Saturday, November 2, 2019

Defending Greif. Even guilty people deserve a good defense.

    "If the facts are against you, pound the law. If the law is against you, pound the facts. If both are against you, pound the table."

        Legal aphorism.

Judge Greif's texts show she has no business being a judge. But she deserves a defense. We are seeing it.

Her problem with the facts:  She wrote the texts. She could have argued that her phone was hacked, that that someone else impersonated her, but the reality is she wrote them, and knew any claim that they were fake could be proved dishonest. She is stuck with this.

Her problem with the law:  The Code of Judicial Ethics says that a judge should demonstrate high standards of conduct to demonstrate the integrity, impartiality, and independence of the judicial system. A judge must not use the judge's role to gain advantage for the judge or any other person. The texts show her breaking those rules, actively and joyously.

Pound the table:  Pound the table means to put up implausible or irrelevant arguments. 

Her first defense is that the Judge Greif of today did not do these things. That was the old Judge Greif, the one of two years ago. She has changed. The new--current--Judge Greif is sorry for what the old one did, using that bad language. Some former prosecutors have contacted me and scoffed at that. "Are you sorry you did it, or are you sorry you got caught," one said. 

The second defense is one this blog has discussed, the notion that her error was primarily her bad language, not the inappropriate behavior and manipulative hostility that was the emotional source of that language. 

A third defense is to blame her accuser. The Mail Tribune attributed the texts to "court documents" which is true. It is absolutely correct of them to attribute them back to their actual origin, the courts, revealed in the "discovery" process in a lawsuit. But I came upon them and revealed them publicly, where the Tribune could see them. I am a much, much softer target than is the Mail Tribune, and it is far wiser to question my motives than those of the Tribune. The Tribune won a Pulitzer. Better to blame the guy who brought these to the attention of the people who won the Pulitzer.

Social media and comments on my blog are starting up saying I am biased. I know and like Dr. Sullivan. What if Judge Greif is only in trouble because a biased person revealed what she did?  Look at bad Peter, not Good Judge Greif.  It is a cynical but smart move.

I am, indeed, friendly with Rita Sullivan. I like and respect her. I thought OnTrack was an important community asset. I had no illusions that it was perfect and I fully assumed there would be problems with their low income housing for people in recovery. Being a landlord is hard, and especially so providing housing for people at a low spot in their lives. They had hundreds of employees, thousands of clients over the years.. Of course, there would be problems and unfortunate incidents. I thought the barrage of unanswered stories in the newspaper and on TV made OnTrack look worse than it was, but I attributed this to the media's inevitable bias toward the exciting (bedbugs!!!) and against the humdrum (regular maintenance.) 

I also liked and respected Lisa Greif, until I read these texts. I had no idea that Greif felt or acted the way that was revealed in the texts. I thought she liked me. I was shocked and disappointed at the texts, and I thought people ought to know the truth, so I published them. They speak for themselves. They are, indeed, court documents, not my opinion. Judge Greif's problem is what she said and did. Read the texts.

The fourth defense is the nasty part.  I have been deleting some comments on my blog. Some things I won't tolerate. Establish your own blog for that.

The Greif texts include some I did not publish. There are also blog comments which I saw and removed immediately. They reveal motive and animus on the part of Judge Greif, and now of her supporters, to justify Greif's behavior with mean spirited innuendos. It is another version of the distraction ploy. Don't look at Greif's behavior, look at the shiny object.  

There are many potential distracting issues, none of which are relevant. This goes in every direction. Judge Greif's language isn't relevant; her weight isn't relevant; Greif's personal life isn't relevant nor is that of anyone else; whether there were problems at OnTrack isn't relevant; whether there was soiled carpet or a leaky gutter at OnTrack housing isn't relevant; whether Judge Crain preferred the Drug Court assignment to other assignments isn't relevant; whether Dr. Sullivan was a demanding boss isn't relevant.

Commenters bring these issues up, but they are not relevant, any more than it would be relevant if a man who committed an armed robbery complained he had a nit-picky wife at home. Don't look at the robbery, look at her! Nor would it be relevant if, two years later, at sentencing, that the robber said he was sorry he did it clear back two years prior, but that thanks to yoga and meditation he is a different, better person now.

What is relevant is Judge Greif's behavior. As revealed clearly in her own texts, Greif carried out underhanded, biased course of action over many months, using her contacts and credibility as a judge in favor of a litigant, while actively working to undermine a fellow judge to a witness to that judge and the court system. That is behavior and language that reduces confidence and respect for the judicial system.

It is unbefitting a judge and it contradicts the Code of Judicial Conduct.


  1. 1) You can't blame Peter Sage for exposing Lisa Greif's bad behavior. Peter did a public service. Lisa Greif has only herself to blame. Nobody forced Greif to write the emails, or to undermine the court.

    2) Greif's behavior has proven she's not fit to be a judge. Who could respect her now?

    3) Greif is in hiding from all the media. She won't appear for them. She's lost all credibility. I expect Greif to resign from office some time next week. She can't legitimately function anymore.

    4) If Greif doesn't resign, then her final months in office are going to be grueling, and she'll have all the media against her for her next election, and she won't win.

    1. Thank God... She's a dangerous human being the less power she has the better. I only wish that Rowna Hunt was also exposed for her role in this travesty. She's as dirty as a greyhound bus bathroom.

  2. What's that old saying? Ah yes. "Actions speak louder than words."

    The Mail Tribune is hiding its role in the OnTrack takedown. That bothers me more than any other factor here. It's not honest straightforward journalism. It's not just agenda journalism; it's hidden agenda journalism. Looks like they're not too good at picking reliable sources, either.

    Curious, Mr Sage, if you think the strictly legal aspects of the case might merit attention elsewhere in the state?

  3. Some attorneys have contacted me and said they plan to do something. Yes, I am also a citizen and therefore have standing to say what looks weird and wrong to me and to send things to the Judicial Fitness people, and let them decide what to do. But it would be better if that were done by local attorneys. It is their bar. It is their community of interest and reputation to preserve. It is their own house to clean up.

    I speak to my fellow citizens as a fellow citizen. I think the texts are weird, wrong, dangerous, because they show underhanded bias, and shocking contempt, plus a judge helping a litigant in a lawsuit that involves her own court and colleagues. That isn't a legal decision, it is a moral one, one of citizen common sense. I want judges to be better than that. So my orientation is for me to make the moral, political case and hope that some good attorney has the courage to take her on and replace her.

    Meanwhile, perhaps some good attorney or group of them will do whatever works for the Judicial Fitness people to do their work. And if it turns out that they think it looks terrible but not so terrible that they dis-bar her or whatever power they have, we citizens have our own power to replace her.

    I write as a citizen, not an attorney.

  4. Anon #3 above. “Judge Greif was scheduled to be our 5 on 5 interview guest Friday, where we had planned to ask her about the texts. We’d scheduled the interview weeks ago to discuss mental health court. She cancelled the interview with us Friday morning.”

    If Peter is right and no single attorney will stand up to a bad judge, then they should circulate a petition stating that they have lost confidence in her ability to be impartial. Strength in numbers.

  5. She made a threat to kill someone via text message.May it have been just her blowing off steam, in this day and age any form of electronic message which references causing harm to another individual is a crime. If it were a teenager for example , there would be severe consequences for that type of message. She not only has zero ethics , she's a bully.

  6. Lisa Greif is kind of cute. I wonder if she's available?
    Now that I'm single again, I need to find a new girlfriend.

  7. “We are what we said, even when no one’s there. “. Robert Galvin

    Or as the saying goes, “character is what you do when (you think) no one is watching.”

  8. I wouldn't link to the Mail Tribune here. They are complicit.

  9. Damian Mann was Lisa Greif's "mole"
    Damian Mann is a lying dirtbag, as is the Mail Tribune.

  10. I had some vestment into this whole debacle. I benefitted from Ontrack's housing program. I remember my 4th day after being moved from 1 site to another, and moving into a previously vacant apartment, that no one had lived in since Ontrack bought the property. I also remember filing a report to my DHS intake worker about the safety issues in the apartment. This was back in 2013. I do not know exactly what DHS did with the information, though was met the next day with the threat of having my children removed from my care and my significant other and I being forced into residential. DHS knew about the issues with the housing back then. Also, I found it odd that Amy Jacobs was present for our meeting with our Ontrack counselors. I later learned that this was common practice for both DHS and the management overseeing the housing program at the time. The manager at the time was Kelly Fereirra. Together with people like Amy Jacobs and certain unnamed case workers, Kelly was able to help a lot of people get their stuff together (usually through intimidation). I can say it worked, as my motivation for reporting the substandard housing was to manipulate the system to avoid the things I needed to work on. Because of the housing program I have a few years shy of a decade clean, and have become much more successful than I ever believed I could be.

    Make no mistake, DHS holds the power and makes the calls when it comes to any of this tomfoolery, and all of this is political maneuvering by people who care less about the vulnerable population the say the serve, and more about the sense of importance they place upon themselves.



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