The sausage isn't pretty, and Democrats are the party of government solutions.
Government at work |
We are seeing a confluence of bad government and wishful thinking.
First, the impeachment trial:
It is slow, boring, and repetitious. We see Capitol Pages hand cards to people who hand cards to people who hand cards to the Chief Justice. We wait. He reads it, then hands a card to someone, who hands it to someone, who hands it to a person who writes something then hands it to someone.
It is an image of tradition and pageantry. It is also an image of delay and waste. It is important stuff, but bad TV and flagrant inefficiency.
Worse, the subject matter of what we are watching is corruption and misrule, covered up by hypocrisy, involving all three branches of government. For Republicans, this was a witch hunt, an expensive and divisive waste, distracting the executive. For Democrats, this was executive branch corruption, combined with dereliction of duty by a Republican Senate. Both sides said that some element of Article Three adjudication would take far too long to be used.
What is the takeaway for a viewer of the impeachment trial? Government is slow, wasteful, corrupt, run by hypocrites, and it doesn't care and won't change.
Next, the DMV:
Click: Willamette Week |
Oregon failed to update its systems for verifying identity, so Oregon drivers licenses are non compliant with federal rules for getting onto airplanes. Oregon has a temporary waiver but it ends on October 1, 2020. Oregon has known about this for years. However, Oregon will not start issuing FAA compliant Oregon drivers licenses until July 6, 2020. Why? They are still working on their computers. Can't get to it. Sorry.
The Oregon Secretary of State sent a warning:
"There could be epically long lines at the DMV come July. We really want people not to experience that."
The DMV warns that to "fulfill the demand of nearly one million Oregonians who will want the Real ID option, DMV would have to issue 32 licenses a minute every business day from July to October." That, of course, is impossible.
Oops. Go get a US Passport, they suggest, if you want to get on an airplane. You better plan ahead. We didn't.
There is a big message here. Government is incompetent.
Next, the Democrats in Iowa:
One theme of the surviving candidates is government corruption, primarily through capture by the special interests. Officeholders are beholden to donors, not people, most say, with Sanders, Warren, and Steyer saying it as central themes of their campaigns. The result, all the candidates say, is unaffordable, expensive health care, student debt, too big to fail banks, and wealth concentrating at the top, at the expense of the 90% or 99%. Wealth is not reaching working people.
Joe Biden, the most moderate of the Democratic field, is now positioned to the left of Obama. What was barely thinkable in 2010 is standard Democratic policy now. The solution is greater government involvement, either directly or through regulations, especially on health care. The Democratic Party is not yet the party of Bernie Sanders, but his message has resonated. Sanders leads in Iowa. Sanders calls for Democratic Socialism.
Combining the three observations:
If the problem is government failure, people may be skeptical of government solutions.
Michael Pence, in Iowa, said, "The truth is the Democratic Party today has been taken over by radical leftists. They want higher taxes, open borders, late-term abortions and socialist policies that will literally crush this economy."
Government is not symbolized by Hoover Dam anymore. Government's reputation has changed. Traditional Republicans call it a menace, Libertarians want to drown it in a bathtub. Democrats who see it as a solution call it thoroughly corrupted by big money. Yet it is the go-to solution for Democrats.
The flawed rollout of the ACA is a conspicuous problem for Democrats. Oregon had its own disastrous rollout of the ACA. The experience of most people with Social Security and Medicare is very positive, but they are not the cliche vision of "government bureaucracy." The cliche is the state Department of Motor Vehicles, with long slow lines, the image, even if not the actual experience. In Oregon, it will be the actual experience.
Bad experiences with government make Democratic Socialism harder to sell. It makes more potent the Trump warning that Democrats want to take away health care and give it to government, who will surely screw it up.