Saturday, May 30, 2020

Burn it down, part two.

All new ballgame.  

Democrats should take no comfort in the polls being announced this week. That's history.

The protest riots in cities across America change the focus from Trump's inadequate and self-serving response to the virus, to law and order.

The Trump campaign is ecstatic.

Americans can watch the news with an odd mix of items: The stunning video of the slow death of George Floyd; the virus numbers are climbing; Trump is tweeting and protesting that his tweets are being fact checked; new reports of polls showing Biden well ahead of Trump.  

Or now the big thing: protest riots across America.

Biden had been getting stronger among three key groups of people: seniors, suburban women, and non-college men. It makes sense. The virus targets seniors and Trump is openly signaling that we are reopening the economy for better or worse, and the "worse" means seniors die. Suburban women make sense because Biden projects peace and calm rather than upset, and Trump's style is to stay in the news with daily controversy and picked fights. Non-college men have always liked Biden, the union-oriented, "regular Joe" non Ivy League, non-elitist, family-oriented Catholic who "gets" them.

That meant that Biden was on track to win back the Upper Midwest, plus maybe Arizona and Florida, with all their seniors. That was then.

Urban protest riots giveTrump a new focus for positioning himself as the advocate for law and order, and that issue is of particular importance to the three groups that had moved to Biden.

Suburban women, with good reason, had viewed Trump as a disturber and fight-picker. Biden was "normalcy." A good husband. A peacemaker. Families choose to live in suburbs because they want safety and a little space from their neighbors. Suburbs represent diversity with a buffer, your own neighborhood, your own car. The protest riots remind suburban voters exactly what they did not like about cities and Democrats: they don't keep you safe enough. Now Trump's pugnaciousness flips polarity. Until the protest riots, Trump appeared to be the source of upset; now, amid them, he seems like the kind of person one needs during a riot. That is the Trump message: in times like these, it takes a rough sort of guy like Trump. 

Seniors, with good reason, had seen Trump as being willing to risk their lives. Now, amid news of arson and looting, seniors are reminded of the riots of their young adulthood. Riots killed people and destroyed cities. It set in motion two generations of urban blight, disfunction, and social pathologies. Seniors lived that history. Democrats, with their need to accommodate their black voters, seemed "soft" of black violence, then and again now. Republicans are full throated in defense of "law and order." It has a racial subtext but careful advocates of the GOP message focus on the the violence, not race. Seniors have a practiced mental map for this, Democrats excuse disorder; Republican don't.

Non-college voters, with good reason, had seen Trump as a big talker about the working man, who then favored policies that rewarded the wealthy. The "working person" of 2020 is less likely a man in a factory and more likely a woman working in food processing plant or health care facility, "essential" positions put at risk of catching the virus, or a worker in an office, restaurant, or hair salon, where they were laid off and have struggled to get unemployment claims processed. That discontent is now overshadowed by scenes of protest, arson, and looting. Traditionally this demographic has been least comfortable with diversity and most open to racial stereotyping. Trump is already on this, calling the protesters "thugs," which is the current dog whistle euphemism for violent  "other." Trump "gets" their fear of "thugs."

There is one silver lining possibility for Democrats. If one of the black female potential VP candidates can come forward immediately and condemn/plead with protesters to go home, to make the case that this is counterproductive, it injures the memory of George Floyd, and it is not who we are. Then, if in fact the protests stop promptly, then Biden could choose that person as VP.  He would have the racial peacemaker ticket.

But all the VP candidates have complicated pasts and there is no reason to think the protesters will listen to any politician. This fire needs to burn itself out.

Trump is smiling.


  1. Perhaps the biggest lesson of 1968 was the election of Richard Nixon.

  2. Peter said of the Republicans' "law and order" message: "It has a racial subtext but careful advocates of the GOP message focus on the the violence, not race. Seniors have a practiced mental map for this, Democrats excuse disorder; Republican don't."

    Yes, the Thug-in-chief will exploit the murder of George Floyd to impose martial law if necessary. This was always baked into the cake as plan "B" if polls going into November looked bad for him. That's why the Patriot Act, on the pretense of 911, was passed for Bush and has been supported by capitalist elites in both parties ever since. Trump hopes the riots and protests can continue into election season not just to enable his re-election but to, if necessary, allow a cancellation of the election under martial law. That is the template for dictatorships in all third world countries (which we have become).

    Democrats excuse disorder by right wingers, actually armed with AK-47s, taking over a capital building or a federal preserve because they know a confrontation creates only more opposition. That kind of protest seems perfectly okay with the Thug-in-Chief.

    "When are poor white guys gonna realize that they are the same as poor black guys...minus the knee on the neck?" --Randi Rhodes

    We are rapidly running out of breathing room.

    Andy Seles


  3. Dear friends,

    These are the last words of George Floyd, a 46-year-old man who died as a US police officer pinned him down, kneeling on his neck for seven minutes, until he suffocated:

    "It's my face man
    I didn't do nothing serious man
    please I can't breathe
    please man
    please somebody
    please man
    I can't breathe
    I can't breathe
    man can't breathe, my face
    just get up
    I can't breathe
    please (inaudible)
    I can't breathe sh*t
    I will
    I can't move
    I can't
    my knee
    my nuts
    I'm through
    I'm through
    I'm claustrophobic
    my stomach hurt
    my neck hurts
    everything hurts
    some water or something
    I can't breathe officer
    don't kill me
    they gon' kill me man
    come on man
    I cannot breathe
    I cannot breathe
    they gon' kill me
    they gon' kill me
    I can't breathe
    I can't breathe
    please sir
    please I can't breathe"

    Then his eyes shut and the pleas stop. George Floyd was pronounced dead shortly after.

    Sent to me. Add up the uninvolved young roaming the streets looking for excitement after being locked down and out of work. Outsiders?
    I think not. Educated where? Living in what? Why deh do dat?

    RESULT: Joe Biden will now pick a Latina or White Like woman as VP.

  4. Michael TrigoboffMay 30, 2020 at 6:35 PM

    Whichever way Biden goes on his VP pick, he may be screwed because he will be displeasing some faction of the Democrats. Bringing them altogether is going to be a challenge. If he can meet that challenge he might win in November, but it won't be easy.

    Maybe he should pick two co-VP's.

  5. Michael TrigoboffMay 30, 2020 at 6:40 PM

    Judging by what I hear on NPR's All Things Considered, there is little to no appetite on the left to condemn the violence. They apparently see that as a distraction from what they feel is the main issue.

    I think the people whose businesses and government offices were trashed and burned and looted will see it differently. There is no excuse for the violence, and no excuse for the police "restraint" that allowed it to happen.

  6. The election of Nixon was a continuation of the anti-war protests, in that it seemed inconceivable to elect Humphrey, a great and brave man who failed to condemn the war despite all.

    And the last words of Mr. Floyd? That is great poetry.

  7. I am Curt Ankerberg, former candidate for County Commissioner. I just got beat, once again. The voters are too stupid to see what a great Commissioner I would have been.

    The problem is that I am an ANTI-Trump Republican. Trump is a fraud and I have had the integrity to say so loud and clear. Trump is sleazy. He is corrupt.

    Another problem is that I have gotten crosswise with Mail Tribune because the sissies there object to my use of profanity in public exchanges on Facebook and elsewhere. So what if I want to call women pigs? It is my right to use profane language. They keep publicizing the big problem I had with the tax authorities. So what if I messed up some tax returns. My eyes were bulging out, for god's sake.

    I have had the courage to take on Bill Meyer and his stupid radio show as well. He is a fat pig, too, just like some of the women I insult, and he is completely unfair to censor me. I am the victim here. If you see Bill on his Facebook page you would agree with me that he is terrible at his job. Don't listen to his show. I don't.

    I am in the sweet spot for Republican candidates, and if I run another office, I hope you will remember:
    1. I hate Trump because he is a liar and a danger to America, a fascist.
    2 .I support abortion rights. Women may be pigs, but they have rights.
    3. I support banning guns. The local citizens here are gun nuts. Screw them.
    4. I support the Chamber of Commerce and its members. I am a good old boy myself and I would like to share in the crony capitalism gravy train. I have paid my dues. I want in

    I have the following comment to make regarding this blog. I dare Peter Sage to publish it.

    Peter Sage wished for a pandemic, and an economic downturn, and now he's hoping for riots. Anything to make Trump look bad. Trump has actually done well with the pandemic and the economy, but it's the democratic governors who are keeping the economy closed, even when the threat of a pandemic has subsided.

    The riots are occurring in democratic states and cities, which really illustrates the weakness of the "leaders" in those locales. Soon, Trump will have to send-in federal forces to end the riots becasue the Democrats can't do it. Rioting will become synonymous with the Democratic Party.

    All of these calamities that Peter Sage has wished for are going to make Trump look stronger, and are going to increase his chances of winning in November.

    Nobody is going to vote for a Democrat who welcomes riots, and the destruction of the economy, and personal suffering, and the elimination of personal freedoms. Biden will lose in a landslide. Any suggestion otherwise is wishful thinking




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