Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Shocking Text Messages by Judge Lisa Greif

Greif, interviewed on KOBI

"Heard about your bad day. Don't worry, those bitches are going down!"

     Judge Lisa Greif, 2-15-2017, to a local litigant Amy Jacobs.

"I also wanted to kill Crain today at CFC graduation. But I was worried about all the witnesses if I just ran and body slammed her."

     Judge Lisa Greif, 5-16-2017, following a graduation ceremony for a Family Court event in her courtroom. 

And this exchange:

Jacobs:  "No matter what happens--Rita is done and that's a win :)"

Judge Greif: "Now if Crain would just go away my life would be complete."

Jacobs:  "I'm working on it :)"

     Judge Lisa Greif and litigant Amy Jacobs, 6-25-2017

Lisa Greif is a Circuit Court Judge serving in Jackson County. The "Crain" in the above texts is Judge Patricia Crain, her colleague on the bench. The "Rita" is Rita Sullivan, for 39 years the Executive Director of OnTrack, a drug and alcohol recovery program. Crain and Sullivan were the "bitches" Judge Greif was actively working to bring down. 

These text messages were uncovered as part of the "discovery" process in a lawsuit filed by Amy Jacobs, a former client of OnTrack, who entered and completed treatment, and who was subsequently employed to manage OnTrack owned housing for people in recovery. Jacobs made a variety of accusations against OnTrack and Rita Sullivan personally. The accusations were given wide publicity in local media. Her case, and the cases of friends who joined in accusations, were either dropped or settled this summer by OnTrack's insurance company for less than the cost of attorney fees to defend them.

For over a year local residents got media reports of alleged wrongdoing by OnTrack, focusing on problems at housing provided by the organization. Jacobs sought to leave OnTrack and secure employment at the Family Nurturing Center, an organization doing some similar work to OnTrack. Judge Greif was on the board of the Family Nurturing Center. 

Judge Greif carried out a lively text-message correspondence revealing a startling relationship between a judge and a person whose job included regular appearances before that judge as a witness to the court on the behavior of tenants in OnTrack housing. Doubly startling, Jacobs was a litigant in a lawsuit against an organization that provides services that were mandated by the court in which both Greif and Crain served. Greif's own text messages show that Greif believed the court itself might be a party to that suit. More startling yet was the Greif's comments to this court witness about her colleague, Judge Patricia Crain. Jacobs also regularly appeared before Judge Crain as a court witness.

In an interview on KTVL
Media "mole." Observers of local media noted a vigorous effort to "try the case in the media" rather than in the courtroom. By damaging the reputation of OnTrack, the cost to the organization in lost contracts for services might be so high it would choose to make a settlement offer to stop the bad publicity. In carrying out the media strategy Jacobs had the advantage of coaching by Greif, her credibility as a sitting judge, her connections with the District Attorney's office, and connections in the media--her "mole."

Greif coached Amy Jacobs and fellow employee plaintiffs on their strategy to feed material to the media, with three texts from Judge Greif to Jacobs on June 14, 2017:

"Yes, we want to show they are full of shit! Rowna is trying to see what she can dig up too."---"Great news about the Neil's case! Fuckers!" --- "Sorry. I am in a mood!"  

Followed up four days later, arranging to send have material sent to Greif's personal email account:

Jacobs: "Did you send your stuff in for mole? I'm meeting with Rowna at 3 to build timeline for media with pictures."

Greif: "No I didn't get anything from anyone to send in.

Jacobs: "I will have plenty."

Greif: "Good."

Jacobs: "Did an amazing time line for my attorney I will send to you on your personal tomorrow :)"

Greif: "Sounds good."

[Note: Rowna Hunt is a supervisor at the Department of Human Services/Child Welfare.]

Then this in August: 

"My mole tells me the media would be willing to do a follow up story on OT's deferred maintenance to point out how long said maintenance was actually deferred. If either of you have any documentation prior to June 2016, such a[s] photos or emails, let me know.Judge Greif to Amy Jacobs 8-14-2017.

 Lisa Greif had knowledge that there was a  problem with her relationship with someone who had filed notices of potential litigation against the court on which she served. Jacobs planned a celebration of progress in her case to be held at a local Mexican restaurant and and "invite my friends."  

Greif responded: "Is your attorney going to be there Friday? I am not sure it is good for me to be there with an attorney on a pending case who has included the court in the tort claim notice. Let me know. You and I could go another time to 'celebrate'."

These messages are a sample from the hundreds of back and forth texts between Judge Greif and the OnTrack accusers. I present more of them below, so readers can see them for themselves, in context. 

The case for Jacobs against OnTrack is over. But there remains the disturbing evidence of Judge Greif's involvement in that case.

I am disappointed in Judge Greif. 

These texts themselves are outlandish and vicious.  They reflect awesomely immature and vengeful thinking. She could easily have foreseen that a litigant might have her phone texts subpoenaed--yet she carried on this ridiculous correspondence anyway. Greif isn't stupid or naive..This is head-shaking imprudence and lack of judgement--the worst possible qualities in a judge.

Worse, the texts reveal a pattern of behavior that seems unethical, unbecoming of a judge, and destructive to the honor of the court system as an impartial way to settle disputes justly. This wasn't just private behavior. She leveraged her position as a judge to assist litigants in an ongoing lawsuit against an agent of the court, both with legal strategy and the media take-down strategy. She disparaged and undermined a fellow judge who interacted with that litigant, disrespecting the court. At a time when public belief in public institutions are are at a new low, Greif's behavior makes it worse. She hurt her court.

I publicly supported Judge Greif in her one contested campaign for office, in 2008. I recall making a significant financial contribution to that campaign.  I had had generally good supportive thoughts about Greif. I thought she would show good judgement. 

Now I don't.

Readers can read these and decide for themselves whether Judge Greif seems reasonable, fair, and just. The phone numbers have been blacked out. Judge Greif's words are marked in yellow. 

Presiding Judge Timothy Gerking and Judge Greif have each responded to my request for a comment, with very brief note. Each asked that it be printed verbatim. I will do so tomorrow.

Message Samples:

 "I also wanted to kill Crain day at CFC graduation, but I was worried about all of the witnesses if I just ran and body slammed her."

Grief to Amy Jacobs, June 2017

"Heard about your bad day. Don't worry, those bitches are going down!"

Conversation comparing OnTrack to the Family Nurturing Center, Feb. 2014

"Now if Crain would just go away my life would be complete"

Bringing down OnTrack, June 2017

"I am not sure it is good for me to be there with an attorney on a pending case who has involved the court in the tort claim notice."

Watching appearances.

"I heard shit going down with licenses? Bahahahahahaha!!!

Media strategy, and OnTrack weakened

Judge Crain is "the witch."

From a conversation about the KOBI and Tribune article.

"Isn't it nice working for someone who has a soul?"

February 2017

Down with OnTrack/Up with Family Nurturing Center. "What a hot mess."

Greif stayed in touch with media strategy while on vacation, March 2017

"My mole tells me the media would be willing to do a follow up story on OT's deferred maintenance."

Leveraging credibility with the media. A "mole" helps

Getting DA friends to hush up an OnTrack supporter: "I will alert some of the DAs."

A DA employee speaks up for OnTrack. Greif intervenes.

"Yeah, they fucked up big time. Off the record, I went off on OHA at at meeting a couple of weeks ago."

Leveraging a judge's power and credibility

"I didn't get anything from anybody to send in."

Actively involved in the media campaign

"Saw the story. That is some good shit. The only thing I wish is for a way to sue Crain!

Conversation about a KOBI story.

"We want to show they are full of shit! Fuckers! Sorry. I am in a mood."


There were dozens more texts along these lines. I had intended to make the full un-edited package of them available to anyone who asked, in an easily e-mailed PDF file, but I was informed that since the texts showed phone numbers, I cannot do that. If there is reader demand for more examples, I can edit and publish another batch. But these are enough to tell the story.


  1. A few questions. How did the judges involved get onto the bench? Were they originally appointed by the governor? Which governor? Have they subsequently been elected? What are the processes for the removal of a judge from the Bench in Oregon?

  2. This is an informative article today. Good reading! What is surprising is that Lisa Grief is a liberal, and Peter Sage is exposing her bad behavior, which is unusual. Usually, Peter only attacks conservative. So, for that Peter, thanks for exposing the truth. This is good information. It's unfortunate that you won't read about this in the Mail Tribune or hear about it on the local TV stations, because they are all politicized, and they "cover" and hide for certain members of society. Lisa Grief should do the right thing and resign now. If she doesn't, then voters should remove her from office at the next election. Lisa Grief is unbecoming of a judge.

  3. I assume that the Mail Tribune did in fact publish something about deferred maintenance as indicated in the text? If so, are you asking the MT about this and their role in coordinating with a campaign to bring those two women down? (Which of course is the MT's style, consistently confusing the role of their editorial page and the role of their news pages)

  4. This has been a long time coming. I have seen first hand her lack of empathy towards children being abused in the Child Welfare system - get her the hell out of there.

  5. Democrats have no problem removing their own bad actors. Republicans hang on tightly.

  6. Checks out!! They are all crooks! And petty

  7. Peter C.....where do you get your marijuana from? It must be some strong and psychotic stuff. :>)

    Democrats ran a massively corrupt Hillary for president in 2016, and China Joe Biden is leading in the polls today. You haven't removed anybody. You'll vote for any candidate as long as they have a (D) behind their names.

    Katie Hill just quit so that she could stop an ethics investigation. She didn't leave by her own choice.

    Conservatives disowned George Bush, and the reason Greg Walden is leaving congress is because his internal polling shows that conservatives have abandoned him in-droves. He's not leaving because of liberals.

    Don't try to be so magnanimous. Democrats don't leave on their own. They leave kicking and screaming, and only when they have to.

    I have to give credit to Peter Sage for exposing this Greif episode. Thus far, the main-stream media in Medford has ignored it, which illustrates their credibility. We'll see if Greif resigns her office.

  8. A few questions. How did the judges involved get onto the bench? Were they originally appointed by the governor? Which governor? Have they subsequently been elected? What are the processes for the removal of a judge from the Bench in Oregon?

    Art: Judge Greif ran for election in 2006 and lost to Ron Grensky. She ran in 2008 and was elected by 51%. She is serving her second six year term, and is up for re-election 2020. Judges are subject to recall, the same as other public officials. If sufficient signatures are submitted on a recall petition, and if the Judge does not resign, a recall election is held within 35 days. See Secretary of State Recall manual, p. 12.

  9. Peter, excellent journalism on a needed "sunshine disinfectant". I'm reading this and exclaiming to myself again and again "wow" and "you gotta' be kidding" and "you idiots are actually putting this in a text...really?" Not a happy day for the good ol' boy and girls club.

  10. Thank you for exposing this!! OnTrack has only saved lives and brought families back together. For anyone to want to shut down the only treatment center that allows mothers to have their small children is just heartless and ignorant.

  11. This is truly heartbreaking to the people who had to "trust" the system in the best interest of ourselves and our kids. How has this kind of behavior rolled out in decision making for child placements?

  12. I hope that the role that Rowna Hunt played in this is exposed as well. Coaching clients to make false accusations about Ontrack, using threats of taking their children to coerce them, and jeopardizing their recovery efforts by putting undo unnessary stress on them. All for her personal agenda. Amy Maxwell, now Amy Jacobs is married to a DHS worker. Robert Minney.. I am glad to see the curtain pulled back on this devicive plot.

  13. Who's the media mole?

    The Mail Tribune has a long recent history of campaigning and advocating in their so-called news stories. Currently on display vis-à-vis proposal for a new jail.

  14. This is just the tip of the iceberg for how corrupt the Jackson county dhs,ontrack,public defenders,the judges and the whole court system is . I know I got to experience every bit of it from 2014 to current!! Personally dealt with Amy Jacob's and her spewing of lies!! All that court system destroyed my whole family's lives.. how is Jackson county going to fix the problems that they made for all the family's and children's lives????

  15. Hey, Peter! My comment went "poof!" ?

  16. Hube Smith....your comment is with Thursday's posts.
    This is Wednesday's posts.

  17. I also have some info regarding everyone from Judge grief & Crain ONtrack and even Rowna Hunt and dhs and also family court system as well!! The info i have about grief goes back to 2003 when she was only a public defender. Then starting in 2010 i have more info regarding Judge's Grief & Crain plus ontrack/moms program and also including Rowna Hunt Plus dhs as well!! If anyone knows who I can contact regarding these issuss I have listed above or to help me with holding these people that have not only ruined many other lives but also my life personally!!! Please help me get justice for my family & all the other familys that have been hurt by these same people!!! God Bless

  18. Dear anonymous. I am easy to contact and my address and phone numbers are published in the phone book. Peter Sage 541-261-3506. Call me and we can investigate to see what the problem is.

    I am happy to look into things.

    Peter Sage

  19. I was a patient of Ontrack years ago with my SO and our child, they did things to me just to do. They kicked me out told my wife i was going to the dads program but that was a lie they left me homeless in the winter time. I still have bad dreams of the treatment i was bullied, i was made fun of, they would single me out in group, i only wish there was something i could do to bring things to light. Ill never forget what Rita and the others did to me.



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