Friday, December 1, 2017

Lock Her Up! Karma Boomerang

It is dangerous to criminalize politics.  

Michael Flynn is hoist on his own petard.

There has been a dangerous trend in politics. The public hates politicians so much they want to make it criminal.

Bob McDonnell, Governor of Virginia, said nice things about the business of a campaign contributor and friend.  He got plane rides from him.  He was prosecuted for it.  I watched Rachel Maddow seem really happy the Republican governor was getting raked over the coals.

The Supreme Court reversed his conviction.  It was just politics for gosh sakes, they said, using more formal language.

New Jersey Senator Bob Melendez just had a trial for essentially the same thing.  It was a hung jury.

Leading the chant:  "Lock Her Up!"
Back in the campaign Michael Flynn led the chant regarding Hillary:  Lock Her Up!  The crowds loved that.  Flynn loved that.  She wasn't just an opponent whose punishment would be losing the election.  She should be locked up.  It was fun to be an accuser.

Today Michael Flynn's plea agreement with the Justice Department was announced.  He is the one in trouble.  Because it was a plea agreement the presumption is that he is coming clean.  He and his son may avoid being locked up, in exchange for other people being locked up.

Karma.  It is a boomerang.

We see a pattern in authoritarian, non-democratic governments.  The people in power criminalize the behavior of the people they defeat in elections.   Trump didn't lead the chants to Lock Her Up, but he encouraged the chants.

The karma boomerang is still flying.

Please let me know what version is better.
Meanwhile:   Video commentary.     I am trying an experiment and I would very much appreciate reader comments.   I taped two versions of essentially the same comment.  I describe Donald Trump's success in persuading people to believe things that are not true, things that are essentially impossible.   He said we can have much bigger military, excellent universal health care, better roads and bridges, and great trade deals, all with lower taxes and an end to the deficit.  Yeah, right.

Here are two versions of the commentary: one more formal, with professional sound and camera work, done from a script.    Click Here

The other is a one-take, informal commentary. Click Here, informal.

Which one do you prefer???  Comment here or send me an email:


  1. I like the more formal one, less based on style than on the more closely reasoned, tighter, more coherent text. (Whoever was doing the filming, though, needs to hold the camera STILL. Panning and cutting to different angle are ok, but not the jerky jumping around.)

    And I was amused, in the informal version, at your product placement of cantaloupes and watermelons. Well played!


  2. Informal. Much more relaxed, less snarky. Also quote Goebbels’ “big lie.”



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