Wednesday, March 20, 2019

New Comments Procedure

Notice to people who may want to comment.

We will try something new.  Comments will be published immediately.

Under past and current new filters, anyone can comment, either anonymously or with a Google ID. 

Currently those comments get reviewed by hand by me, a slow and tedious process. Hereafter, we will try a policy of immediate publication.

This blog gets 25-50 blog comments per day from scammers and robots, which comments are identified in part by being intended for posts on posts from previous weeks, not the current one. I have introduced new filters to attempt to eliminate those automatic comments.

Now people commenting will need to maneuver through the photo id clicking ("Click on the traffic lights" for example) to be able to post.  This may--perhaps--eliminate the computerized comments.

Readers are warned that this opens the blog up to comments by real, life humans who may write offensive things. If readers will be amused by obscene comments,then click on the comments.  To avoid that, don't click on the comments.

To read the current comments, or to comment yourself, just click the Comments link at the bottom of any post, like the button there in the graphic.

Let's give this a try.

1 comment:

  1. Thought on yesterday's blog...

    What occurs to me is that for a lot of people, even those who actually do spend time thinking critically or what passes for it these days, it's a question of what matters. The emergency declaration seems arcane and inconsequential to voters. Republicans who are comfortable with hypocrisy in service of bigotry can let it slide and allow the executive to carve out a bit more power, because their base has little interest in the minutae of constitutional interpretation.

    In a general sense that chunk of the electorate has a certain malaise about what matters and what doesn't which I think is a reflection of their inability to control their own fortunes, and a powerful impulse to use what power they have to cause harm to others.



Do not be surprised or disappointed if you post anonymously and the comment never appears.

Comments attributed to other people are forwarded to local law enforcement for investigation and prosecution. Identity theft is a Class C felony.