Thursday, January 23, 2020

Diversion on its way: focus on Adam Schiff

Adam Schiff

     "He is a national disgrace, a stain on the Democratic Party, a walking, talking, lying con man, a perfect representation of everything that is wrong in the D.C. swamp."

       Sean Hannity on Fox, describing Adam Schiff

Democrats might be feeling pretty good just now. There is an ironclad case against Trump.

Enjoy it now. The feeling won't last.

Close followers of the news got a lot of Adam Schiff in the past two days. For most of three hours yesterday he painted a picture of Trump leading a team of people, all "in the loop," as they pressured Ukraine to give Trump what he wanted for his personal benefit, Ukraine's public acknowledgement that they were investigating Hunter Biden.

Democrats might find it meticulous and iron clad proof of Trump's guilt. Hannity described it differently:

Fighter jet releases diversionary flares
     "He's monotonous, repetitive, boring. For three long, horrific hours he waged the single most crooked, lying, dishonest smear campaign, the likes of which, even for Washington, took my breath away." 

The public has had over four years since Trump came down the escalator to understand how this works, but understanding it does not lessen its power. It works. It keeps working.

Divert attention elsewhere.
Accuse the Accuser. 

The focus will change away from Trump and to the Democrats. The real story isn't what Trump did; it is what the Democrats did. 

What about Adam Schiff?  Schiff. Schiff. Schiff.

Democrats can be indignant and outraged and say that this whole thing is about what Trump did. Schiff is irrelevant. 

Trump and his media allies will assert that not only is is relevant, it is the most important thing, the one thing to remember. The whole impeachment is a witch hunt, the accusations are lies. Adam Schiff hated Trump and is trying to steal the election from you. This impeachment is about election fraud, yes, and Adam Schiff is the one guilty of it.


CLICK: 5:00 a.m. PST, Fox opening page. Schiff, Schiff, Schiff

It is entirely likely that Democrats and MSNBC news anchors will sputter with frustration. This isn't about Schiff. The future sputtering is intended. That is a feature. Clips of outraged Democrats will be the highlight of news stories about the Republican counterattack. Own the libs. 

Everything anybody does is at the very least "questionable" and everything questionable is an outrageous offense. 

It will be a miserable period for Democrats. Plan for it.

Then it will get worse. The real target of Republican attention will not be Adam Schiff. 

It will be Hunter Biden. It is really all about Hunter Biden. Everything Trump did was to get to the bottom of the Hunter Biden corruption. 

You know Hunter Biden?  No? Not much?  Something about being on a Ukraine board and getting well paid. Something about a paternity suit. Something about drug use.

We will be hearing more about Hunter Biden. The impeachment is all about him. And if Joe Biden is the nominee, the 2020 election will be all about him.

Watch for it.

Hunter Biden. We will be seeing more of him.


  1. With respect, the credibility of the lead prosecutor in the Senate trial and also the lead fact investigator in the House impeachment can hardly be dismissed as a defense "diversion"!

    For my part, I accepted President Obama's confident October 2016 assurances that neither Russians nor any malign force could meaningfully affect our elections. He'd know.

  2. 3.2 million people watch Hannity on Fox News. He talks directly to the hard core Conservative/Republican base. He makes powerful assertions with forceful candor like “did you know?” Then inserts half-truth/lie, edited video clip to emphasize the point. And, yes, I tuned into Hannity to see how Fox would handle the incredibly damning a skilled former Federal Prosecutor, Adam Schiff provided. What I saw was outrage that those poor Senators had to listen to the ravings of a hateful, lying, crazy, conspiracy peddling Adam Schiff. The shotgun spewing personal tirade of Hannity gave something to every person wanting something to hold that would discredit the mountain of evidence presented. Further there was NOTHING there to see, trust me he said. The Democrats lost big in 2016 and like Clinton they will lose is all in 2020. And to top it off later from Devos, Trump smiling, the Democrats have nothing because I wont give to to them (paraphrased). Incredibility, making a bold assertion that he is in fact - obstruction Congress in this matter.

  3. The Republicans control the Senate. If they actually wanted the Biden's they could vote anytime.

    It's just a bluff.

    However, you are correct that it will have an effect with those for whom such facts are inconvenient. I will reiterate my earlier observation that the Bidens should stop deflecting this issue and come forward with a defense other than indignation. They won't look good, but as things are going this will be the equivalent of "the emails" and "lock him up" will be the the clarion call of the general election.

    Biden needs to go to war with Trump. Sure, he'd prefer not to, but even Democrats have misgivings and this issue needs to be resolved.



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