Sunday, October 28, 2018

Medford Voters, Ward One. NOT Curt Ankerberg.

Curt Ankerberg, candidate to avoid.

It is easy to be confused.  

His name may sound familiar: Curt Ankerberg is "Mr. Anger Burger." 

Curt Ankerberg has name familiarity--for all the wrong reasons.

He has run for various offices repeatedly and lost. 

He got into the news for being sanctioned by the Tax Court for filing fraudulent tax returns. 

He is the one who writes angry, profane, threatening public comments in social media.

He has two opponents running viable campaigns. Steve Dickson and Alex Poythress. I have links below to two posts I have written about each of them. Steve Dickson is a mild mannered 39 year old HR specialist who works for the Veterans Administration.  Alex Poythress is a 29 year old self employed internet marketing entrepreneur. 

Both serve on public advisory committees for the City of Medford. Both Dickson and Poythress are registered as Republicans, as is Curt Ankerberg.

Curt Ankerberg would be a disruptive presence on the Medford City Council. I have observed him to get white hot angry immediately, at which point he becomes profane. His angry outbursts frighten people, me included. 

Curt Ankerberg: angry, vulgar.
He denounces as corrupt nearly every person and institution in the city: the Mail Tribune, the City Council, the County, the Chamber of Commerce, and nearly every candidate for public office. Democrats he condemns as communists. He condemns Republicans as corrupt crony capitalists on the take. 

His name and appearance make him easy to confuse with another prominent Medford resident Bill Anderberg.  

Bill Anderberg is not Curt Ankerberg.  

Bill Anderberg is the manager of Answer Page, a long established local telecommunications company. He is active in Chamber of Commerce and Republican Party circles, and he supports a variety of non-profit civic activities, including veterans, for which he is photographed here preparing a cross country bicycle fundraising trip. 

He is male, in late-middle-age, and like Curt Ankerberg, he shaves his head. To the superficial glance, they look alike.

They would be easy to mix up: Curt Ankerberg, Bill Anderberg. 

Totally different people.

I have encountered several voters who, upon hearing Curt Ankerberg's name, think he is the one who manages Answer Page. No. That is Bill Anderberg.  

Bill Anderberg, left.  He's not Curt Ankerberg
Curt Ankerberg is the one who is famous for anger, profanity, and tax cheating. He is the one on he ballot. Not Bill.

What should voters do?

The Mail Tribune endorsed Alex Poythress as the better alternative to Ankerberg. I interviewed both Poythress and Dickson and personally preferred the earnestness and humility of Dickson compared to the more opinionated and strong willed Poythress, but I expect either would serve Medford well.


  1. I would suggest that readers avoid the toxic rantings of socialist little man Peter Sage, who is absolutely sick in the mind. Peter Sage is a hater, and he's exactly the person that he rails against. Peter Sage has an obsession with Trump, and Walden, and now with me. I'm clearly the strongest candidate, and thus sick little man Peter Sage goes off his rocker again. FOR THE RECORD, I went blind and had hydrocephalus from 2011 through 2015 (it's documented), and I had two eye surgeries to correct my blindness in 2015 so that I could see again. I was audited during the period I was blind. Peter Sage also neglects to tell you that I got three IRS agent terminated for falsifying documents during an audit, and they were the ones who filed a CIVIL penalty against me. All my medical evidence was thrown out of court as hearsay in a court maneuver by four IRS attorneys. If you read Peter Sage's delirious rantings, then you'll never get the truth. The little man is sick in the mind.

  2. Peter are the EPITOME of HATE.
    You hate daily.
    You hate conservatives.
    You hate whites.
    You hate males.
    You are a bigot, and a hater, and a liar, and if people are foolish enough to read your libelous rantings, then they'll never get the truth.
    You're a sick little man.

  3. Peter Sage is an ASSHOLE.

  4. Curt you are your own worst enemy. Take it from me, I know. Wise up.

  5. As documented by the courts and a matter of public record, Ankerberg maintained his drivers license, continued to drive, and prepared 60+ tax returns for various clients during his time of professed blindness and medical incapacity that we are to believe is the cause of his fraudulent tax returns filed to his own benefit.

    As for his excuse for continued attacks on the citizens he supposedly wants to represent, that changes by the minute. Sometimes it’s Peter’s fault. Sometimes he claims fake accounts were made in his name. Other times he claims screen shots were doctored to make it look like he said something. Does he not know IP addresses are easily traced right back to him? And then other times he claims it’s his right to say what he wants.

    None of these things make him the strongest candidate. This is why voters reject him every time. A dozen or so attempts will not change the fact that he is unfit for public office.



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