Friday, October 26, 2018

Fox News: Downplay the Trump connection

Rush Limbaugh and Fox: Maybe the Democrats sent the bombs to themselves.

Donald Trump, Jr. "Liked" a tweet that said maybe this is something done by the Democrats to get sympathy.


The suspected bomber's vehicle.
The idea being put out there was that this bombing had nothing to do with Trump, that either it was some wacko or it was a false flag by Democrats. And besides, the bombs were really for show, not actually dangerous.

The FBI appears to have found the bomber. He left a fingerprint and some DNA. Fox News coverage of this had a conspicuous gap: his motivation. In paragraph 7 of their story Fox gets to it, mentioning that he praises Trump on social media.  

In paragraph 8 they mention his truck, "plastered with stickers of Trump, the presidential seal and other political signage, including pictures of the likes of Hillary Clinton with crosshairs over them." 

At least at this writing, in the Fox stories the Trump stickers on the suspected bombers vehicle are blurred out.  The photos here are from other news sources.

The problem for the Trump-oriented media is that the presumed bomber made no secret of his motivation. He was a Trump fan, quoting Trump talking points and attacking Trump opponents. It requires a shift in tone and subject.

1. Praise for law enforcement, including the FBI.

2. Marginalize the alleged bomber, calling him crazy and demented. He isn't an extreme fan, he is a one-off. The Fox headline calls him a "fiend."

3. Trump talks equivalence and says "both sides" are at fault. “Americans must unify and we must show the world that we are united together in peace and love and harmony as fellow American citizens.

That shift is underway.  Meanwhile, below, the photographs readers will see everywhere but on Fox:


1 comment:

  1. Words matter. Apparently images do, too. Google GEOTUS.
    Looney tunes ...



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