Saturday, November 24, 2018

Hillary Clinton Gaffe

Remember, a "gaffe" isn't telling a lie.

Jayapal: Clinton "deeply misguided."

A gaffe is telling a truth that people do not want to acknowledge.

Hillary Clinton should leave punditry to experts. Politicians should declare policy, not analyze policy. They get criticized for their observations, not their goals.

Hillary Clinton forgot that rule when she spoke to The Guardian newspaper and complimented Angela Merkel of Germany. "I think Europe needs to get a handle on migration because that is what lit the flame," Hillary said. 

Hillary Clinton: "I admire the very generous and compassionate approaches that were taken particularly by leaders like Angela Merkel, but it think it is fair to say Europe has done its part, and must send a very clear message: 'we are not going to be able to continue to provide refuge and support.' Because if we don't deal with the migration issue it will continue to roil the body politic."

This is not a crazy thing to say. It is descriptive. It coincides with what Tony Blair said: 

Tony Blair: "You've got to deal with the legitimate grievances and answer them, which is why today in Europe you cannot possibly stand for election unless you've got a strong position on immigration because people are worried about it. You've got to answer those problems. If you don't answer them then . . . you leave a large space into which the populists can march."

As this blog has experienced, many readers consider the description of a situation to be an endorsement of motivations of the political factors that created the situation. It is not enough to be different from Trump. One must be opposite of Trump.

Hillary's comments engendered immediate pushback. Washington State Congresswoman Pramala Jayapal called it a "deeply misguided and unfortunate comment." Twitter and FaceBook commentary called it "fascism", "anti-immigrant," "kick refugees to the curb," "racist bullshit," "the work of the far right," "appease some right wing political leaders," and "capitulating."

Her actual comments bemoaned the rise of right wing parties and policies in Europe. She said governments needed to "to get a handle on it," to create some limits. In 2015 Germany accepted some 1.1 million refugees, which, adjusting for population, would be the equivalent of an annual 4.4 million refugees in the US. By addressing the situation and backlash Hillary had--in the current state of possible discussion on this issue within the left--validated the backlash, and capitulated to right wing xenophobia.

There is a form of political Gresham's Law in effect. Bad political talk drives out good political talk. 

The angry critics win. Accusers dominate. Trolls and flame throwers join in. 

In the era of Trump, to say something that sounds like something Trump might agree with is--by definition--anathema and proof of centrism, sellout, and appeasement. No Democrat is making a clear and forceful defense of immigration limits and controls as being sound policy.

Since Democrats cannot discuss a complicated issue without creating a firestorm, Trump is filling the vacuum, saying Democrats want open borders so criminals, terrorists, and welfare cheats can come in at will. He dares any Democrat to disagree.

We see what happens to Hillary.

Any political party that cannot discuss the problems and concerns felt by people whose votes they need, won't get those votes. This is a problem for the left. 

Hillary is now a flawed messenger for any message, creating reflexive opposition. Some other Democrat needs to dare communicate a comprehensive message on immigration.


  1. The new F words. “fascism,” “racist.”
    Cue the 60s and pass the popcorn....

  2. "The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function."

    ~~ F Scott Fitzgerald

  3. There is a difference between "immigration" and "migration". It's a distinction that needs to be made. Animals migrate to escape conditions that hamper survival, as opposed to immigration which is discretionary. When humans are forced to migrate they are called "refugees".

    The Western lifestyle is at the expense of much of the rest of the World. If the developed West does not address the political and economic realities of the undeveloped world in a humane and thoughtful way they are inviting chaos and the risk of genocide.

  4. We Democrats need someone with the kind of intelligence Fitzgerald speaks about. Too bad Obama can't run again.

  5. Couldn't agree with Rick M., more. The best liberals I know will give up anything to help the refugees...except their own consumerism and their willful ignorance of how our neoliberal economic policies are the root cause of these massive migrations. Sara H., sorry to break the news but the Clintons, Obamas and Blairs of the world are true believers and promoters of this failed "third way,"corporatist policy. Why? Because they and other so-called "liberals" DO have the ability to think like Fitzgerald, except it has been more accurately described by Orwell:
    "In 1984, the Party used doublethink as part of its large-scale campaign of propaganda and psychological manipulation of its leadership and the public. Doublethink is the ability to hold two completely contradictory beliefs at the same time and to believe they are both true."
    Or as Leonard Cohen sang: "Everybody knows the dice are loaded, Everybody knows the captain lied...Old Black Joe's still picking cotton, For your ribbons and bows...Everybody knows (but few will admit).



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