Sunday, June 21, 2020

The Trump Rally: "We are taking back our country."

It came down to this: 

White People built this country. We are proud of it. We own it.  I won't let you be displaced.

It was the Trump schtick, ninety minutes of free association, moving from topic to topic, spoken with animation and energy. 

It had an underlying message: we good people are under attack. We are lied to by the media and in danger of being destroyed by crazy liberals who will let foreigners and criminals to take our country away from us. 

But he won't let them.

The speech ended with a summation that imagined an American history of White people and culture achieving greatness, the happy whitewashed American greatness story I recall from elementary school in the 1950s. It is a country with an untroubled history of achievement by our great European founders, one without Indians, without Chinese, Japanese, or Latin American immigrants, without labor problems, without need for allies, and with the problem of Black slavery solved long ago.

The audience was almost entirely White. The message was that the country was slipping away from people like them, and Trump would restore his people to their place of greatness.

He finished this way:

    "We believe children should be taught to love our country, to honor our history and always salute our great American flag. We stand on the shoulders of American heroes, who crossed the ocean, blazed the trails, settled the continent, tamed the wilderness, dug out the Panama Canal, laid down the railroads, revolutionized industries, won two world wars, defeated fascism and communism and made America the single greatest nation in the history of the the world.  And we are making it greater and greater every single day.  

Proud Citizens like you helped build this country and together we are taking back our country. We are returning power to you the American people."

Below is a live, real time description of his talk. I listened and typed. I wanted a primary source experience, so I  watched it on Fox News. This post is long, written in real time, with paragraphs for each time he switches subjects, which would happen sometimes in the middle of a sentence.


You are warriors.

You are the silent majority, you want Law and Order.

We will beat Sleepy Joe.

We will have 350 new judges by the end of my term, the best ever in history.

There were bad, sadistic people in the VA. I got them out. We say "you're fired"  I got it done.

We got fair trade deals.

I got a great tax bill passed. 

Democrats want to raise your taxes.

We got regulation cuts, more than any other president.

You wonderful energy workers, here in Oklahoma. We are energy independent because of me..

Joe Biden gets the states he is in wrong. He confuses Iowa for Idaho. I never, ever forget where I am.

I called Russia and Saudi Arabia, and even Mexico. I got energy prices up to $40 a barrel, which is huge for the energy economy.

Imagine AOC in charge of energy in America. It would be socialists in charge of energy.

Fake News CNN. Standing in front of a fire, saying, "no problem, Anderson."

Minnesota, I got the to get the National Guard involved. That solved the problem.

Seattle, what a mess. I didn't rush in. Let it simmer. Left wing radicles burn down buildings, and the radical fake news says "how beautiful."

The looters, the radicals. 

Covid. The name doesn't say China. China.

"I saved hundreds of thousands a of lives, we get hardly get a mention"

Testing. We've tested 20 million people. We got tests.  A ten year old gets the sniffles, he will be ok in ten minutes, they claim he has the virus. If you test, you run up the numbers of people who test positive. 

The unhinged left wing mob, wants to desecrate our heritage. The want absolute and total control. Theirs is a cruel campaign of oppression, the want to defund our police departments. Defund them. Really, they aren't kidding. You call 911. The radical left wants them to say "sorry that number is no longer working." They are so crazy.

You are so lucky I am President. That's all I can say.

People ask how I can take it, all the abuse.  What choice do I have?

This disease has 19 different names. Kung Flu?

West Point. I gave commencement speech. It just goes to show you how bad the fake news is.  After an hour meeting people, doing inspections, after an hour, then we walk maybe three blocks, then I talk for an hour. Then I salute 600 times. 600!  I was on the stage for hours.  I don't get a tan, I sunburn, the sun on me for hours. They will say I am a liar, the fake news.  I salute 600 times, like this. finish the final salute. Time to go. Sir, are you ready?  I was there from early in the morning.  (Trump displays how he walked down the ramp.) I am wearing leather bottom shoes. They are good for flat but this is a steel ramp. Slick. The general has rubber soled shoes. I did not want to grab him to go down a steep ramp, but was ready to. "I can't fall with the fake news watching." 

I remember how another president fell, and how another threw up. I knew how the fake news would treat this if I fell. The general had rubber shoes. I didn't like the picture of me falling. I am sure it would be in an ad. The fake news, the dishonest fake news cut off the part where I ran down the last ten feet.  

I called the First Lady. She said you are trending number one. They say you may have Parkinson's disease.  

I will tell you if I had something wrong. Biden has something wrong with him

I didn't want to spill water on my tie drinking water. It's a silk tie. Expensive. I didn't want a water stain, ruins the tie. (Trump drank a sip of water, showing he can drink with one hand.) 

I have lived with the ramp and the water, but no one asked about the speech.  It's so unfair. The fake news are the most dishonest people on earth.

The left wing anarchists tore down a statue of Thomas Jefferson. Two days ago leftist radicals tore flown a statue of George Washington.  Democrats, all are Democrat's.  

We should have a new law, burn the American flag, you go to jail for one year.  It's desecration. Burn the flag, go to jail. 

Radicals took over six blocks in Seattle. Anarchists. Let me in there and in less than an hour you'll have your city back.

Biden is in his basement. He has absolutely no control over the radicals in his party.  Biden puts out things, written by English lit people, not him. He has no idea what is being done in his name.

Your 401k is back up. If we don't do something stupid on Nov 3, next year will be great

"Joe Biden is a helpless puppet of the radical left." 

We will never submit to those radicals.

Boeing wanted too much for a new Air Force One, actually two planes. Six billion. I negotiated. Boeing said no way. Boeing was riding high. Boeing messed up but is coming back.They wanted 5.6 billion. I said the price has to begin with a 3. Cancellation fee of 250 million. They came back with five billion. "It's got to have a three, you dumb son of a bitch." (Crowd roars in approval.)  I saved the country a billion six, a billion seven.  No one wants to talk about it.

Germany. I say get our troops down from 50 thousand to 25 thousand. I say, Angela, people forget about all the money you didn't pay for the past 25 years. Germany pays billions to Russia for oil, and we spend billions to protect Germany from Russia.  We are being ripped off. I stopped it.

The radical left mayor in DC, it's not going to be good for him. The protesters wanted to go to the Jefferson Memorial to vandalize it.

Do you want to bow to the radical left? We will never kneel to the national anthem we will stand tall. I didn't like what Roger Goodell did.

Joe Biden and the radical left want to prosecute you for going to church, but not for burning a church.  

They want to open the borders. They want to crush ICE. They confront tough MS13 gangs,  people with tattoos on their necks. rapists, murderers, the worst people on earth. They killed two women,  cut them up with a knife.  I called them animals, Nancy Pelosi said I shouldn't call them animals.

In Joe Biden's America rioters and looters have more rights than American citizens. 

The rioting we see will get worse. Joe Biden's record is four decades of betrayal. Biden supported every globalist attack on America. He supported NAFTA. China's entry into the World Trade Organization was the worst thing for America. 

He supported the Iraq war. He wants to give free health care to illegal aliens. Joe Biden sided with China rather America when I closed the border to Chins.

When the chips are down Biden will let you down, he will cave to the radical left. Joe Biden opposed killing Osama Bin Laden.  Biden is on the wrong side of every decision.

China wants Biden to win. Iran's wants him to win. Iran wants a deal right now but my terms are too high for them so they want Biden to win.

Biden's son was paid 83 thousand a month for nothing.  

You use a term that isn't perfect, they call you a racist. 

Democrats want to subsidize late term abortion and killing newborns. 

Take away your guns for certain, Beto O'Rourke wants to take your guns.  

They will ban fracking.

They want to nominate judges who will obliterate your constitution. Biden will stack the court with liberals.

You are the elite. They aren't the elite, You are the elite. I am nicer looking, have nicer houses, nicer properties, and I am better than those elites, and I won the presidency in my only run for office. We will be two for two in elections, and it will be a great country

Biden's judges will be extreme radicals.

"Biden is fully controlled by the fringe of his party. He doesn't even know where he is."  Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is actually in charge of energy policy. She has no sense, no credentials. She has a little charisma, just a little, but that's all she has.

Ihlan Omar will be very involved in a Biden government. He will put an America-hating person in charge off America. "Biden is a very willing Trojan horse for socislism."

Joe Biden is a shameless hypocrite, gave eulogies for segregationists. He praises segregationists. He hollowed out our middle class. Those cages were built by Obama and Biden. They send young boys to fight in Iraq.  "Our country will be destroyed" If Biden is elected.

I've done more for black Americans in four years than Biden has done in 47 Years.

Here are great Senators Inhofe and Tom Cotton. Plus Oklahoma Governor. Congress members.

We built the best economy in the history of the world. The best employment and stock market numbers in the history of the world.  Last week the employment numbers came in. The best numbers in the history of the world. 

"The virus that should have been stopped where it began, China."  

We are going to have a phenomenal economy. It will be the best ever. The stock market will be the best. The past 50 days have been the best in the history. in the stock market. Democrats want the stock market to go down, even if it costs them money. 

Now it's time for America to get back to work. 

I restored money for historically black colleges. The economy has raised employment for the black community. 

Democrats are stoking division. Democrats would rather deny children the education they deserve in charter schools, independent schools, etc. Twenty of twenty cities with the highest murder rates are run by a Democrats. The Democrars push against police. As President I will always support the incredible men and women of law enforcement.

There is no limit to what we can achieve with four more years.

We will protect Social Security and Medicare.  

We will protect preexisting conditions. We built miles of wall. Anyone who doesn't want a wall to protect against a rough area has something wrong with them

"Made in USA": wonderful words.

We will keep America out of stupid foreign wars. We have captured 100% if the ISIS califate. 

When I took over health care was a mess. Empty shelves. 

We will be the first country to put a man on Mars.

"When you see lunatics all over the streets It's damn nice to have arms.. . .  Now people understand it."

"We believe in the dignity of work and the sanctity of life."  

"We believe children should be taught To love our country, to honor our history and always salute our great American flag."

"We stand on the shoulders of American heroes, who crossed the ocean, blazed the trails, settled the continent, Tamed the wilderness, dug out the Panama Canal laid down the railroads, revolutionized industries, won two world wars, defeated fascism and communism and made America the single greatest nation in the history of the the world.  And we are making it greater and greater every single day. Proud citizens like you helped build this country and together we are taking back our country. We are returning power to you the American people."


  1. The bigger story is that he did not have overflow crowds, not anything he said. COVID fears trumped going to see him. Now we wait for the spread of the virus in two weeks. When that inevitable jump occurs, then that will be the story.

  2. Didn't watch, thanks for the recap.

    Fact: Tulsa fire marshal count at the venue - 6100 (capacity 19,000) 6000 is a high school gym.

    "Tulsa's John Q. Hammons Arena, commonly known as the UMAC (Union Multipurpose Activity Center), has been home to the team's basketball program since its construction in 2003... The arena, which has state-of-the-art video boards, seats 5,662"

    Consider the notion of the POTUS doing a rally at a high school gym...

    The interesting question is why? If one assumes that the crowd size is a measure of support, then why couldn't they fill the BOC? I would offer that one of several possible reasons would be fear of the virus. If true, this would indicate a split among Trump supporters with respect to the seriousness of the epidemic and their personal risk.

    Secondly, they are blaming the media for scaring people off. Also not good; it means supporters are listening to the "fake" media and believing what they hear.

    Risk another rally?...fickle support?...It's a fact that no one wants to be on a losing team so the question moving forward is whether this will this be a setback that erodes approval polling.

  3. Did Trump really say the left wants to "crush ice!" If so, he may have given us a great new slogan. I have always found "Abolish ICE" a bit clunky. But his words have better resonance. Have a lemonade or a beer, watch a baseball game, lift up our voices for black liberation and gender equality, and while we're at it, let's crush some ice!

  4. Another question might be, how large of an audience could Biden attract?

  5. "We Democrats are in League with Trumpist White Supremacy"

    Peter is right that Trump champions "an American history of White people and culture achieving greatness, the happy whitewashed American greatness story I recall from elementary school in the 1950s." And yes, the "message was that the country was slipping away from people like them". But the solution of Democrats is now exactly what it was in Peter's youth and my youth and our youth-- our white men will denounce the historical systemically racist trajectory but live it and benefit from it.

    Our ejection from the Democratic primary of any funded and broadly supported black candidate from the race before the Idaho caucuses even began shows who we are. We are the false prophets.  The nomination of doddering old white Joe Biden once again shows we Democrats are in league with the Trumpists perpetuating white supremacy. We don't proclaim it like they do, but we live it all the same. And we are willing to do almost nothing about it. The lines of Dr. John Prentice played by Sidney Poitier in "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner" in 1967 should reverberate in our party now, but they don't: "You and your whole lousy generation believes the way it was for you is the way it's got to be. And not until your whole generation has lain down and died will the dead weight of you be off our backs!"

    Peter and I were 17 when that movie slammed broadside into America and Martin Luther King, Jr. was speaking to us outside the theater, and we could not have known how little change would endure. We would not have thought that our "activism" five generations hence would see us pushing women of color off the political stage in the name of "electability".  We would not have wanted to think that our call to stand up and be counted would be fulfilled by simply denouncing old white Trump and extolling old white Joe, a man comfortable telling African Americans that if they don't vote for him "they ain't black".

    Our path to change and racial equality is clear:  Demand Biden select a woman of color running mate.  And then demand that he withdraw and turn the nomination over to her.

  6. I also follow the blog of David Brin, who, today tried to summarize what was better or worse in 1957 or now. The only thing he found that was better was that people believed in science back then. Trump's speech, especially the last paragraph you share, hearkens back to that era and the prominent thinking of the time. The white trump-believers believe in and want to be in 1957.
    Not all Americans crossed the ocean to get here. Not many Americans benefited from the building of this nation. And now, almost no one who crosses the oceans is allowed in.
    And of course the speech is full of lies. Obama built back the economy, for example. Statistics about charter schools are not correct.
    The biggest cities are run by democrats, as that is where the more educated and enlightened people end up living. But that has been a recipe for disaster when the virus struck, of course.
    And only one sentence about the virus? Blaming China was expected, naturally.
    One good thing, trump actually re-stated that he will protect social security and medicare. Of course he neglects to mention his lawsuit challenging the entire ACA.
    And - nicer looking??? I think not!

  7. Herbert RothschildJune 21, 2020 at 10:18 PM

    Mr. Guyer's mea culpa implies that it was white Democrats who ejected black candidates from the Democratic primary. The fact--rather sad to me--is that Kamala Harris and Cory Booker could get not traction with blacks voting in the primaries. Blacks in South Carolina lifted Joe Biden's candidacy from the depths and put him back to the top of the field right before Super Tuesday.

  8. Send them to Florida

    Very clever. Small sentences. Small ideas. Cute. Small cliches, racist etc...hits all the Archie Bunker points. Geared to Jr high level of education. Winning message with white working class here in Southern Oregon. Worshiping fascists. Democrats used to be good at this until LBJ gave away the store to “those people.”
    Now round up his working class audience put them on buses and send them for a tour and dinner and a round of golf at Mar-a-lago. Give them a mingle with Trump’s best friends. No admittance! Stay back! Rich only! This might break the spell of love and worship OR generate more admiration(oops).



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