Thursday, February 6, 2020

Eric Trump: "Mark my words. They are rigging this thing."

We don't need Russians troll farms to divide Americans, sow distrust in institutions of government, or to re-elect Trump.

Facebook post: Buttigieg caused the Iowa mess

We do it to ourselves. 

The Trump campaign jumped right on the task of triggering Sanders' supporters.

Donald Junior tweeted:
 "The fix is in. . .  AGAIN."  

And then, minutes later tweeted:

 "Tens of thousands of ballots all for Joe Biden being shipped to Iowa from Broward County Florida as we speak."

It was trolling the libs, pouring gasoline on the fires of resentment by Sanders supporters of the Democratic Party. Sanders caucuses with Democrats but holds himself apart from the Party. So do many of his supporters. Many have a premise that the actual fair-and-square winner of the 2016 nomination was Sanders, not Hillary, that he had it stolen, or that he should have won, and certainly that had he been the nominee he would have won. 

The trolling by Eric and Donald Junior Trump wasn't necessary. Left-oriented Facebook groups were already spreading the rumors on their own, that the delays in Iowa tabulations were not "human error" or commonplace incompetence.  Instead, it was a well-plotted conspiracy against Bernie Sanders, another incident in the ongoing coordinated battle by every engine of the Democratic Party to rob Bernie Sanders, again. 

A great many on the political left believe they know the true enemy of progressive politics in America, and it isn't Trump, the obvious and known enemy. The more dangerous enemy is the one who pretends to be an ally, the Democrats. They sap strength from the movement. They enable backsliding. They are tempters.

And they were at it again, in Iowa. The app was the weapon. It was designed to fail, and it did.

The app mess, plus the overloaded telephone backup, meant that the election night story was one of delay, with no winner to announce. Sanders would be denied bragging rights as the victor. After all, in a fair and just world Sanders was going to win big in Iowa, and his victory would provide momentum into New Hampshire where he would win again. That would demonstrate conclusively that he--not Biden or the other DNC puppet candidates--was the real authentic voice of the people. 

That had to be stopped, especially when polls showed Sanders was going to win in Iowa. The app was developed for Iowa and other states by a company called Shadow, which had personnel and financial ties that could track back to Buttigieg and Hillary Clinton and therefore the DNC. Bingo! That's how they did it, the app.

James, in a pro-Sanders Facebook group: "Odd how the Dems apparent incompetence always works against Sanders."

Lisa's response: "There are no accidents in politics."

Marie: "The DNC allowed this Bull. They knew about the App that Buttigieg's company made and Hillary's people worked, What kind of App only counts Pete Buttigieg. We are still Bernie or Bust period."

Daniel: "BERNIE won but the DNC can't have that so their corrupt members."

ThanatosIt's time to declare the election illegitimate and boycott it. The US can either give us a new fair election, or we can make Bernie president by force. People are dying from contaminated water and lack of medical care, the time for games is over."

Sean: Not even that they're morons, but that they'd rather see their own party burn to the ground than let Sanders change things to help working people."

And hundreds more.

A recurring theme in Bernie Sanders' Facebook groups is the notion that all the candidates other than Sanders--Biden, Buttigieg, Steyer, Bloomberg, and even Warren--are actually simply agents of dark forces of corporate overlords who control the Democratic Party. They are not running on their own volition, reflecting their own ambitions. They are coordinated and take orders to block Sanders. 

Donald Junior and Eric--and any Russian trolls--were not putting new ideas into the political mix. There is media commentary on conspiratorial thinking in Trump's coalition and right-populism: birtherism, pizza brothels, George Soros, plus foreign infiltration by Latin American immigrants and Middle Eastern terrorists. That attention misses the well of populist conspiracy thinking in the political left. The villain is different on the left. The corruption is from the top down, with hidden enemies in the form of pervasive corporate influence, corrupting our politics. The DNC is the prime agent of evil.

This is very convenient for Trump, and it gives his campaign rich opportunity.


  1. And a cheerful Good Morning to you sir!

    I'm reminded of the saying "tempest in a teacup". I for one am happy to see us get all this out of our system. The anticipation of the Iowa caucuses was intense. Everyone is invested in their candidates as if they were betting the rent money on the fifth race at Pimlico. All this turmoil on the Democratic side is amplified by the chagrin from blowing 2016 and will, I believe, settle down once a candidate is chosen.

    I think we should ignore the trolling. Seriously, those who are susceptible to conspiracies and lies have proven themselves unpersuadable, and it insults the intelligence of everyone else. Most of us have stopped watching, scrubbed our social media and are at work for our candidates.

    I believe I predicted a fourth place for the VP last Fall.

    At the time the Mayor was not a factor so his lead coming out of Iowa is a surprise. I felt at that time it would be some combination of Senators Sanders, Warren and Harris.

    Here's some insight on "the app". Every software company has two factions, engineering and marketing. Salespeople can be overzealous. After all how can one make a sale by saying "be sure you back up everything, cause this thing is unstable"? Meanwhile back in engineering they vacillate between states of anxiety and resignation. Stress induced acne is common.

  2. This sort of ideological purity & factional infighting has a long pedigree. The stories from the period of the Russian revolution through the Spanish American War could be instructive. Few got it right. The factionalism continued into academia. Few people are ever as certain as college students and college professors.

    Last year I offered a $100 bet to my spouse that the Democratic candidate would win. He didn't take it. The offer expired & is not currently being renewed.

    But I'm making no bets at the moment.

  3. Note to Sally:
    An anonymous poster writing in the style of Curt Ankerberg sends his best wishes. I deleted it, but wanted to pass along the message.

    Note to Rick:
    I also received a note of thanks for your insightful comments, ani I wish to relay them. The posts that mention you nicely included some comments on others that did not add to the civic dialog, so I was forced to delete them, unpublished.

    This blog gets obscene posts from “inkberrow” and several other regular contributors. Those are deleted. Sometimes commenters create publishable posts of substance, but ruin them with a brief gratuitous insult or two, requiring that I delete them.

    This blog gets five to ten comments a day.

  4. Thanks, Peter. I'm not sure that's a compliment. 😂😂😂

  5. No, Mr. Sage, you received no remotely "obscene" comments from me. You simply got called out by me on your apparently self-referential, partisan application of "spam", at least where my own comments are concerned, in view of your false promise that "non-spam" posts would be published, period. I asked for clarification, and you began crab-walking. And you still are, rather defensively. I was prepared to leave it alone, but you tellingly returned to the scene of the crime.

    In the unlikely event that someone else has tried to post obscenities using my handle, which this time you managed to spell correctly, then it's possible you are more dotsrd than liar. Perhaps it's a combination of both. My own style and content are not imitable, and you know it, as do your regulars here. As I said before, if you--and Rick, et al--want to share a glad-handing echo chamber, knock yourselves out. Just don't put on airs about objective, quality debate, while smugly and dishonestly pretending contrary views are "obscene", or "trolling". Shame on you.

  6. Comment entered on behalf of “inkberrow”:

    The comment below is signed by “inkberrow”. It was sent yesterday. The “inkberrow” who posted above writes that he doubts that others post using that name, saying it is “unlikely.” I personally consider it quite plausible that his name is spoofed, but since he or she chooses to comment anonymously I will share the “inkberrow” post to demonstrate why I prefer that people post under their own identity. That way the style and intention of the commenter can be better ascertained.

    Inkberrow has left a new comment on your post "Immigration, Health Care, and the Economy":

    Pelosi is a senile old hag who sucks on her dentures in public.
    Perhaps Pelosi and Joe Biden could have a denture suck-off together?
    They could do a Polident commercial together and make some honest money.

  7. It's a fraud using my handle. As if I'd need to resort to such coarse juvenilia? But I suppose these are the logistical trials and travails of the format, which I don't see being much different whether I used my real first and last name or not. Meanwhile, the comments of mine (mine) you DID censor had no childish obscenities whatsoever, but simply refuted e.g. Rick by name.

    I will resolve the issue by not returning. Why some child wishes to pretend to be me, I do not know. Perhaps I have blogenemies, not you! Best wishes--I found the content engaging. The content is most important.

  8. Regarding "This sort of ideological purity & factional infighting has a long pedigree"...yes, and it's called "values." Anyone with the internet and a modicum of curiousity can research the MANY attempts by Democratic Party elites to rig the system from the Podesta emails where they discuss "sticking a knife into the Sanders campaign" to Wasserman-Shultz's complicity to Donna Brazille feeding Hillary debate questions, to Obama rigging the DNC chairmanship for Perez, to Perez's recent stacking of the Convention rules and platform committees to removing the requirement (for Bloomberg) of having minimum number of individual donors to qualify for the debates to his current effort to "recanvass" the Iowa vote to slow down any Sanders momentum going into Iowa; I predict it will take days. We shall soon see if "any blue will do."
    Check out my Op Ed in today's Ashland Tidings.

    Andy Seles


  9. I like the fact that you let the INKBERROW person comment on your blog. I don't know what her/his ideology is but she treats you like shit, which is well deserved. You have your blog where you write like the voice of God know it all. I don't like the Curt guy commenting so keep deleting him, but it is good to have comments where people don't just give their political opinion. They also remind you that people don't have to like you to read you, or agree, and that you don't know more than anyone else even though you write as if you do.

    Don't stop the comments. Weed through the spam and swear words. I used to get this blog by email but that way I don't get the comments and I like the comments so now I have to go to the site which is ok.




Do not be surprised or disappointed if you post anonymously and the comment never appears.

Comments attributed to other people are forwarded to local law enforcement for investigation and prosecution. Identity theft is a Class C felony.