Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Liberal Media is clueless.

The Porn Star lawsuit does not hurt Trump.  Instead, it confirms him as a swashbuckling hero.  Virile. Powerful. Untouchable.

Trump is a "ladies man."  Suave.  Persuasive. Able to get a desirable prize through his charm, looks, and manner.  He gets what other men covet.  It demonstrates his power and dealmaking prowess.
MSNBC, CNN, NY Times thinks this hurts Trump.

Democrats and the mainstream media still don't get it.

The anti-Trump media assumes that the story of Trump adultery immediately after Melania gave birth to Barron would be a matter of special shame and betrayal.  They see Trump as a vulgar scoundrel and dislike him, and so do their loyal viewers.  It is a top news story on their web pages.  CNN and MSNBC ran a crawl at the bottom of the screen all morning, announcing this, even as other news was reported at the center of the screen.

They think this lawsuits hurts Trump.  It does not. Trump's conquests of beautiful women is part of the Trump brand

The implication that Trump can get things done is part of his appeal to voters, and not simply to his solid red base.  He communicated virility and strength of will. Trump represents a fantasy of youth and virility.  He is Hugh Hefner.  He is an Oriental king with a harem.  He is James Bond.

Breitbart photo.   
He connives and gets away with things and is proud of it. He used the bankruptcy laws to his advantage.  Other people lost money, Trump kept his--clever and smart.  

He didn't pay taxes.  Did he feel guilty?  No. "That makes me smart."

He parades Melania like a trophy because she is a trophy.
The pro-Trump Breitbart covers the story with a photo of Stormy Daniels looking beautiful. They get it.Trump gets Melania at home and this hot babe on the side, and maybe more, who knows? 

Am I really saying that people like and respect someone for being bad?

Yes. It represents Trump as a change agent.

Trump as deceitful conniver reverses the polarity on the notion of sin and misbehavior. Even a trophy isn't enough. Trump represents glorious excess.  As I heard him say at Boca Raton, "you are going to win and win and win and win until you are tired of it.  And then win some more."  Americans like optimism.

Democrats and the media who question whether a "bad boy" or a rule breaker can possibly be a hero have forgotten the TV shows and movies they have thrilled to. The swashbuckling rule-breaking hero is commonplace.  Audiences like them.

CNN: Trying to shame Trump
Robin Hood is a hero. We thrilled at James Bond.  We cheered when Indiana Jones brought a gun to a sword fight. We liked Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, and The Sting. 

We cheer when someone uses trickery to win for his team, especially when the clever trickster is positioned as the underdog against the powerful establishment, i.e. "the swamp."   Trump positioned himself as being besieged by big media, big swampy government, and the establishment. 

The more the mainstream media try to shame Trump the more they document that he is a super-stud. The Washington Post illustrates the story with a photo of Trump looking pursed-lipped and maybe distressed. The Trump base reads a different message, that people can complain and act all self-righteous, but Trump can have his way with anyone he wants.  He can have sex in real life with women other men pay to watch having sex.  

Washington Post Photo
If he can do that with women maybe he can do that with China and Mexico. 

That is a message of power, not shame. 


  1. Most of your readers may have forgotten or never known about a Russian honey pot trap laid for President Sukarno of Indonesia.. The Russians sent him copies of photos of him in compromising positions with beautiful Russian escorts. The plan did not work. Instead of reacting to the blackmail threat the way they suspected he would. Sukarno sent the photos to the newspaper to run them in all his glory on the front page. The reaction. The citizens of Indonesia saw their President as a virile man desired by beautiful women. His popularity soared and remained high throughout his career.

  2. Sexual prowess as a measure of "manhood" is textbook Regressive.

    The Sukarno story is interesting. Not to be pejorative but I think it's safe to say the percentage of poorly educated and easily manipulated citizens in Indonesia is fairly high, probably higher that the 35 or so percent in our own society.



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