Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Prediction. Big News by Trump on Thursday

After all this time the TV pundits still don't understand Trump.

They speculate back and forth on what makes the most sense for Trump. For Trump the only thing that matters is staying the center of attention. That is what makes sense to him.

Show stealer

It is all about Trump.

A prediction comes true: On Sunday morning frequent Guest Post author Thad Guyer sent the me the following e-mail:

"Trump must have a severe itchy trigger finger on Rosentein or budget bill. The Kavanaugh show largely excludes Trump. He hates that. He can crash that show by firing Rosenstein or vetoing one of the 2 pending budget bills. I'm 50% sure Trump is going to explode DC media Wednesday night or Thursday morning.

Hey, you either believe Trump is now 25th Amendment crazy, or you don't. I do."

Guyer is already right about crashing the show. 

For a week the top story had been Brett Kavanaugh. His supporters say how perfect Kavanaugh is, so smart, so good, such a good husband, soccer coach, judge. What was Kavanaugh really like as a teenager? What did Kavanaugh do at parties? What about Kavanaugh and female law clerks. Breaking News!  Kavanaugh! Kavanaugh!!

Trump is taking it back.
Guyer had it right. It must be driving Trump crazy.

The very fact of being put into a "supporting role" breaks the Trump brand. He does not want to be a leader. He is the leader.

Trump is taking back the spotlight. The Kavanaugh story puts GOP Senators in the position to make or break someone. We were seeing Senate power at work. Trump is retaking center stage with a dramatic meeting ,showing himself to be holding the strings of power, with poor Rosenstein dangling over the pit of fire, held aloft by an angry, temperamental, and wrathful Trump. Trump could fire him and create chaos.

Trump is stomping all over the Kavanaugh story. While the accuser accuses, Kavanaugh denies, and Senators do their posturing, the news anchors will cut away to go to the White House, for the real drama.  What will Trump do?

We are already in the suspenseful build-up period, with the drama of Rosenstein taking the quiet journey to the White House where Trump met and put this on hold until Thursday, of all days. The Kavanaugh nomination problem can be fixed with a new nominee, and, besides, it is an ensemble story about people in "supporting roles," Senators and Judges. It was only the big story if Trump let it be. Trump-Rosenstein story has the potential to be a constitutional crisis, a Thursday Massacre, by firing Rosenstein and impairing the Mueller investigation. Besides, this story is about the leading man.

Kavanaugh got Trumped.

Trump's narcissism feeds Trump's power. The Kavanaugh story weakens the Trump brand because it is about supposed co-equal branches of government. Senate confirmation demonstrates that Trump's power is checked and balanced. If the process works as anything but a rubber stamp then it demonstrates that Trump is one of several who govern.

With Trump, it is never someone else's turn.

Trump is not as fearsome--and therefore not as powerful--if others have independent power. Trump's power over the GOP comes from being the indispensable person, the person GOP voters cheer, the person whose condemnation ends a career. GOP Senators operate by the grace of Trump and his power to motivate his base. Their base.

Briefly Kavanaugh moved the Senate into the center ring of the circus. Trump must always be in the center of the center ring.


  1. A resounding yes. One wonders about the timing of the Rosenstein story. The Times got wind they were going to be scooped?

    Anyway, Trump must have thought the Kavenaugh nomination would sail through so the Rosenstein news (yet another 25th Amendment reference...anyone see a pattern?) coming on top of the allegations is brilliant politics, though an unfortunate necessity. it's been suggested that Democrats are too "nice" and need to use the same tactics used against them and it would seem they have heard the message.

    OK, predictions! Kavenaugh withdraws, Rosenstein stays. Trump declares victory.

  2. Ordinarily I would agree with you that he will let Kavanaugh go. However, this was the judge who would cement trump's executive power. So, I will hedge my bets!



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