Thursday, October 18, 2018

Jessica Gomez opposes the natural gas pipeline.

Cut to the bottom line. No ambiguity.

Jessica Gomez opposes the Jordan Cove natural gas pipeline.

I asked Jessica Gomez to send me something short, sweet, and clear, describing her position on the Jordan Cove pipeline which would cross Jackson County on its way to the Port of Coos Bay. I had noted that she received campaign contributions from the local Medford-Jackson County Chamber of Commerce, which has officially supported the project, and that she is Vice President of the Chamber. 

I asked her to clarify where she personally stood.

She responded with a short, unambiguous comment.

Jessica Gomez: Against the pipeline:

Jessica Gomez, Republican
"I do not support the Jordan Cove Pipeline Connector. The thought of a Canadian based company tearing up pristine Oregon forest in order to provide a steady supply of carbon-based fuel to Japan is very disturbing. I understand the economic arguments in favor of it, but it simply underscores the horrendous job our state has done in supporting economic development and sustainability in our rural communities. Coos Bay has been searching for over a generation now for a way to replace the lost timber revenues from decades ago, but this is not the right way to go about it. 

Regarding campaign contributions, The Chamber Of Medford/Jackson County supports many candidates including Rep. Marsh and three others who not support the Jordan Cove Pipeline."

Thank you so much for the opportunity to set the record straight.


Her comment regarding campaign contributions addresses the Secretary of State's report that the Jordan Cove pipeline people made $70,000 contributions to the local Chamber of Commerce PAC, which then nearly simultaneously added to their contributions to Gomez and other candidates, distributing that money. The Chamber PAC made contributions of $10,000 to Republican candidates Rick Dyer and Colleen Roberts for Commissioner, $10,000 to Republican candidate for State Representative Kim Wallan, and an additional $10,000 to Republican Jessica Gomez. They made a $500 contribution to Democrat Pam Walsh.

Gomez is noting that the campaign donations from the Chamber do not appear to be conditional on support for the project. She opposes it.


  1. Lukewarm opposition will cool into acquiescence. This would be more credible if there were appearances at rallies.

    From what I've gleaned the key player in holding off this particular environmental rape attempt is the governor. She is treading carefully because opposition now is a factor in the election. Once re-elected she will be open to public pressure.

    I am not necessarily against development and would be ok if the pipeline guaranteed a healthy percentage of profits into the state treasury (forget the "tax boon" nonsense) and post a $1 billion bond against leaks and environmental accidents.

    Yeah, that'll happen...

  2. Check your donation numbers Peter.... As was posted on Facebook..... Jordan Cove has now given the Medford Chamber PAC $70,000 to influence our local elections. On August 5, the Medford Chamber of Commerce, of which Jessica Gomez is a vice chair, sent a letter to one of our state agencies in support of Jordan Cove, asking the state to give Jordan Cove an exemption from going through a key public process. Just weeks later, Jordan Cove made a $25,000 contribution to the Medford Chamber PAC. The Chamber PAC turned right around around and put $10,000 into Gomez's campaign. On October 5, Jordan Cove contributed an additional $45,000 to the Medford Chamber PAC which turned around and gave another $10,000 to Jessica Gomez's campaign just five days later. You can follow Jordan Cove's contributions to the Medford Chamber PAC here:

    Since this posting I believe they gave another 7k to Gomez for a total of $27,000...anybody have a different number?

  3. I understand she signed the letter from the Medford Chamber.

  4. She did not. Her name was on the letterhead because she is on the board.

  5. That is right, one doesn't need to sign the letter, just hold up the yes and no paddle on a question about Jordan it a "maybe", then conveniently "don't remember" if you approved or denied the Chamber letter going to Jordan Cove, and then in the end, say you "don't support" Jordan Cove rather than saying you "oppose it" and the Corporate handlers will get the message. Gomez is willing to sell out the people - bipartisan in this case - for the Corporate interest of fuel in Asia. The only thing more offensive is that she expects us to appreciate this dance she is attempting on the head of a pin. She is an awful politician out of the gate. Voted Golden as fast as I could.



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