Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Warrior or Civility?

Swords or a Round Table

Yesterday's post looked at the differences between Elizabeth Warren and Amy Klobuchar. 

Athena wisdom; Athena warrior
That post evaluated a scale based on presentation style. The post said that Warren was looking like a political rock star: confident, bold, big gestured, and that Klobuchar was presenting like a legislator: deliberate, steady, low drama.

There is, of course, a second scale on which to measure them, one of left and less-left, progressive vs. moderate.

There is a third scale: Battle vs engagement. It is the subject of a Guest Post by Tony Farrell, a college classmate, and an expert on branding and strategic positioning, with a long career managing marketing for products sold by The Sharper Image, the Gap, and The Nature Company. He represented Trump Steaks.

Tony Farrell lives among the comfortable 1% in the San Francisco Bay Area, a Country Club environment of educated people who have capacity to fund the campaigns that the 99% observe, and therefore they have outsize influence on American politics. Readers of this blog who object to the power and influence of special interest politics would do well to understand what motivates the people who play key roles in that arena.  

Guest Post by Tony Farrell

Battle or engagement?

Thinking about 2020 (even though, as a Californian, I’ve nothing to contribute, as there is no real contest for president here), it seems Democratic voters are looking for either a “warrior” to battle and conquer Trump (best example: Warren the Warrior; but Bernie, too); or they seek a candidate who models the behavior polls indicate most people would like to see, which is a return to civility and reasonable engagement, breaking gridlock and making progress (Biden, Bullock and Buttigieg and more?).

Every Trump supporter I know has two degrees, with at least one from an Ivy institution; so, they’re not typical (or numerous). But their reasons for voting Trump are the same as many of their less-educated brethren: They hated Hillary and all her attendant political correctness. There are many who claim they voted Obama twice, and then Trump. 

These prospective 2020 swing voters would not be persuaded by an anti-Trump “warrior” message because that’s already proven to be unconvincing, in 2016. (The base, obviously, is immutable, as are Trump’s arch-critics.) So, the voters who can be turned back from Trump to the Democratic side will have to be persuaded by someone who expresses empathy for their plight and a promise to hear them; and one way to demonstrate that is to signal a clear willingness to compromise, work with opponents, and “get things done.”

Model of modeling

I hesitate to say this but I’ll evoke the movie “Miracle On 34th Street” (1947), a charming Christmas fantasy. When Macy’s (real) Santa Claus sends customers to Gimbels for gifts not found at Macy’s, Gimbels is forced to respond in kind, because Macy's earned so much goodwill for doing the right thing. Santa modeled the desired behavior, demonstrating Christian values, plus mutual respect for each store and all customers. I guess my fantasy is that a serious Democratic candidate will model the desired behavior—even praising rivals for help in achieving good outcomes (Veterans Affairs; federal incarceration; there are examples even when it seems there are none). Swing voters once distracted by Trump's fake promises may return to the candidate whose promises address their concerns, but are grounded in reality and have a prospect of succeeding.

Additional Note by Peter Sage:  

This is one of several guest posts by Tony Farrell. Readers have asked me who is this man I introduce as a prosperous Bay Area political observer. In this political environment I am simultaneously qualifying him as an anthropologist doing field work, while inserting him into a group vilified by both left and right populism. 

From Tony Farrell:  "Summer of 1970, I worked on a SeaLand container ship out of Baltimore, heading to Europe and the Caribbean; union work, courtesy of my father, who was a shipping executive. I was "Wiper #2" of two wipers; the lowest of the low. My job was to wipe stuff down in the engine room, which, during the summer, was well over a hundred degrees and often pitching quite violently. Every other week, I got "head" duty, which was great because the bathrooms were air conditioned; all is relative; cleaning toilets as luxury! In the engine room, I knew I was going to bonk my head really hard at least twice, usually three times a day. (Perhaps that accounts for some addled-ness late in life.) "

I vividly remember being angry most of the time; one source of anger was feeling that people did not know or appreciate what I was going through; I felt invisible and I resented it. It was such hard work; so hot; bonking my head; getting woke up in the middle of the night to "blow tubes" (which required me squeezing behind a boiler to pull chains. Wore through several pairs of work gloves doing that). I told myself to not forget that anger and resentment, and that has helped me to always bear sympathy and empathy for people who do hard physical labor, many for not much reward. And to be a good boss.

Also, now as never before, I understand the fear physical laborers must feel as their aging bodies weaken and they can see the end of their productive lives well before the end of their living."


  1. I think vilifying Tony is the right move.

    All Republicans should be vilified as soon as possible. Tony should be sent back on that ship his dad put him on behind the boilers. Go back to where you came from Tony! In case you didn’t know it, sir, Miracle on 34th Street was racist. There are no people of color and it is only about white people. It is almost as bad as Andrew Jackson, so hopefully we won’t devote all the erasures to politics, and can wipe out some cultural landmarks too. We are warriors. And we are winning the culture war.

    Plus, Tony says nothing about Greenland. Why is that sir? Everybody knows that Trump and you people just want to shackle Greenland and deport all the undocumented Lilliputians back there. You know that the fictional island of Lilliput was actually Greenland in Swift’s 1726 novel, Gulliver’s Travels, right? But as a GOP loyalist, you probably think it’s a big “hoax” that the book came out the same year as our independence, 1726. You think it’s fair to separate Lilliputians from their kids? Well we don’t! We are outraged at all the terrible things you Republicans do to islands. You think the GOP deserves to acquire Greenland when you messed up Puerto Rico and Cuba so bad? And what about Manhattan, that’s an island, a big beautiful blue island, why don’t you go live there? What is it about the GOP and islands? The GOP has yet to come to grips with the unlawful incarcerations at Alcatraz— an island in San Francisco Bay.

    Joe Bidden is a warrior. He made war against busing, war against violent little thugs on our streets, and war on “illegals”, he was the Deporter in Vice-Chief. But he learned from it, unlike the GOP. Now he knows that busing is a good idea, that criminals should be released maybe even celebrated a bit, and that deportations—no matter what-- are wrong. Democrats can learn but not Republicans. Biden knows that Obama made the right call in ceding Greenland back to the Danes, yet you and the GOP probably think that was part of Obama’s “apology tour”. Don’t you think for a second that Biden won’t wipe the stage with Trump, your precious Trump will probably be so terrified of Biden that he’ll no-show.

    Plus we are going to impeach Trump. We already have almost half of the Democratic caucus signing on to an “impeachment inquiry”. That’s just a tiny little step away from articles of impeachment. We have a squad and you don't. We will rent—not buy-- Elba island from the Italians and lock Trump up there, like the French did Napoleon after his aborted invasion on Russia in 1812. What is it about you people and the Russians? Biden is coming for Trump just like Mueller did.

    We are warriors! Bidden will easily win. Don't kid yourself Tony!

  2. Picasso sexually exploited his models - Should his work be pulled from museums? Ezra Pound was an anti Semite - should we not teach his poetry in universities? Thomas Jefferson and James Madison owned slaves - should the Bill of Rights be repealed? Wagner was Hitler’s favorite composer - should his operas be banned from concert halls? Tony Farrell worked at a dirty dangerous maritime job - does that give more credence to his ideas?

    It pains me that Peter felt the need to bring up Tony Farrell’s (whom I’ve never met) working man bona fides in order to make his political argument palatable to more progressive readers of this blog.

    Paul Ryan grew up on Social Security survivors benefits yet worked tirelessly to dismantle Social Security. Stephen Miller grew up in liberal Santa Monica as the child of immigrants yet is the prime mover in the Trump administration’s attack on Mexican and Central American immigrants.

    Let’s not confuse the message with the messenger. Farrell’s background is not relevant to his thoughts, ideas and writings. They stand on their own.

  3. We need a warrior to defeat Trump and lead the ballot to flip the Senate. Trump voters who thought Trump would moderate his policies and institute sound economic policies once he was elected can easily see for themselves how wrong that was . . . If they are not convinced by now not to support Trump in 2020–they are a lost cause. Any honest Republican Voter can see the economy is tanking and the chaos of the Trump administration just gets worse every month. I don’t believe courting Republican leaning voters is how Democrats win in 2020–and also only activating the base is not the key to winning both the presidency and the senate. I believe grabbing new voters and building coalitions of voters from all the groups Republicans under Trump’s leadership have alienated and tossed aside—women, Latinix, LGBTQ+, immigrants, youth voters, voters of color, voters experiencing disabilities, college students, millennials with student debt . . . To motivate these voters to vote, we need candidates who are willing to fight Trump as a warrior, but also offer more than just being “not” Trump. This is why Warren and Sanders are attracting crowds and support—and why Biden only continues to ride the wave of name recognition. Elections are won locally, Precinct by Precinct, door to door. Democrats need a warrior to inspire grass roots support and make this happen.

  4. There are plenty of reasons to dislike Regressives. Just pick one and go with that.

    Me?..the whining.

    Vote accordingly.



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