Tuesday, January 21, 2020

A cranky old socialist speaks his mind

     "I really get tired of people with shiny money telling the Democrats what they should be."

Ralph Bowman taught school, sold business machines, and was a welfare worker. He is 81, retired, and pissed off about the way the world is playing out, and says so. 

Burn the place down. 

"What have you got to lose?" That was the question Donald Trump asked black voters in 2016. He insulted them, trolled them, appealed to white identity, and then asked black voters to vote for him. Democrats abandoned them, he said. He didn't sweet talk them. He said their neighborhoods are rat infested rubble, and their men are taking drugs and murdering each other, so they might as well take a flier and vote for him.

It worked. A huge number of black Americans in the Upper Midwest stayed home in 2016. They were Trump's margin of victory. 
Ralph Bowman

There is also a version of white nihilism, widely visible on Facebook groups supporting Bernie Sanders and Tulsi Gabbard, and in the comments section of this blog: the voice of leftist/Socialists who think American government is beyond reform. Reform doesn't work, they write. Too late. Let the whole place burn down and the sooner the better. In the failure of capitalism run amok, the public will demand political revolution.

The say, What have we got to lose?

Ralph Bowman has written here before in stream of consciousness rants, a mixture of Jack Kerouac and Gertrude Stein. To be publishable I needed to put in punctuation, take out forbidden words, and re-arrange a few sentences.

I have learned that leftist Democrats in this mood do not want to hear about compromise, the "lesser of two evils," how bad Trump is, or that they should be "reasonable." They think the country is not reasonable.

There are lots of people like Ralph. Some of them are being politically strategic, trying to force Democrats to move left or else, in a game of political chicken, but more of them aren't strategic at all. They are simply frustrated and angry. 

It isn't strategy. It is nihilism. They say we are in late stage capitalism and it is beyond saving.

In a close election, they will be the margin of victory or loss.

Ralph Bowman speaks:  

"The Democrats lost the working class for three reasons: 
1. The illusion of giving money to the ghetto queens and kings under LBJ. Reagan pushed that and people believed it. (The White poor got most of it).  
2. Allowing the factories to ship themselves to the lowest paid workers nations, returning goods tariff free for a profit return that benefited the investor class, not the workers of the big box stores, nor the local merchants or towns that house these rapists. That's right, I called them rapists. They raped the economy. 
3. The slow steady shrinking of free education and social benefits infrastructure so they would have money to dish out the endless war money, all in order to exploit the third world and all without benefitting US local labor. Kids these days go into the armed services not to defend freedom but to have a job with benefits. 

The Democrats sold out under the leadership of the Clintons and Obama. They got their advice  from the Wall Street economists and people who advocated charter schools and privatization of any public work available for the grabbing.  They were comfy with people who wanted private prisons, they hired security experts for the war on terror, they arranged for the EPA to ok pipelines and fracking, they had drug lobbyists writing legislation, and on and on. 
 Hippies who used to wear triangle glasses and work at the Free Clinic to help friends through bad LSD trips found the stock market paid a hell of a lot better. And so was born the Liberal Democrat Yuppie. Think Jerry Rubin, famous Hippie/ Yippie, who got run over by a car on his way to his penthouse after a successful run as a Yuppie Wall Street schmuck. The great Yuppies have brought us silence on Global Warming. Great Yuppies showed how to trash the real estate markets and then get the tax payer to bail out their crashed stock, twice, 2001 and again 2008.
You know, I actually think Trump is more honest than liberal Democrats.  
The poor are in the street and the Democrats keep going on about the vanishing middle class. Trump pretends the working guy is getting richer, I mean GREATER, under his administration. That's what the Democrats pretended, too, until 2016. The mean Republicans are ruining the environment and making the Pharma factories rich. Well, so did the Democrats. Nothing is changing, only growing worse, sort of. 
The Democrats signed the NEW trade deal in exchange for a better environment in Mexico, say what? Mexico? And, oh yes, we now have the peacekeeping SPACEFORCE. HUH?

At least with Trump you know you are getting screwed; nothing is hidden under the veneer of liberal crap. Maybe when rural workers stand in the streets strapped with AK47s and loaded on opioids burn down the big box stores, when the XX State of Jefferson of retired truck drivers block I-5 and turn it into a toll road to collect the long overdue taxes from the giant corporations; when  kindergarteners  chain themselves to old growth trees to stop global warming maybe, then maybe the political renaissance will blossom forth. 
Yep. For sure, dude. Pass me a doobie."


  1. Chaos ensues when revolution occurs. The breakdown of society results in innocents being killed. Do we really want to live in a war zone? I hope not.

  2. Why is Ralph talking like a tough guy when the truth is that he'd last about 2 minutes in a street fight? Ralph better hope there's not another Civil War, because he'd be one of the first to go.

    The place for change is the ballot box. The person with the best ideas wins.

    Democrats don't have any ideas, so they're talking revolution. The problem with a revolution is that you're going to be on the losing side. Think about it before you shoot your mouth off.

  3. ni·hil·ism

    the rejection of all religious and moral principles, in the belief that life is meaningless.

    Maybe a bit harsh?

    I think the prevailing wisdom of our age is that it is our responsibility bring meaning to life, and as I look around the World I see that civilization has done exactly that.

    But what is civilization if not commerce? Those who rail against capitalism I would suggest don't understand it as a foundational element of society. Is it in need of reform? That's the continuing debate between Progressives and Regressive economic theory. I would say yes, but this is not a new critique.

    It is also the responsibility of a Progressive to be optimistic. I would say that nihilism is a Regressive trait and incompatible with democracy.

  4. Powerful stuff and smoking hot, but if it makes no difference whether we vote for the Democrats or the Republicans, why are the Republicans so intent on voter suppression? The fact is, every purist socialist who doesn't vote only plays into the hands of those in power.--Rod Kessler

  5. A cranky young socialist spoke her mind yesterday. AOC told fellow grievance-merchant Ta-Nehisi Coates at an MLK Jr. observance in NYC, "No one ever makes a billion dollars. You take a billion dollars".

    She also declared the Democrats a "center-right" party. To a Bolshevik that would seem true, I suppose. Staying in that neck of the woods, there are many billionaires in Russia. Hoarding kulaks before that.

  6. If AOC said that, then I disagree with her. I believe in earning money and believe it is honorary earned. Not theft. Oh, money can be stolen, and is, but large fortunes can be the product of great ideas. If the Beatles made 100 billion dollars it would be ok with me. The created the soundtrack for my youth. I am also ok, though, for patents having lives that end, for drugs, for books, for music.

  7. Seems to me that, if all is well with the world, we would not all be arguing with each other over wealth disparity...so something is clearly wrong. I would point to the financialization of the economy; most wealth is accrued through passive "income," not earned income. A lot of wealthy folks like to pretend they "earned" their money when, in fact, most wealth is inherited. Money does not equal success. Study after study has shown that most folks plateau on the happiness spectrum at 70k. How do we make our society more egalitarian? Why is it harder to climb the ladder of success than it was 40 years ago? Ralph's anger and outrage is legit; books have been written about us boomers selling out our kids and grandkids. What our progeny don't get is that the system requires that betrayal. What will theirs be?

    Andy Seles

  8. My ending comments which are fantasies are meant to satirize the hard ass gun toting bunch who proclaim their anger with raised automatic weapons in the air to show don’t tread on me but do not take on the economic jail they are in...the big box stores and the forever franchises that have destroyed their main streets. And tax base. Those like the XX state of Jefferson crowd who want to create their own state so they can cut down the national forest and not be ruled by the liberal” fags” of Portland would be better off capturing the large corporations who left the lumber workers behind who don’t pay taxes to support the crumbling schools and zero police protection in the remote areas of Josephine county. The last Fantasy is the desperate cry of the youth whose lives will be in shambles as climate extinction progresses.
    What party is addressing these needs....the Democrats give lip service. And then?

    Thanks for your input and comments

    Ralph Bowman



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