Sunday, January 21, 2018

A close look: Palm Springs Rally

Mellow. Optimistic. Scornful of Trump. Women. Vote.

There was a mood: joy and hope.

I attended a Woman's Rally and March in Palm Springs, California on Saturday.  It was one of many nationwide.  The mood I saw was not one of anger or frustration.  It was joyful and confident.  The forces of resistance to Trump were on a roll.  There was a sense of momentum, motivation, and joyful anticipation of great vindication in the impending victory.

Who was there?  More women than men.  Planned Parenthood.  Democrats.  Liberal Candidates.  Gays. Transgendered people. Baby Boomers.

The event differed from the immediate post-election rallies.  There was less anger. There was more focus on the upcoming vote in 2018.  Barbara Boxer urged people to vote.

People were looking forward to 2018.  They think it will be Christmas morning.


People were urged to bring signs.  By law, signs at a rally cannot be attached to sticks. People held them in their hands.  

1 comment:

  1. All reports indicate that the Women's March was as robust as last January, if not more. Where are the countermarches?

    There was a difference though. I sensed less defiance and more, much more, determination. The year has been one of organizing and creating a counter pressure campaign to influence the coming mid-terms. Special elections have been encouraging, but Progressives are wary and cautiously optimistic.

    What we have learned is that Republican congress members are only marginally moved by constituent calls indicating a certain confidence in their invulnerability, though a few have "retired" seeing reelection hazards. It's also clear that Progressives need a strong and persuasive counter argument to relentless propaganda, fear mongering and lies from right wing media.

    But most of all we have learned that there exists in our nation a group that clings to Regressive attitudes and are not moved by reason, or the year long spectacle of the Trump administration. Whatever the outcome of the election this group and those who exploit their ignorance and bigotry will remain part of the national discourse.



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