Monday, January 27, 2020

Live Update: Hunter Biden

It was as hard on Hunter Biden as I had predicted.

Hunter Biden got a cushy job.  It looks “swampy.”  It is the basis for a president to look into things.  It was a cover story for Trump.  Hunter Biden gave Trump a basis for saying it was all innocent.

Joe Biden loves his son. He acted like a father, not like Caesar’s wife, above criticism.

It is a problem. 

1 comment:

  1. You think?

    Bondi closed Monday by claiming, "The House managers might say, without evidence, that everything we just have said has been debunked, that the evidence points entirely and equivocally in the other direction. That is a distraction.

    "All we're saying is that there was a basis to talk about this, to raise this issue. And that is enough," she said.

    Enough indeed...

    VP Biden has to take this on or quit...there really is not a middle path as I see it. 60 Minutes...Today Show...Ellen!

    It is oddly ironic that the VP, through his son, set the stage for his own the Ukraine of all places.



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