deep State actors at work
A link to the video was sent to me by a retired physician in the Medford area, telling me to hurry and see it, "but not that I agree with it or that I believe it is all accurate, but only as an example of some points that would explain what has occurred in the past few decades."  This is the common way I have received material of this sort. It might not be exactly right, they tell me, but It rings true to them.

The video posits a "merciless enemy" motivated by "pure greed and inconceivable cruelty" that has created a "vast corruption network that has infiltrated into the highest positions of power across every state," except for Trump. There are images of George Soros.

From video: masks cause discord.
Video: Covid-19 did not just happen. Democrats did it. "In 2015, as directed by the globalist criminal corruption network known as the Deep State, President Barack Obama authorized millions in funding for the Wuhan Institute of Virology." The purpose of that was specifically to create a weapon to release in an election year, a "global biological attack on a scale never before seen."

Trump won and is now running for re-election, therefore Democrats' "Deep State shadow corporation embarked on a coordinated irregular warfare insurgency with multiple aims, all under the cover of a global pandemic they themselves manufactured for this purpose. Enabled by their owned and controlled corporate media monopoly, they instituted a heavy handed and unjustifiable shutdown to reverse President Trump's many economic and unemployment gains." The shutdowns also stopped Trump's rallies "hiding from view the surging nationwide passion for his galvanizing message."

The video has apparently been viewed over 800,000 times already, and readers here might better understand Trump attitude toward the Covid-19 virus if they see what ideas are circulating about the virus, many of which Trump himself shares. The media is fake, the virus numbers are fake, the response is overblown, the virus was a Democratic plot and hoax to destroy his campaign. 
Click: AP

The Associated Press did a fact check report on the video, explaining, "This is part of The Associated Press’ ongoing effort to fact-check misinformation that is shared widely online, including work with Facebook to identify and reduce the circulation of false stories on the platform." 

It won't surprise Democrats that the video is full of falsehoods, and Democrats may find the assertions fantastical and ridiculous. Who could possibly believe this stuff?

Lots of people.


  1. When I worked in corrections in Alaska, I could not convince a nurse that Obama was born in the USA and that he was not a Muslim. I was mystified that I could not penetrate those beliefs as he was reasonably intelligent. I concluded that humans are easily trained to believe almost anything. Pharaoh was a God after all.

  2. I suppose there is some value in sharing this nonsense.

    On the one hand it might be helpful to inform people as to the depths of stupidity we are immersed in, just in case some of us haven't noticed. On the other one risks perpetuating these post adolescent fantasies that capture the imagination of those perpetually seeking to find scapegoats for their own misery.

    Understanding how the World works requires more than a fourth grade education to understand. Unfortunately, about a third of us apparently didn't make it past that point. (Sorry if I'm insulting any 4th graders)

    What's obvious is that despite the unlimited resources available to them this "vast conspiracy" can't quite seem to get a handle on controlling us all, thanks I guess to the geniuses who have uncovered their plot.

  3. I've come to believe that conspiracy stories are astoundingly creative things, akin to writing poetry or fantasy literature. There is no end to them, and the closer they get to being shown as untrue or disproved, the more interesting, even fascinating they get. They are like addictive video games for the mind; as alluring as any novel, and so efforts to stamp them out are doomed to least among conspiracy fans. I don't think conspiracists even care much about their "real world" effects; the conspiracy itself (its story) is the thing, and it is ever changing and so endlessly endless.

  4. I think we are all not as fact-based as we would like to think. We like stories. They are more fun to listen to or read and they don't require much hard thinking. It's easier to take a few facts - or even theories and create a plausible story. Once that "plausibility structure" takers root in someone's mind, no amount of new facts will change that "reality" for them, or me or anyone. You will be predisposed to reject anything that conflicts with that reality. It explains for example, why Evangelicals remain loyal to a leader who exhibits such ignorance and open contempt for nearly every moral belief they claim to hold as sacred. They aren't stupid.

    Trump is such a master of planting ideas, that I suspect he actually believes them himself the moment he says or tweets them. It may explain why he is do angry at anyone who questions what he came to believe is an inarguable truth.

    There are a lot of studies on conspiracy theories and the power they hold over people. The truest truths are not always expressed in words or ideas. They are felt with fear and anger and that's a pile of tinder right now. I think we are in for a rocky ride.

  5. There is a really good podcast that came out about a month ago, that follows the way youtube algorithms have helped to promote these conspiracies, and it features, among other interviewees, someone who got heavily into the Q-Anon mythology. It did not leave me with any grand conclusions about what we should do but it helped to further illuminate the picture.



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