Monday, June 15, 2020

Trump blew it regarding masks.

Trump could have been the wartime hero and unifier.

He could have been pro-mask. 

 "We appeal to your civic patriotism to co-operate with us in our effort to STAMP OUT THE SPANISH INFLUENZA or "Flu" Plague in Portland by Wearing a Mask"
                     Poster, 1918

In a grocery store in a politically purple neighborhood in Medford, Oregon, about half the customers wear masks. In a farm/ranch supply store about five miles out of town, where the bumper strips are strongly pro-Trump, no customer other than me wears a mask

Masks are signals. Democratic Prius-driving, do-gooders are the ones likely to be wearing masks. It might be because of their public spiritedness, virtue signaling, or a desire to stay healthy. People in Trump-supporting areas mostly don't wear masks. After all, they hear the virus is an overblown hoax, that the governors are out of step with their president, that this is the land of the free and people should be able to do what they want, and because hardly anybody else wears one, so why bother?  

In World War Two citizens in coastal cities were told to use blackout curtains at night. The public was told light from the cities gave navigation aid to German submarines, and they created a silhouette which made merchant ships more visible. People complied. No public leader said not to bother. That was then. 

In America today compliance masks and distancing is spotty and partisan. Trump signaled that the scientists, Democrats, alarmists, and killjoys want people to do social distancing and wear masks, but he isn't. Supporters got the message. 

But imagine it had gone this way:

1. At first, no change from actual practice. When Trump first heard about the virus, he minimized it. We were operating in ignorance, after all. Sometimes bad things go away. Why upset the apple cart?

2. When news that the virus was spreading became undeniable, Trump signaled to Fox and the public that he was switching to this being a war on the virus. But throughout this period Trump gave mixed signals. Teleprompter Trump said the virus was a big deal. Extemporaneous Trump said to forget it.

Trump could have played it differently. He could have realized he had an incredible opportunity to flummox the Democrats and win in a landslide.  

Imagine that he put on a mask with an American flag imprinted on it, walked to the daily briefing microphone, told everyone to step back ten feet, said that we were going to defeat the virus so we can save the American economy. He would be wearing a mask around other people and he urged every American to wear one. Do it for America, the economy, the vulnerable, our beloved seniors, our health care workers. But especially the economy.  

He would have made wearing a mask virtue signaling for the political right. The political right values self-reliance and liberty, but wartime creates the exception to that ethic because it posits an outside enemy, and protecting ones team or tribe against outsiders is a moral instinct as well. In wartime that takes precedence.

In this context, I would imagine evangelical churches would not resist social distancing but would rally to support their team and president, doing it for God, America, and Trump. Liberal churches would comply because it reflects love-thy-neighbor virtues. 

3. Trump could have directed the government to produce hundreds of millions of N95 masks with American flags printed on it and distributed them free. They would be weapons of war, given to the front line of defense, American citizens. Better yet, make a show of making them available to non-citizens as well. Everybody gets them.

4. Imagine the distress and conundrum for DemocratsDemocrats would not want to flout those rules or object. After all, Democrats are the community minded party, the ones oriented toward helping the disadvantaged. The fact that the virus bears most heavily on their core constituency of Black and Latinix means they have no choice but to echo Trump. Trump would have stolen their message and made overtures to their core constituencies. Because he would be doing it to restore the economy and for patriotism--conservative values--his base would not mind. No one wants to catch the virus, especially from people you don't like. It would be a cheap, demonstrable sign of recognition that those lives matter, at least insofar as it involves them spreading disease.

Democrats would have no choice but to give me-too support, and would look weak doing it, playing follow the leader. Win-win for Trump. Trump's strong-economy message wouldn't change. What would change is his signal on how to get it: Masks mean jobs. Every instinct of Democrats would be to oppose Trump, but they would be trapped. 

Trump could have done this. Now he risks the virus returning, and him being considered the leader who sabotaged the economy, and abandoned seniors to die, and foolishly ignored is own experts. The masks could have been a signal of Trump-the-unifier. Trump supporters would have worn them willingly; Democrats because they know they should. 

In the aftermath of the landslide loss, Democratic pundits would complain that Trump got lucky and was handed a gift by the virus, a gift that took away the Democratic message and let him coast to re-election. Instead, Trump blew the opportunity.



  1. I’m posting this on Twitter.

  2. The other day I went to a Dollar General to get a few things along with a six pack of beer. When I was checking out, they asked for my ID. Considering I'm over 70, I didn't think that was necessary, unless I'm the worse looking 19 year old in history. Anyway, I told them it was a stupid rule as I walked out to my car to get the ID. Then I noticed that of about 10 people in the store only me and one other person was wearing a mask. What about a rule? Nope, no rule on that. It was in a rural area, very conservative. The virus is a hoax and all that. Walk around without a care in the world.

    That confirms something I knew all along. Republicans are just plain stupid.

  3. Coulda, woulda, shoulda...

    I know you are being serious but this almost could be read as satire.

    I'm surprised that halfway through this post you didn't pause and say to yourself..."Nah - Never could happen." It would completely out of character, but more importantly contrary to his base for Trump to promote masking. Why?

    Because it's common sense, and the base pride themselves on being contrary; to expert authority, to science, and favoring conspiracy theories that reinforce their delusions. Much of the spread of the virus is due to Regressive scofflaws who are sabotaging efforts to reopen with precautions. Let's not forget it's the base driving the narrative, the tail wagging the dog.

    Not one Republican has stepped forward to contradict Trump's minimizing the death and disaster, fearing rebuke from the base. The "task force" is effectively disbanded, probably because they were on the verge of revolt, and the federal effort abandoned.

    A rally with 20,000 people and no masks?

    That the Republicans allowed Trump to politicize the epidemic is asinine.

    Coulda, woulda, shoulda...They could have led and chose otherwise.

  4. Yes! The “take care of the economy” people don’t even seem to recognize their resistance to the safety directives are counter-productive. And Trump did miss that opportunity.

    FYI: On April 5, the Department of Defense announced requirements for mask wearing. The time before that when I went to a military commissary (my husband being retired military), I was one of two wearing a mask. The next time I went... I saw total mask-wearing. Happy days. You don’t say “I don’t feel like it” to a military order when you’re on base. And... why did they do it? To keep military people healthy. That “should” be a message to “rah-rah for the military” conservatives who aren’t wearing masks.

  5. What I'm seeing in the COVID19 infections is the way the virus is being passed. They're just starting to do contract tracing in Oregon (their first training was last Tuesday). Tracers are needed in Lincoln County where Pacific Seafoods (Newport) is the epicenter of the latest outbreak. Again another workplace exposure with community spread. We see how employees at Pacific Seafoods interact in the community (grocery buying, pumping gas, eating out, and general behavior people do when their not working and your community is in Phase One reopening) So how does this relate to Peter's blog content today? Half of the infected are Spanish speaking or Mam speaking - an immigrant community. People Trump has vilified. To give masks to them is off-message. It would have drawn attention to the fact that the actions and health of individual community members affect the health of the entire community and by extrapolation the Nation. Simply put embracing medical care for the poor or immigrant groups would shine a light on the GOP attack on the ACA and our practice of American Health Care (the best in the world - if you can afford it). This is not in Trump's DNA or that of FOX News opiners. After all it's their brand. Now their brand is damaged goods and thus Trump and the GOP with it.

  6. The local Dollar General staff wear masks, and gloves. The local Ray's Market has made masks optional so there are a few, but not in the Deli where hot food prep is done. 5 miles away in Rigue River, the Ray's staff are all masked, as is the Hardware store staff. Food 4 Less are all masked, and a significant portion of shoppers, but overall, I think most people in Jackson County are ignoring the guidance. I did notice that Grange CO-OP employees are all masked, at least at the South store. This reflects poorly on the County Commissioners, imho, who are more concerned about writing letters opposing the Governor than protecting their Constituents.

  7. It would still work for him if he did the turn around. The problem is he would have to say, “I was wrong. I apologize. Let’s all wear masks for the economy.” Trouble is he is never wrong and never apologizes.

  8. Democrats Decline Masks and Hate Dictates to Wear Then

    Peter, I'm guessing you are in some Oregon bubble there. I am down here in blue South Florida, a state unlike Oregon that Trump cares about winning. I am often the only one wearing a mask, and fewer than 10 percent anywhere here wears masks except in food stores or other places that make them mandatory or will mask-shame. I was the only patron wearing a mask in a 5 star restaurant last week. The Democratic base (Blacks and Hispanics) do not wear masks here beyond the 10%, and no young people wear them, nor do people under age 65.

    There is strong bipartisan support for Trump reopening the USA without mandatory masks (though closeted on the left). The attitude of Democrats here is that no one should be telling us we must wear masks. Trump wearing a mask would be absurd. No mask is his brand and it is reinforced by his campaign pollsters. Biden looks clueless with his mask hanging off his ear, it's hilarious. He appears to have only some weird brand of half-hearted mask wearing. Most national star Democrats do not appear in public with masks-- it is seen as weakness and a major impediment to effective communication.

    Trump bellowed open the USA now and let whomever is going to die die already. The USA, including blue states and blue cities have overwhelming obliged Trump even as infections rise. Trump told the media to drop dead when it tried to shame him into wearing a mask, and now 80 of America agrees and does not wear masks. Conservative media is humiliating left media with the hypocrisy of applauding with a mere wince protestors and activists not wearing masks and with zero social distancing, but clamoring loudly about the dangers of no masks or social distancing at Trump rallies.

    It is over Peter. Trump wins the mask war hands down. It remains only to be seen how long a few hold out Democrats can continue with masks fecklessly hanging from their ears.

  9. I dunno...the one-ear thing is actually kinda hip, no? Kinda like wearing your sunglasses backwards...?

  10. Imho, Peter is right that Trump missed an opportunity. But to have taken that line, he would have had to be willing to listen to the epidemiologists rather than, ultimately, villify them. Taking that direction would have required going beyond the mere wearing of masks.

    That said, there are examples of right-wing populist governments, most notably Australia and the Canadian provinces of Ontario and Alberta, where the leaders (Morrison, Kenney, Ford -- white males all) forgot about their war with climate science and got with the epidemiologists' program. When the history of this sorry episode is written it will be fascinating to determine why Trump, Bolsonaro, and Johnson (to an extent) went one way and ScoMo, Kenney, and Ford went the other way.



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