Friday, December 6, 2019

Trump the laughingstock.


"The world is laughing at President Trump. They see him for what he really is: dangerously incompetent and incapable of world leadership. We cannot give him four more years as commander in chief."

Joe Biden tweet to accompany the video

The Biden video shows Trump to be a blowhard and self important bully. 
Click: 60 second ad

His base likes that about Trump. 

There is a good ad to be done, but not this one.

There is a meme going around that Trump is a fool and people in Europe are laughing at him. Biden's video is an example. 

Biden's video does not hurt Trump or expand the Democratic vote into the swing states.

 Biden's video may even help Trump.

Trump ran for office making the claim that the rest of the world was taking advantage of us, robbing us blind. Ha ha.

The underlying premise was that we were led by weak fools, especially the cultured, educated, tan suit wearing Obama. The underlying premise of Trump's attack was that American coastal elites--and foreign elites-- liked people like Obama and Hillary, but sneered at regular folks in heartland flyover country. But, don't worry, world, Hillary would win. 

Trump presented himself as the blunt, plain talking, anti-politically-correct, normal American who didn't apologize for thinking and saying that Muslims were enemies, Mexicans were rapists, women were fun to grope, and that it was smart to get really rich and not pay taxes. He represented the people Hillary--and foreign elites--deplored.

Hillary win? Ha! Trump and flyover country showed them!

Turn the tables and laughing at Trump. Biden put up an ad that shows something that is true and documented, foreign leaders chuckling over Trump's behavior. 

There is a problem. He has the wrong people chuckling. 

Justin Trudeau, Angela Merkel, and Emanuel Macron are examples of the people of culture and rule-based multilateralism that Trump has condemned. They represent countries he said were sponging off us. 

Trump wants to be scorned by them and their American elite equivalents. That is his point.
A better meme for Democrats

In the Trump view, those cultured leaders, with their good table manners and agreeable dispositions are examples of the people--foreign and domestic diplomats, elites, college professors, snobs, PBS and NY Times people, and Hillary supporters--that his base dislikes.

They have contempt?  He shows them contempt right back. His base loves that.

There is an ad that would work for Biden and Democrats. Just not this one. 

The ad that would work is Putin chuckling about Trump. Picture Putin with a subtle smile, watching his pup jump through hoops. We don't want to think of our president--our country--being manipulated by Putin or by other dangerous people. 

That meme is also out there. Trump behaves strangely as regards Putin. Maybe Trump is under the thumb of Putin in ways we don't know. That meme hurts Trump. That meme shows Trump as weak and needy.

But if wine-drinking, fancy cheese eating, bi-lingual, UN-supporting, cultured elites from Europe and Canada presume to laugh at us, well screw 'em. 
Click: ABC News. Weak Trump.

We showed them who was boss in World War Two.


  1. Sen. Biden is already running general election ads. That's confidence!

    The Democratic candidates are getting the most media attention. They should be talking exclusively about impeachment, violation of oath of office, and private financial gain. They should talk about children in died yesterday...unfit judges, and a corrupt cabinet.

    Nancy Pelosi : "I think the president is a coward when it comes to helping our kids who are afraid of gun violence," she said. "I think he is cruel when he doesn't deal with helping our dreamers. I think he's in denial about the climate crisis."

    Foreign leaders are watching to see if the US will course correct. No need for Democrats to point out their concerns.

    Yes, Trump may be in debt to Russians and pleasing Putin keeps him safe, or it could simply be that he admires Putin's wealth and power and wants to be seen as an equal, even as a partner. Neither is good for America.

  2. Peter: This was an interesting post. I do think your comments are "snarky" when they're meant to be satyrical. I'm also coming to the belief that Trump has almost been forced to move to the right by the hysterical attacks claiming he was under the thumb of Putin. It's going to be very difficult for the extreme left to defeat him, American Presidents have a great deal of power. A few years ago someone gave me a Christmas gift of Carl Sandburg's 5 volume biography of Lincoln. I remember one poignant statement Lincoln made about American presidents, how they are "clothed with great power." I don't think Trump has used this power successfully. If he learns within the next 11 months get ready for another four years.

  3. You nailed it, Peter. Biden's ad is just another version of Hillary's "deplorables" SNAFU. It validates for "fly-overs" that the Dems are a bunch of NYT reading, latte-drinking, etc. elitist, intellectual snobs. We should take no pride in it. The ad does not work for Biden; it works for Trump. Sad...very sad.

    Andy Seles

  4. What my friends want in their leaders is honesty, sincerity, integrity and competence. Not everyone wants those qualities, but clever ads or slogans will not change that. The resurgence of hate in the world is dangerous. Only clear-sighted adults can right this foundering ship.



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