Sunday, July 5, 2020

Biden VP: Tammy Duckworth


The Illinois Senator would be a good pick. 

She sends a message, and the right one. She represents immigration, inclusion, and patriotism.
Senator Tammy Duckworth

There is a school of thought that the Vice Presidential pick is essentially irrelevant to the presidential election. The theory is that the VP can only hurt you, not help you. First, do no harm.

That points Biden toward choosing someone non-controversial.  A surprise or kerfuffle equals harm, because, after all, Biden is the candidate of low drama and normalcy. That would lead Biden toward someone credentialed, someone who sends the message of Biden's solid competence. Therefore, ho-hum is better than pizazz. 

There is a risk that a high energy, high charisma VP would actually send an unfortunate message, one that diminishes Biden by the comparison. For example, Elizabeth Warren overshadows Biden on every scale of energy, charisma, intelligence, and ability to articulate a message. Choosing her would be making Trump's case that Biden is diminished and a puppet. 

Stacey Abrams has the same problem--way higher energy and sparkle--but may behelped by the fact of her thin resume. Biden falls into an understood archetype, the wise old experienced guy, and Abrams is the able student, bringing brains but not yet experience, an aide de camp; Hamilton to Biden's Washington. 

Tammy Duckworth is in the sweet spot. She is qualified by her offices. She is a person of color. She doesn't represent a position in the culture war over race and immigration; she represents a peaceful transition in that war. She lives it. She doesn't fight it.

Tammy Duckworth has the right biography. She is the daughter of a US serviceman, born in Thailand (and therefore a natural born US citizen by law, just as was John McCain). She is mixed race White and Asian. She went to public universities, became a helicopter pilot and lost two legs when her helicopter was shot down. She served in the House of Representatives and now the US Senate. She just had a baby, at age 52. She is interested in veterans. She has mainstream Democratic politics. 

This blog has a theory that the marginal voters who actually decide elections choose on the basis of intuitive connection--their guts--and not on policy agreements. They take a look at the candidate and decide whether that candidate understands them and people like them.

A corollary of that theory is that by election day people will know at most seven things about a candidate, and that would include the VP. People will see her in the wheel chair, see her legs, hear her story, see she has been in the House and Senate a while, and then decide how they feel. Yeah, she would be a good VP. Or not. 

Trump is attempting to make the election about real patriotic Americans, normal Americans, White Americans under siege by outsiders. Duckworth appears to fit the profile of that outsider enemy but is not at all frightening. She confounds Trump's attack. 

There is something phony and staged about Trump's flag-hugging, and Bible hoisting. He is understood to be making a show of patriotism. She represents authentic patriotism.

The mask issue is appearing to be a growing problem for Trump. He branded himself as refusing to wear a mask, which positioned him, as it is now understood, as someone who led people to demand the right to spread the virus. This week that position became untenable. Duckworth represents a reproach to that, too. Trump won't wear a mask for his country; she lost her legs for it.

Trump tweet
I perceive her injuries to be a huge positive, a message of genuine service. I could be wrong. It is possible that, when it comes down to quick impressions and gut feelings, the marginal American voter, both men and women, actually admire beautiful feminine perfection more than they do service, or at least service that involves a disfiguring injury. Melania Trump is a babe; Ivanka Trump is a babe. Trump shows them off.

Tammy Duckworth is a disabled veteran. 

Donald Trump tweeted a photo of Melania in his 2016 battle against Ted Cruz, contrasting it with an unflattering photo of Heidi Cruz. That message was direct: Look at how hot my wife  is. Look at who I screw. Don't you wish. Trump shows off beautiful, immaculate Melania, pouting for the camera, and Ivanka continues to appear in public perfectly put together, hair, lipstick, skin, shoes, body hugging dresses, enhanced breasts, money. The perfect life.

The Duckworth choice carries a risk. Maybe a male candidate like McCain or Dole can have a war injury and succeed in politics (though both lost their elections) but their injuries were largely hidden from view, under suit jackets. Nearly all the people we see on TV are physically attractive, even the extras in the background, and certainly the main characters. Americans want pretty people on TV. Trump communicates that he is a winner and America is a winner, with flags and beautiful women. Trump has proven to be in touch with his audience. I may not be.

It is possible that American voters actually prefer a Melania Trump to Tammy Duckworth as an image of American greatness. If we are going to see a lot of Duckworth, we may want her to brighten our spirits, not remind us that war is hell.

Still, I think Tammy Duckworth would be a good choice.


  1. First Point
    Biden already has a First Lady. He doesn't need another First Lady, which was the subtext implied in the attack ad against Ted Cruz. Creepy to say the least but maybe accounts for some of the underpinnings of the white male vote. This old guy is a stud!

    Second Point
    Biden and Duckworth are both US Senators and have leadership chops. Michael Pence brought legislative credibility to the Trump presidential ticket too. "Don't worry" was the subtext that Trump chose Pence means he recognizes that he needs someone with policy background and governmental work. That he also was an evangelical christian was a plus.

    Third Point
    Duckworth is a politician with integrity. Her choice most likely will be a net positive. Pence performance as VP has proven to be a lapdog-ish and bootlicker. I look forward to a Duckworth - Pence debate.

    Now hear this... Biden's search for a VP has created much discussion and attention, even on Fox News, capturing headlines and media exposure 24/7. So a prediction: Pence is dumped from the ticket and a Ingraham-esqe pick is made to strengthen Trump's ticket. Maybe even a woman of color from the Murdock stables to extinguish Biden's media attention. Maybe just before the Republican National Convention... Oh the distraction! and chaos...

  2. Tammy Duckworth has a lot going for her, not the least of which is NO BAGGAGE!
    Though I consider myself a liberal Democrat I must confess that I have never
    before considered her because she has not been a headline grabber, someone with a runaway mouth trying to get ahead like the doofus in the White House. Having thought about the second spot on the Democrat ticket a great deal, her inclusion into the mix seems like a no-brainer. Thank you Peter for giving her some much needed exposure as a natural for the position of vice-president.
    Bob Warren

  3. Both would be great but I'd nominate Duckworth for Veteran's affairs...Susan Rice for VP...Kamala Harris AG...Elizabeth Warren HHS...and so on...all woman cabinet except Bernie at FEMA

  4. I see it differently, in that I think people this time will not be comparing the VP to Biden, but will be seeing this person as fit and able to step into the presidency if needed.
    That is why I am still for Liz. People will see them as a complete package (at least the left progressives would be placated). She still runs up to the podium!

    I think that we had some able handicapped presidents (like Roosevelt!!), but some people might see Tammy's condition as a detriment to all of the travel that hopefully a president can do at sometime in the future. That would be two candidates that people might consider not fully fit.
    Many people would see her military service as a plus, but as one who was previously married to a conscientious objector, I don't like to go there with all of the bone spurs stuff on trump. Clinton evaded the service as well, and so what? Most democrats hate war and military spending. (I suspect so does Tammy Duckworth.)

    Kamala has her negatives as a prosecutor, but that could be turned around to attract the independents to see her as a law and order candidate. Otherwise, she fills the shoes well. And she would do better in debating a real opponent this time!

    I agree that the wild cards would be either a trump resignation (with Pence pardoning him), or someone like Nickki Haley replacing Pence.

    And Jill will make a pretty, competent, articulate, and compassionate First Lady. She would start being more prominent as the November election approaches.



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