Thursday, June 4, 2020

Political theater: the march to the church.

Armed men cleared Lafayette Park, and President Donald Trump, body erect, strode purposefully across the plaza to the Church.

A crowd of peaceful protesters were fired upon so Trump could do his photo op.

Both sides got what they wanted.

New Yorker caption: "after peaceful protesters were dispersed. . . "

What may or may not be true is that Donald Trump felt stung by the news stories that he was "hiding out" in  his White House bunker. News stories report that. He denies it. 

What is true is that a reporter had asked him about it directly. 

Also true is that a meme was circulating with the hashtag Bunker Bitch, with photos of Trump.  Jokes circulate on Facebook: Why did the chicken cross the road? To take a photo in front of a church.

Probably most important was that Tucker Carlson on Fox criticized him harshly for being in the White House guarded by armed men while regular Americans were facing chaos, and that Trump was not showing strength. Trump takes cues from Tucker Carlson, a bellwether for conservative nationalist populism.

Trump responded. After his Rose Garden speech about using armed forces, overwhelming strength, and domination, and warning of long prison sentences for wrongdoers, armed people under his command cleared Lafayette Park using pepper spray, tear gas, and rubber bullets. Then his proud walk leading to the photo with the Bible. Take that, you guilt-ridden liberal weenies, whining about George Floyd, and providing a catalyst for crime. I join right and might, God and the US military.

He got what he needed for his base. The left got what it needed, too. 

All of the mainstream-liberal news sources describe the clearing of Lafayette Park in essentially the same way: that Trump, in his sociopathic arrogance, used unnecessary force against peaceful protesters. Look at us, victims of authoritarian narcissism, all so Trump could do an utterly phony pose with a Bible. From the left's perspective it was perfect theater, encapsulating their big message points of Trump's danger to America, that he places personal political self interest above the law, a reiteration of the impeachment accusation.
NY Times

The left raises money on this. Katie Porter, a new Democratic congressperson from Orange County, California, who flipped a red District, just sent me an e-mail saying she is "PISSED." 

The New Yorker's story describes the Trump-Bible image immediately in the context of him having dispersed peaceful protesters with tear gas.

The Nation magazine reports the story and cites CNN: "Intended or not, the juxtaposition with the scene outside was damning and ludicrous. CNN carried the President's remarks on a split screen with images of police advancing through the crowds. A moment later, a chyron noted, 'Trump says he's an "ally of peaceful protesters" as police fire tear gas, rubber bullets on peaceful protesters. . . '"

In an unusual coincidence, there is a single story that tells in body language the favored story for each side. The left shows Trump as a lawless bull in a china shop. Trump gets to show he doesn't care what the left thinks.

Thad Guyer is an attorney who represents whistleblowing employees. His life and law practice put him in close proximity to the White House and, by coincidence, also to Mara Lago, so he has some up close insights on the Secret Service and Presidential protection. He offers this Guest Post observation that the protesters chose to be rousted.

Guest Post by Thad Guyer:

"New Arrest Records by the Thousands, if you want one."

Guyer, at general aviation airport near Mira Lago
For 20 years I have several times a year reported to a law office two blocks from Lafayette Park and the White House. I have seen various presidents and vice presidents depart by car.  The Secret Service immediately takes control of the area, people are told to back up, sometimes barricades go up. If you are in front of the White House for any reason and the Secret Service tells you to back up, or if you are in Lafayette Park and you are told to get out, guess what?  You get out.  You don't say "hey, we were here first, and we are protesting and we refuse to obey your lawful orders and we will stand our ground!." 

I am riding out Covid 19 in Palm Beach county, my house is 3 miles from Trump's Mar-a-Lago, which I pass regularly.  Since the inauguration, when Trump comes here not only are we diverted off the streets, but the airport I fly rented planes from shuts down-- yes the  general aviation airspace shuts down for days at a time, as do the waterways near the mansion. On foot, by car and motorcade, or by air or waterway, the highest security in the world surrounds our presidents, and we all must yield to the Secret Service and police who protect him. 

The video is stark, the Secret Service comes out and notifies people they must clear the area.  Most people obey and begin leaving.  The lawless few refuse.  They are looking for trouble, for cameras for chaos.  As the uniformed s police move slowly toward them with plexiglass shields, those few won't move and they are pushed slowly at first, then the scuffles, then the tear gas and flash grenades. I always like watching it!   

And that is what happened when Trump decided to make his bible photo op at the church  next to the park, the historic beautiful church that the criminal arsonists and looters tried to burn. All presidents do photo ops, that is a giant part of their job, and churches are favored photo op stages for them all. Trump's message was no more corny than the photo ops of most presidents. Trump is just more pushy, brazen and boorish. 

By this weekend, some 10,000 rioters, looters and curfew breakers will have been arrested.  Whomever wants to create a criminal record for themselves, or to add to the one they have already earned, they are welcomed. You can be a lawful protestor and looter on the same day if you want, but for the latter you may be one of the 10,000 arrestees. You get arrested for your criminal acts not for your lawful protesting. You can even be one of the few who get a wiff of tear gas, or a welt from a rubber bullet if you feel that strongly about it. 

But don't expect the Secret Service or police who are doing their jobs to yield public space to you when the commander-in-chief is in transit, even if CNN encourages you to.     


  1. The situation Thad Guyer reports is an accurate description of normal POTUS movement to and fro. I too have experienced the shutdown of freeways, overpasses and city streets to allow the passage of POTUS's motorcade. I've also been walking down the street past the newspaper office and walked right by George H.W. Bush with no restriction or warning (he was protected by three men in black suits though and I was alone and also in business attire). The usual and ordinary movements of POTUS is coordinated and planned in advance. Usually an advanced team (you may never even know you're being observed) will survey the area and plan the safest route to get POTUS to the destination. For security reasons, the path chosen by the Secret Service, is never through a demonstration (peaceful or otherwise). There are just too many threats to assess, and too many chances for an attack. Now looking at what Trump did had to have been deliberate and the violence planned beforehand. There is no other conclusion.

  2. Just wondering: Why did Trump choose that particular church? I would suggest his message was more about clearing the riffraff and the walk to the church than the photo itself...claiming HIS territory.

    I'm also wondering why looters would be interested in a church; is there a market again for religious relics and artifacts?

    Burning a church? Ever heard of agent provocateurs? Anything is possible in these times.

    Andy Seles



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