Monday, January 13, 2020

Sanders tries to clean up after his supporters.

     "We have hundreds of employees. . . and people sometimes say things that they shouldn’t."

Bernie Sanders wants to make nice with Democrats. His movement does not.

Bernie Sanders is scrambling to fix a problem. His campaign is being hurt less by his own mistakes than by the behavior of his supporters in his movement. His movement has set a tone.

Yesterday, Sanders made news minimizing instructions his campaign was giving to campaign volunteers, advice that told volunteers how to undercut other candidates. He responded to news of the instruction sheet by saying Elizabeth Warren is a "very good friend" and they have "worked together in the Senate for years." In the future, he said, "no one is going to trash Elizabeth Warren."

Today, he is denying reports that he had told Warren that a woman could not be elected president. "It is ludicrous to believe that at the same meeting where Elizabeth Warren told me she was going to run for president, I would tell her that a woman couldn't win." 

There is a context for this. Bernie is politic. His supporters are not. Leftist political conversation is awash with worry about the uncompromising, Bernie-or-bust comments of his supporters. Sanders himself does not do harsh criticism of fellow Democrats, but he gives space for his supporters to do it. His campaign advisory begins with differentiating himself from the "Democratic Establishment. He says they favor "safe bet" candidates of the status quo, who then lose.

It then goes on to say that Biden's problem is that he fails to excite people and that young people won't turn out. 

Buttigieg, it reads, won't win the support of African Americans or young people. 

Warren's problem, it reads is that the "people who support her are highly-educated, more affluent people who are going to show up and vote Democratic no matter what. She is bringing no new bases into the Democratic Party. We need to turn out disaffected working-class voters if we're going to defeat Trump."

Regarding Klobuchar
My own view is that these descriptions are both mild and factually correct in their description of their current polling weaknesses

So why the problem?

Warren's response had traction because the Sanders movement gives credibility to the idea that Bernie's supporters are zealots and nasty about it. I was disappointed to hear that Bernie is sending his volunteers out to trash me," she said.

That is unfair. He doesn't send them out to trash her--they do it eagerly and on their own. They are advocates. Bernie or else. Take no prisoners. 

Regarding Biden
Klobuchar is a "racist," a "fraud," a "corporate sellout."

Buttigieg is "racist," "a corporate shill".

Warren is "faking it," "weak," "corporate," a "fraud," and formerly a "Republican!"
Crush our revolution

Many Bernie Sanders supporters engage politics as a tight group making itself tighter, with members pushing themselves toward higher degrees of purity, a process familiar in religious and revolutionary movements. In American Protestantism it led toward schism and sectarianism. In France, Russia, and China it led to purges and executions. 

It should be expected in a campaign that its leader calls a "political revolution." But it has consequences.

 It confounds the Sanders effort to expand his coalition. Trade union people--his natural base--are condemned for wanting to keep their negotiated health care. Boomer moderates are told they are wolves in sheep clothing, dreaded "centrists."

There is a body of Democrats who want change but are thoroughly exhausted by all the political drama. Bernies activist core says that without drama, there is no change. They may be right, but it is an unwelcome--and unwelcoming--message to people who were happy with Obama and are looking for a political home.

Democrats fuck us over
Bernie Sanders created a movement. He is the center of it and its inspiration. He does not control the message of his movement, but he is stuck with it and damaged by it, if he seeks the support of voters wavering between candidates within the current group of candidates.

But the Sanders case statement is that he does not need moderates, or a coalition. He will win, his supporters hope, by bringing entirely new voters into the mix. 
Don't need Democrats or Republicans

A screen shot of the campaign advisory:


  1. Elizabeth Warren is using the final days of her dying campaign to serve capitalism, not the American people, by trashing Bernie.

    No official Bernie document encouraged their volunteers to trash Warren. It is questionable if the document she is reacting to was even created by an actual Bernie volunteer.

  2. There is nothing objectionable, as Peter points out, in the "campaign advisory" (source unknown). I hope Warren's response was just an overreaction to an unsubstantiated article and not a self-serving opportunity...I'm willing to give her the benefit of the doubt. Hopefully, Tuesday's debate will shed some light. Maybe before the democratic "centrist" and Trumpian trolls do more air strikes, Sanders should preempt them by asking her to be his VP...

    Judy Woodruff (Petroleum Broadcasting System) recently asked Sanders if Biden became the nominee would Sanders support him. We do not hear that question being asked of Biden or the other "centrists" regarding supporting Sanders. Why is that? What is the underlying assumption?

    Here's what Sander's supporters assume: they assume that "centrist" democrats truly believe "any blue will do" and that, when Sanders becomes the nominee, they will turn out in droves to reject Trump and oligarchy. Is that an incorrect assumption? If so, why? Will they vote for the Green Party Candidate (doubtful)? Write in another candidate? Stay home? What could be more important than saving our Democratic Republic? What could be?

    Andy Seles

  3. What Ayla said above shows exactly the problem with Sanders people! They did not listen to Sanders when he endorsed Hillary in 2016. They will attack Warren or others, like Ayla did, above, (calling her a server of capitalism, etc which is so wrong). When Sanders says it is "us", this is part of what that looks like. I get this kind of stuff on my Facebook feed daily!

    I do want Warren to just keep on keeping on, not striking back at Bernie. I believe that she is not dead by a long shot! I believe that Black and Latino people would come around to her if she gets the nomination.

  4. During Trump's first State of the Union speech, he said something like "we are capitalists, never socialists" and Elizabeth Warren leaped to her feet to applaud, while grumpy Bernie sat on his hands. The picture is all over the Internet.

    Senator Warren is a cheerleader for capitalism, it's not in doubt. It's a big part of the reason she has not attracted support from younger Americans, a majority of whom do not rise to their feet to cheer for capitalism.

    When Elizabeth Warren was a professor at Harvard, an expert in bankruptcy law, did she do consulting work with organizations seeking to free American young people from the yoke of student loan debt, a burden placed there with the leadership of Senator Joe Biden? No, she did not. She used her skills to argue on behalf of corporations like Dow Chemical and Travelers Insurance to utilize every tweak of the law to their advantage.

    Dog Eat Dog Capitalism is eating some Americans alive. While a lot of social justice warriors are pointing fingers at those who make pronoun errors, Bernie's supporters are calling out all of the people who are crushing the young and the working poor in America. There is good reason to be angry.

    The Economist magazine in the UK has taken note of declining life expectancy in America:

    Nothing like America's mortality crisis can be found in other rich countries. It indicates serious institutional weaknesses

    Economists grapple with rising American mortality
    Understanding “deaths of despair” will require fresh thinking

    "A growing share of middle-aged white Americans, especially those without college degrees, are dying from suicide and drug and alcohol use. At first it seemed possible to hope that the troubling rise in death rates would reverse as the economy recovered from the financial crisis. Instead, mortality has risen further—a standing indictment of American society."

  5. Peter, great blog today. I do see the response to Warren's revelation from Sanders die-hard supporters as tired and completely predictable. Their reaction to the misogynistic moments committed by a man that comes from an era where that was not only acceptable and normal as a complete surprise. The fact that he and his campaign has a history of lawsuits, one of which he settled for $400,000 for sexual harassment, and others incidents where he has publicly had to apologize (twice) for not treating women equally, paying equally and ignoring women rise to positions of power, and abuse in the of his campaign workplace is lost on them. This problem is systemic with Sanders and his campaign. Their answer is to attack the woman that made the revelation with more misogynistic rhetoric "well she's lied before about her heritage", "it's her word against his", "this is a political move because Sanders is beating her", "this is a mainstream media hit" and as far as "she is a Russian operative", "he's just making a political observation". These are the same people that launched relentless misogynistic attacks on Clinton. This is not to say all Sanders supporters are like this but his passive-aggressive tolerance of his more vocal minion does encourage them. It will be interesting how it is handled in the debate. Sanders so far has denied he said it which makes Warren a liar as we move forward.. the fact the this is lost on Sanders is also weird.. and it appears his intent is to discredit her in public .. surely there was a more graceful way to handle that so it didn't hurt either campaign. I'm getting used to the Dems eating their young and I fear the Berners are about to hand the seat over to Trumps again.

  6. Hey Andy:

    Someone did ask the question of Bloomberg, I was pleasantly surprised by the response:

    Mike Bloomberg tells CBS News "if it's Donald Trump vs. Bernie, I would support Bernie"

  7. Right on cue a woman CNN pundit, on the eve of the final debate before Iowa, says that the freshly-minted Warren claim against Sanders "really hurts" him. "It's something you could see him saying because he has had this gender problem historically".

    Right on cue it could be deja vu all over again. Is the Democratic establishment (which includes CNN) out to thwart Bernie Sanders as in 2016 by means of any dirty tricks necessary? You'd think they'd recall what that helped usher in last time.



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