Thursday, December 13, 2018

Who killed JFK?

"Magic Bullet"

Most likely rogue CIA agents, working with Lee Harvey Oswald.

A packed room hears from a former CIA agent.

It was one man's carefully considered opinion.  The students at the JFK School of Government at Harvard are heavily populated with mid-career military people and employees of the US intelligence agencies. It is a place where people on their way up in careers at the State Department, Defense, FBI, CIA, etc. stop to spend two years getting a new level of sophistication on how government is supposed to work and actually works. The speaker, Rolf Larson, wanted people to see how a former CIA case officer looks at evidence, and to get a sense of the "old days" at the CIA.

Opportunity.  He said there was a secretive "wild west" quality to the CIA's behavior back in the 1950's and 1960's. The agency fomented revolutions. The agency did targeted assassinations. It arranged government coups for the purpose of protecting American businesses. Iran. Central America. We did not just meddle in elections, he said. The CIA killed people. The CIA discussed assassinations with the mafia, he said. (The mafia considered assassinating Kennedy, he said, then passed on the opportunity.) 

Have no illusions, he said. The CIA covert operations programs weren't subtle.

Motive. A great many people hated JFK for pulling the plug on the Bay of Pigs invasion. The CIA coordinated an invasion of Cuba, based on a fanciful presumption that American-sponsored invaders would be greeting by cheering crowds. They weren't. Instead, they were greeted by armed opposition loyal to Castro. President Kennedy stopped the invasion, leaving some rebels, who had trusted the CIA, to be captured and killed. 

Many CIA employees felt betrayed. The people they had recruited were stabbed in the back, they thought.

Cover Up. The single bullet theory, which is the only theory that can justify saying that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone, is somewhere between utterly impossible and almost impossible. The Warren Commission report was an explanation and coverup that allowed Americans to "move on" emotionally. 

First Oswald Assassination target
No one really wanted a close look at what happened, not the CIA, not the FBI, not the Kennedy family. A close look would expose Kennedy's memory to stories about mafia girlfriends and Marilyn Monroe, and Bobby Kennedy had no interest in pursuing the investigation. On the flight home from Dallas the very first thing LBJ did was appoint J. Edgar Hoover Director of the FBI for life--protecting the FBI from any exposure.

Lee Harvey Oswald's behavior. He acted exactly like a person being squeezed by a CIA case officer, not like a rogue operator acting alone. He knew he was being looked at by the FBI, a military veteran who had defected to the USSR and then returned, a high priority security risk. He then left obvious--in hindsight--calls for help, using two different names on documents likely to be noticed by the FBI. 

The shot he took from the Depositary site, not taken during the clear opportunity while Kennedy was coming toward him in the open vehicle, and instead waiting until Kennedy had turned the corner and was moving away from him, makes no sense. The earlier shot would have been much easier. The shots make sense only if Oswald were under instructions to wait until a second gunman had his shot as well. 

Then, after the shot Oswald went outside and waited, and then finally caught a bus. This is inconceivable unless Oswald expected an exfiltration, i.e. that he expected his CIA handlers to pick him up and get him out of town. He was waiting for something that did not come as expected. 

What happened, maybe? Lee Harvey Oswald was a patsy. CIA case officers acting on their own, filled with disgust for Kennedy, used CIA techniques to put the squeeze on Oswald. They threatened to expose him for his previous effort to assassinate General Walker. This accomplished what CIA case officers do: make a vulnerable person a reluctant agent. His task was to carry out an assassination of the president. 

He may not have known there was a second shooter, but there was one, which explains the ambiguous but likely audio confirmation of 4 shots, not the 3 that Oswald fired. The fatal shot of Kennedy may not have come from Oswald from the rear,  but from the front, which explains the ambiguous motion of Kennedy's head exposed in the Zapruder film. 

Then Oswald was killed. Dead men tell no tales. That is far too convenient to have "just happened" to a lone gunman. The rogue CIA officers made the arrangement with the mafia to do it. They wouldn't kill Kennedy but they were willing to kill Oswald. The prompt death of Oswald is the clear sign of a conspiracy.

They got away with it.


  1. Glad that's cleared up, thanks!

    Did the speaker, (Rolf Mowatt-Larssen?) offer any documented proof? Was he a participant?

    Yes, I do believe it's possible to keep secrets but history has shown it's really hard, dare I say impossible to keep such a thing secret forever. If what this person said is true you were present at a history making event. "Rogue agents"? This is pretty wild stuff for a buttoned down place like Harvard.

    I would say that what really caused the assassination was the lax security and American naivete, maybe Kennedy's ego at riding through an unsecured area in an open car in Texas.

  2. The Bay of Pigs was an Eisenhower operation. It was planned while he was still president. During the 1960 campaign, Nixon asked Ike to go ahead of the operation in October, just before the election in November. He thought it would help him get elected. However, Ike decided to wait and let the new president decide.

    When Kennedy reluctantly gave the go ahead, he held back some of his assets. That probably helped cause the mission to fail. The CIA claimed that the local Cubans would throw flowers at the troops. They didn't. Instead it was a disaster. Kennedy immediately took the blame, which endeared him to the public, as they knew he was still learning the job. Kennedy also was so upset at the CIA that he threatened to "scatter them to the wind". He certainly didn't trust them.

    Can you imagine Trump taking the blame for a failure?

    Later on, after Kennedy had send some advisors to Vietnam, he decided he would pull them out in the Spring of 1964. He didn't like what was going on there. He told that to his Secretary of Defense. As you remember, Vietnam was a CIA operation. The CIA probably didn't like their "baby" being abandoned. They wanted to pursue the operation and Kennedy was getting in their way. So, you get rid of the president.

    Those one or two bullets killed more than a President. It killed 58,000 American boys. All for naught.

    I'm 72 years of age and in all those years, November 22, 1963 remains the saddest day of my life.

  3. The (Sen, Frank) Church Committee expose and rein in CIA assassination attempts in the mid 1970s. Likely they just went underground or became more careful. Things move in cycles ...

  4. JFK did not " pull the plug " on Cuba, McGeorge Bundy did, but JFK WAS BLAMED! LHO was on the FBI payroll and also worked for the CIA. LHO convinced the conspirators that he was going to shoot JFK via the 6th floor window, however he never did. LBJ'S hitman, Malcolm Wallace's fingerprint was found there! LHO PARTICIPATED In a fake defector program sponsored by the CIA,and the State Department! Furthermore, LHO did not murder JD Tippit! The Cuban invasion was a joke while Allen Dulles left left Washington, DC! The invasion had been planned during Eisenhower's presidency, not JFK'S! No assasin orders a rifle through the mail for $12.78 to assassinate a president when they could purchased a rifle anywhere in Texas, nor would they use a Mannlicher Carcano WWII surplus piece of junk! Of course people were enraged at the failure of the Bay of Pigs invasion, but JFK never called it off! Since when does the CIA usurp US policy legally? The deep state murdered JFK PERIOD!



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