Saturday, September 15, 2018

Curt Ankerberg: Watch out, Medford.

"The only reason that Gomez won is due to her campaign cash, and the MT, and the fact that a lot of voters aren't too smart."

                           Curt Ankerberg, Candidate for Medford City Council, September 2, 2018

Candidate for City Council

Curt Ankerberg is a candidate for Medford City Council. He is in a four person race. He is the most famous of the four because he gets his name out there, because he keeps running, losing elections, and saying outrageous things.

Ankerberg loses for a good reason. People have heard of him and what they have heard is not good.

I decided to let Ankerberg simply reveal himself, with his own words.  "If I wanted something public, I'd put it in your blog," he wrote me.

Perhaps he has realized that his own published words make the case against his ability to work successfully on a governing board, so he has begun attempting to delete his comments. This blog gets comments marked "Anonymous" which come in the characteristic Ankerberg style, and many direct messages to me, but I am including only ones coming directly from him, and only ones sent for publication..

Readers should decide for themselves if Ankerberg would be a good addition to the City Council.

August 19: Curt Ankerberg has left a new comment on your post: 

You folks are fucking sick in the mind. You too, Peter! You're a sick motherfucker. Your democrat leader is more corrupt than a three dollar bill, and all you can do is fabricate nonsense concerning Trump.

You're sick in the mind, just like the transsexual lifestyles your party promotes.

Life is going great for many Americans now, and you democrats can't handle it. 

August 20: Curt Ankerberg has left a new comment on your post: 

Scott....I wouldn't want your Ruth Ginsburg doll after you stretched it out, and left it all wet and gooey. Yuck!

September 2: Curt Ankerberg has left a new comment on your post: 

First of all, I did not have a mental incapacity. I went legally blind with cataracts over a four year period, which required two eye surgeries to correct. Further, I had hydrocephalus for those four years, and my head and eye expanded like water balloons and made it impossible to function normally.

September 2: Curt Ankerberg has left a new comment on your post:

Peter is an imbecile. I'm an educated CPA with 30 years of experience, and Gomez is uneducated (no college degree). I'm a proven conservative, while Gomez is a proven liberal. I was smeared by the Mail Tribune. In spite of that, I still got 48% of the vote, in a poor voter turnout. The only reason that Gomez won is due to her campaign cash, and the MT, and the fact that a lot of voters aren't too smart, and they're swayed by glitz. Gomez is a crappy candidate once she opens her mouth, which is why you never hear her speak. 

September 6: Curt Ankerberg has left a new comment on your post's nice that Peter Sage allows anonymous sex deviants like you to post on his blog. Why don't YOU run for office, then we can match your voter pamphlet photo to the one in the post office?

Jessica Gomez is a lying piece of crap who will say anything to get elected, and if elected, her sole purpose will be to generate more corporate welfare for her sponsors. She flip-flops on the issues more than a fish. She's an idiot who didn't even graduate from college, which is why she's afraid to debate in public. Two months to go before the election, and Gomez is still hiding in her closet. When is Gomez going to debate Jeff Golden? Is she going to run your entire campaign on Facebook??? Wanna bet that Anonymous is really Gomez? Golden may be an extreme liberal, but I'd take him over a corrupt lying sack who was bought by lobbyists. 

September 11: Curt Ankerberg has left a new comment on your post

Let's call a spade a spade. Gomez is a whore of PACs. She's received all her money from PACs, and not her neighbors. They're not giving her the money because she's brilliant (she's not). They expect something in return. She's their Trojan Horse, and she'll carry their agenda, and not yours. She doesn't give a rip about your needs. She exists to carry the water for the Chamber of Commerce, and New York PACs, who don't give a shit about you. I'm a conservative, and Jeff Golden is extreme left, yet I'd choose him over Gomez because Golden is independent, and Gomez has been BOUGHT and SOLD by PACs. Gomez is a liberal in conservative's clothing, and conservatives should avoid her. 

September 13: Curt Ankerberg has left a new comment on your post 

The fact is that I've had TWO current Medford City Councilors approach me in the past two weeks, asking me if I'd create a voting block with them. That means they want to embrace my agenda. They want to create a team with me. So, Peter, you don't know what the hell you're talking about. I've already created a voting block (should I win) in order to move my agenda quickly. 

Can this guy actually win? Yes. 

He is in a four person race, and his behavior over the years has easily made him the best known of the four. He will be the name people have heard of.


  1. Glad I don’t live in Medford with the prospect of having such an angry, incoherent candidate as a serious contender. If we’ve learned anything from the 2016 election; it is that ignorant, coarse and and uncivil candidates who seem otherwise unelectable- surprisingly do get a lot of votes, and will get elected if enough people aren’t paying attention and do not vote for a more qualified candidate. Ah democracy: we get what we deserve.

  2. Reading his comments is so incredibly disheartening. It’s sad to think that someone could say such cruel and evil things about others. I don’t care what side you are on....this is NOT how you treat people.

  3. The Council could use someone with his ideas.

    In a completely different package.

  4. please do a blog about the other candidates! you didn't even mention their names which is only perpetuating your statement that voters only know his name.



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