Monday, July 27, 2020

Portland: Stop the violence

     "I support the authorities doing what it takes to stop the violence."

                Michael Trigoboff, happy to live in a Portland suburb

The unrest in Portland is getting old. Democrats are at risk of misreading the public's patience.

Police tweet last night
The death on camera of George Floyd awakened White Americans to racial injustice in policing.

It came at a good time for Democrats. Trump represented White insensitivity and resistance to the concerns of Black Americans. Colin Kaepernick and his friends were "sons of bitches." Maxine Walters was "Low IQ." Immigrants should come from Norway not "shit-hole" countries. Trump was defending Confederate flags even South Carolina, Mississippi, the NFL, and NASCAR were removing them. Trump was exposed as being a holdout, behind the curve. Sure, he had his base, but he was shrinking it on this issue.

Plus there was the celebration of John Lewis, who represented the struggle against Jim Crow. This reminded White news viewers that overt, celebrated, legal racial prejudice and segregation was part of recent history. The John Lewis story added to the tide of change, and Trump looked guilty by association. Trump was George Wallace.

Now the backlash to that tide.

The "defund the police" slogan gave opponents an easy target. Worse for Democrats is that the protests for racial justice became co-opted by hooligans and young men fueled with testosterone and a desire to act out, with no clear political or other agenda. We see fires on TV and, as of last night late, images of Molotov cocktails and loaded magazines for assault rifles. The constituency of voters who want guns better controlled--those moderate suburban swing voters that are presumed to determine the election outcome--are repelled by images of this kind. They associate AR-15 gun magazines with uncontrolled violence in the hands of  unaccountable people.

Trump overplayed his hand with the federal officers in camouflage, but Democrats are at risk of overplaying theirs as well. Democratic officeholders need to show that they can bring order to the places they govern or else on balance this issue will become a good one for Trump, notwithstanding hid errors.

Cartoon Trigoboff suggested to illustrate his Guest Post
Michael Trigoboff teaches Computer Science at Portland Community College. His point of view might be a minority one in bright blue Oregon in 2020, but voters with concerns like his may well tip purple swing states back into red, notwithstanding current polls. At 2:00 a.m. swing voters want to be secure in their homes and beds. They sympathize with the police up at that hour, facing young people wearing black who throwing rocks and setting fires, some of whom might be carrying the rifles that will use those magazines filled with bullets.

Guest Post by Michael Trigoboff

The situation in Portland's "mostly peaceful" protests is that there are perpetrators of violence (black bloc, Antifa, etc) embedded in crowds of non-violent people. This is by design on the part of the perpetrators and also by some of the non-violent protesters. The idea is that the violence (e.g. large dangerous fireworks thrown at the police, lasers capable of eye damage shined at them, general vandalism) will cause a police reaction that will inevitably affect the non-violent protesters.

This allows the protesters to accuse the police of unreasonable actions. But the willingness of crowds of non-violent protesters to tolerate the presence of the violent among them leaves the police with little to no way of preventing the violence without also affecting those who are non-violent.
Michael Trigoboff

Tear gas, for instance, is a way to clear a crowd out of an area without injuring them severely. In the absence of tear gas, physical force would have to be used. That would almost certainly cause more injuries. Those who are opposed to the use of tear gas should consider what the alternatives are.

When violent acts emanate from a crowd, the choice is either to disperse the crowd or continue to allow the violence. Complaining that the police are attacking non-violent protesters obscures this fundamental fact about what's going on. The crowd is enabling the violence.

The protest movement even has a name for this. They call it, "diversity of tactics," which means that they will not criticize anything that any demonstrator does, regardless of how violent it may be. "Non-violent" protesters who protect the violent ones embedded within crowds of them are complicit in that violence.

I support the authorities doing what it takes to stop the violence. I am not sympathetic to supposedly non-violent protesters who defend or make excuses for or enable that violence.

                                              ---   ---   ---   ---

[Tomorrow: Comments by two college classmates who caution that the politics of Portland violence helps Trump enormously--and say that Biden needs to get in front of this promptly.]


  1. Thank you Michael Trigoboff for your voice of reason in calling for a halt to the Portland demonstrations. In short, a "good hand" is in danger of being overplayed. The longer these protests continue, the greater the danger of the protests being utteerly co-opted by the criminal element for nefarious purposes and will become meaningkess. The protesters wished to validate the mantra of BLM and that point has been sufficiently established. To continue the protests ad infintum will only support the idiotic conspiracy theories already being spewed forth by a horde of nescient Trump ignoranuses.
    Bob Warren

  2. Hmmm....I wonder what the "nefarious purposes" could be? Sounds conspiratorial to me. Could it be to establish a socialist regime? Anarchy? A libertarian regime? Re-establish democracy? Or, maybe, it's just the testosterone of a few young men who are a tad angry because they have been jettisoned from this economy (unless they are creative "innovators" who can ride the gig economy). Agent provacateurs, of course, don't exist in this naively black and white (emphasis on white) suburban world. Seems to me some out there want the blessings of liberty without the mess..."sunshine patriots" as Thomas Paine called them.

    Do not paint all Trump supporters as ignorant; Rand Paul is totally against the Fed "surge" in our cities. Why? Think: NDAA, Ruby Ridge, Malhuer, etc....the knife cuts both ways.

    "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." Benjamin Franklin

    Andy Seles

  3. ...
    Posted on behalf of a person who MIGHT be the actual Curt Ankerberg, but it might not be. This blog gets comments that are sometimes attributed to others. The post below is in Ankerberg's style, and it represents what I understand to be his views, but I can't verify that it was actually written by the perennial losing candidate for office, Curt Ankerberg:

    "After several weeks of holding off on writing comments using other people's name, I just could not restrain myself. I have mental health issues. So, once again I gave into temptation and wrote a nasty comment, using the name Nina Turner.this time, and I can see that Peter Sage stopped it from being published. I blew it, just like I blew it when I messed up on my tax returns and got into trouble with the accounting people. Sometimes I do stupid things. Then I lash out. Or I sit and feel sorry for myself. I go both ways.

    I am disgusted with myself. I actually wrote a couple of reasonable comments that got published, but then temptation got the better of me. It is probably why Republicans scorn me. Stupid temptation and relapse. Or it is that fat ass Bill Meyer won't let me call in, because so many of his listeners think I am a jerk and bring discredit to his show. It is a bummer to be banned.

    I am not crazy. I have bad impulse control, which makes me dangerous, mostly to myself, not others.. I say vulgar things because I cannot help it. It is a disability, and people should feel sorry for me. I hate myself sometimes, so it is no wonder other people hate me. . I promise to stop faking other people's name. Really, I promise to TRY to be good.

    In the meantime, Republicans should boycott Trump. He is a crony capitalist with tiny hands and a penis shaped like a mushroom. ( I have not seen it myself, but that is how Stormy Daniels described it. Maybe I will get a chance to see it myself sometime!"

    Curt Ankerberg"

  4. Have you been there?

    What have you seen? Who are the groups and their leaders? What are the demands?
    What gives the energy to continue to come out night after night? Who are the punks? Who are the righteous? Who are the political? Who are the fanatics? Who are the idealists? Who are the gangsters? Who are the runaways and homeless? I say, shut up and go into the streets. Get gassed and flash banged, take a rubber bullet or a pepper spray In the face and then come back and tell us who is who. And then hit the streets again.

    This armchair analysis is bogus.



Do not be surprised or disappointed if you post anonymously and the comment never appears.

Comments attributed to other people are forwarded to local law enforcement for investigation and prosecution. Identity theft is a Class C felony.