Sunday, June 16, 2019

Scenes from an Impeachment Rally

     "Failure to hold Trump accountable leaves the door open for the next racist, liar, and criminal to take his place."

                Jessica Sage, CD-2 Indivisible, event organizer

An Up Close look at sunshine and participatory democracy in Ashland, Oregon. 

Indivisible's Jessica Sage

People were there to change America, not to make trouble. It was a well behaved crowd, happy to share the downtown plaza and the Lithia water fountains with the passing pedestrians and vehicles.

At the sound of passing cars honking approval, a voice of caution on behalf of bicyclists:  
"Don't encourage passing cars to honk their horns. Horns are an alarm signal. It confuses people on bikes. Just have people wave."

The underlying premise of the hundreds of Indivisible organizations around the country is that the government is responsive to the people when the voters voices are loud and clear. So call your Senators and Congressperson.  That was the message yesterday.

"The only thing that is powerful enough to stop Trump, is us," Jessica Sage (no relation) said into her bullhorn.  Click: 40 seconds

"Congress will not act unless we, the people, demand it. Click: 45 seconds.

CD-2 Indivisible, with its leadership in Ashland, Oregon, is one of those Indivisible groups. They scheduled a rally at noon in Ashland. About seventy people showed up.  The organizer spoke into a bullhorn for ten minutes: Trump deserves impeachment. Call your congressman, here's the number, put it into your phones, call.

The attendees were mostly Boomers. The signs were mostly hand-made. Attendees listened, carried their signs, put numbers into their phones.  

Here are scenes from the event:


  1. The turnout was lower than I would expect, which leads me to think that the outrage that prompted 5000 to march on a cold January day has been exhausted to some degree. 3000+ are following Indivisible's Facebook page, though likes and comments are light, whatever that means. It was kind of odd to be in the Plaza protesting for the impeachment of the President of the Untied States while all around us a busy Ashland was having lunch, shopping the farmer's market and polishing their Teslas.

    Anyway, impeachment seems inevitable whether proponents can muster bipartisan support or not. Not if but when.

    It also seems like they are biding their time to wait for a peak in the public's interest which, if judging by Sat's event, has a ways to go.

  2. And only about 200 in Portland.

    The people are being ignored, as the few in the House continue their tantrum, rather than using the power they have.

    For nearly 9 months now, polls show that the public is NOT interested in impeachment. No real change before and after the Mueller Report was released.

  3. Two years ago I said the quest for collusion would reap a "big nothingburger." The guy knows the art of the deal. Obstruction is another issue but does not qualify for Indivisible, or the DNC, for that matter, to put all their eggs in the impeachment basket (as they did with Mueller). Time for people to BOLDLY state what they are for and what they will do for Americans...walk and chew gum at the same time!
    Andy Seles

  4. Yes, the rallies were not huge, but they were poorly advertised. I'm involved, and I barely heard about it third hand and googled it. Was the first of many. Hang in there, we need to build public support. I think Portland was more like 400, not 200. It will build. House investigations, but more importantly blatant blowing off subpoenas will turn the tide of public support, which if it gets strong enough can pressure the Senate to at least hold a process. And then there's the 'doing the right thing' for our democracy... as the year passes into 2020, public support should build among Dems and Independents. You know there's lots of old school Repubs who are disgusted with this filth monster, ashamed of his antics on the world stage, those who see the scorching of climate disruption. Let's build that public outcry for impeachment inquiry.



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