Tuesday, December 19, 2017

The kinky side of Fox News.

Fox News has become State Television.   With an odd kinky twist.

A repeated feature story:
Today's big news.
Beautiful older woman has sex with high school boy.  Just imagine that.

The political agenda of Fox is obvious and makes sense: it is an extension of the White House political communications department, like Pravda in the old Soviet Union or CCTV in China now.  

One more thing.   There is another element of Fox News that is persistent and repetitive on the Fox website, presented as major headline news stories; sex between a young adult woman and a teenage boy.

This is not just today.  It is every few days.
No other news website find the subject so irresistible.

A Google search of "Fox News Female Teacher" brings up the list of photos, of which the collage below is just the first thirty of several hundred photos.  Click Here   Clicking will bring you to the Google site, with this record of the recurring stories.  

Screen shot of the Google array of Fox News miscreants

These stories are more than just prurient click bait.   There are political messages embedded here.

They handle every story the same way:   Sexually aggressive beautiful woman  High school boy.  The law condemns her act.  The news copy describes this as abuse.  Too bad for those boys.  Right?  

One message is "slut shaming."  Women want sex too!  See, they can be predators!  It isn't just men.  Women lie, too.  This fits the Trump message.  Women lie.  ("When you're a star, they let you.")

There is a second message: an attack on political correctness.   A real message of those stories is that in this buttoned down, feminized, politically correct world of supposed gender equality created by the cultural elites the thought police have made rules that are unrealistic.  They defy biological and psychological reality.  To be "politically correct" we have to pretend to believe things we don't believe.  We have to presume that pornography doesn't interest young men, and that teenage boys are victims.

The rules are clear: adults must stay clear of people under 18.  People in authority must stay clear of people under their care.  Young students are under power of others.  Period.

Fox is choosing a type of incident to confront readers directly with that conflict between what some people will think and what they are supposed to think, in the form of the attractive woman available to the teenage boy.   Adults likely do want their sons protected.  This is completely understandable.  But every adult man had formerly been a teenager himself.   Fox invites its readers to think back.  How would you feel if you had sexual opportunities with this woman?  Lock her up?  

Teenage boy a victim   CLICK
My sense is that many men would have considered themselves lucky, and unhappy only if discovered.  Moreover, they distinguish the advances of an attractive female teacher on the 16 year old boy (good) from their consideration of the advances of a male teacher on a 16 year old girl (bad.)  Legally--and in politically correct discourse--they should be equal. 

We aren't supposed to say aloud that if we are walking to our car at night, and need to pass by 4 young black men standing together near the car, that we have twinge of apprehension we might not have if it were four women or four white men--but many do have that twinge.  We aren't supposed to say aloud that we think that a man who appears to be from the Middle East ought to be searched more carefully by TSA before boarding an airplane than is a 14 year old white girl--but many do.  Improper thoughts.

In fact, people profile and judge people differently. We aren't supposed to think that we feel more comfortable around people with similar ethnicities and cultures and backgrounds. Those thoughts are deemed racist.  Yet people have them.
40 year old had sex with student. Forbidden.

Fox has isolated the instance where there is the greatest dissidence between the law and elite approved opinion.  I believe many men distinguish between the actions of a Roy Moore against young women, and the actions of these teachers with young men.

(I might be wrong on this estimation and I would welcome comments.)

Fox's stories on this theme heighten the conflict between law and some men's emotional experience and memory. The subtext of their stories on this is that the elite coastal thought police snobs defy the reality of what you really feel.  They call you deplorable if you are nervous around unfamiliar people, and they call you perverted if this 40 year old woman would be appealing to your young self.

Liberals condemn racist, sexist, perverted thoughts and deeds.  Wrong is wrong.  Trump and Fox condemn the condemners.

Trump is unashamed.  A great many voters like it when he says crude things.  They agree with him and are grateful someone is saying what is on their minds. 


  1. You didn't use the term but FOX is tabloid news.

    The emphasis on outrage and by framing the stories as predatory behavior, not as a complex psychological interaction, gives Regressive viewers a sense of superiority. Right along with the Kardashians, UFOs and the latest celebrity divorce, this is
    "news" empty of informational value other than to soothe the writhing insecurities of our mouth breathing fellow citizens.

    There is no reason to cast this as a political, any more than the other sexual harassment stories that have emerged, but the connection to the public school system gives them a convenient target. Wealthy parents would love to be able to have their private school tuition subsidized.

  2. As a prison psychologist in Alaska, I have encountered two female teachers around the age of thirty who were convicted of sexual abuse of a minor. In both of these cases I found the women to be aggressive and predatory. Teachers are in a position of trust and that trust was violated. The law of teachers not being allowed to engage in sex with a sixteen or seventeen year old came about as a result of a well know male teacher who did it, but was not prosecuted. The outrage from this resulted in the law being written. My own experience with teachers who did that is that the law is just.



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