Saturday, November 18, 2017

Liberals should lighten up.

The pure and sanctimonious liberals kill off their friends.

Some liberal voices call for him to resign.

Their Imperfect friends are easier targets than their sworn enemies.

Some of the comments in Facebook groups and among my college classmates urge Al Franken to resign.  What he did was inexcusable.

Here is an example:  

"Shouldn’t we be clamoring for his resignation?  I saw a tweet today from someone arguing that because of his progressive views (I’m paraphrasing here) that “we” need to stick by our allies, but, c’mon. Harassment is harassment. Liberal, conservative, intelligentsia, moron, it’s all the same, is it not?  If we try to parse this stuff we are doomed, methinks.  If there was ever a time for a bright line test it is here and now.  Senator, step down." 

This point of view is widespread and it has a logic to it.  Don't be a hypocrite.  We cannot condemn bad behavior if we tolerate imperfection within our own team.  After all, the political right has triumphed using "What-About-ism".  Trump colluded with Russia, well, what about Hillary and Benghazi?   Trump groped women, well, what about Bill Clinton?

A stupid joke.

Al Franken is guilty of making a sophomoric joke.  As this blog wrote yesterday, the supposed "smoking gun" photograph is the posed photograph of a joke, not documentation of a sexual assault.  Look at the shadows under his hands.  Look at his face.   He is posing. It is absolutely fair for someone to say the joke is tasteless and abusive and they don't like it, but this is disapproval of a sophomoric joke.  Indeed, by treating the performance of a joke to a room of people as similar to a rape or forceful assault devalues the meaning of women who experienced much worse.

For their own political self interest, liberals need to lighten up.

Liberal sanctimony does not frighten the political right.  They understand that it serves their purposes of scaring off the general public.  They call it crazy political correctness.  Liberal sanctimony does frighten the liberals.   It has even their allies and supporters  walking on eggshells.

Joke about a woman asleep being vulnerable to groping?  Offensive! Some things must not be joked about. Resign from the senate.  Jokes on this promotes “rape culture.”

Joke about older guys needing a long time to pee?  Offensive!  It insults older men and they are offended.  It validates "ageism culture."

Joke about PMS or menopause or what it is like to be married to a woman who experiences those?  Offensive!  No man can do it, never, ever.  It insults women, and projects the notion that women have unique problems and weaknesses. It validates “misogyny culture.”  

I am growing more and more concerned that this country will re-elect Donald Trump.  One bad presidential election was not a sufficient lesson and liberals may need a second. 

 Leftist moralism and values-purity is perceived out in red-state-flyover-regular America (that place with a majority of electoral votes) as burdensome and scolding. People don’t like to be scolded.  They don’t like being told that they are racist, misogynist, or should feel guilty about having white privilege. They don’t like being fearful, wondering how they will be condemned for being who they are.

The solution is not to purify our own.  There is no one pure enough for people of sanctimonious character.  This is politics.  There will always be critics.  There will always be some former staff person, or some constituent for the next hero (Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders) eager to come forward and say that this hero was condescending, or tasteless, or offensive, or failed to listen, or had a spouse whose college lost money, or some other sin. 

Everything offends somebody.
The answer for liberals is not better purity.  The answer is to lighten up.  

My liberal progressive friends don’t just condemn real racists and and real sexual assaulters; they condemn the careless misdemeanants, people like Al Franken.  They condemn the people who make stupid jokes, the people who stumble over the pronouns for a transexual, the people who actually think that “ALL lives matter” was a pretty good slogan. 

They condemn the imperfect and round them up with the genuinely bad.  The political result is that a vast body of people think liberal judgment is unrealistic, and they are tired of the sanctimony.  

So they vote for Trump.  At least Trump won’t call them a rapist for telling a stupid joke.


  1. Exactly, there is a difference between stupid and predatory, occasional and habitual, imprudent and criminal.

    Unfortunately, in the current climate these distinctions don't matter much. Regressives spank their children, telling them "toughen up","life isn't fair", and so on. It's a frontier mentality; every man for himself. Emphasis on men. If there is any one thing informing this it is male supremacy, female submission. Progressives espouse gender equality and more importantly respect for all.

    Franken violated that; a mistake. Just once?


    Of course, apology accepted, hurt feelings heal, lesson learned. Victim and perpetrator meet and publicly speak about lapses in empathy that cause suffering. Everyone smiles, tears up, maybe even hug.

    In the meantime I wonder why anyone would ever think it was remotely humorous. Franken got caught in a trap that I believe was set when women began questioning their position in society. This threatening of the social order led men to begin to disparage women who were agitating for their rights, which included jokes. Misogyny is the world's oldest prejudice.

  2. I am a survivor. I've watched this whole thing with Al Franken go down. It makes me physically ill. To take this & turn it into sexual assault is to add insult to injury. I've watched sexual predators being promoted for office, 'Christian women' blaming the victims...who were children. Mothers. Grandmothers. I know what is means to be broken. I never would have thought that a US president, his administration & his followers could or would endorse the violent, terrifying attack on my former child self. Or the other little girl I couldn't save back then. I see my fellow sisters (and brothers) of these atrocities. I see them. My heart breaks. Insult to injury, comparing molestation & rape to a silly skit. Al Franken : Thank you for your grace in the handling of this accusation. Thank you for your apology.
    To all the 'women' who stand against the victims/survivors and FOR the are sick. I pray for your children.
    A government that has millions (?) triggered, PTSD, insomnia. Raising men to power...that have molested & raped children, teenagers & adults. In this new society, some states are mandating women to buy 'rape insurance'. If a twelve yr old is carrying her abusers child, she will be forced to give birth. Birth control, it's access & use is being debated by the new powers that be. The Christian church has ordained them as sent by God. His supporters have rallies/protests with armed militia to protect them while they carry torches, Nazi flags & hatred. There are now actual discussions of alternative facts & how lies can be truth...there is a lady that enforces this rule that speaks for the leader of the US of A. I've rambled on....

  3. I am a survivor. I've watched this whole thing with Al Franken go down. It makes me physically ill. To take this & turn it into sexual assault is to add insult to injury. I've watched sexual predators being promoted for office, 'Christian women' blaming the victims...who were children. Mothers. Grandmothers. I know what is means to be broken. I never would have thought that a US president, his administration & his followers could or would endorse the violent, terrifying attack on my former child self. Or the other little girl I couldn't save back then. I see my fellow sisters (and brothers) of these atrocities. I see them. My heart breaks. Insult to injury, comparing molestation & rape to a silly skit. Al Franken : Thank you for your grace in the handling of this accusation. Thank you for your apology.
    To all the 'women' who stand against the victims/survivors and FOR the are sick. I pray for your children.
    A government that has millions (?) triggered, PTSD, insomnia. Raising men to power...that have molested & raped children, teenagers & adults. In this new society, some states are mandating women to buy 'rape insurance'. If a twelve yr old is carrying her abusers child, she will be forced to give birth. Birth control, it's access & use is being debated by the new powers that be. The Christian church has ordained them as sent by God. His supporters have rallies/protests with armed militia to protect them while they carry torches, Nazi flags & hatred. There are now actual discussions of alternative facts & how lies can be truth...there is a lady that enforces this rule that speaks for the leader of the US of A. I've rambled on....

  4. Debby, thanks very much for this comment. You add important information to the blog. Your perspective is important. I tried to say a bit of what you said, but you said it so much better, so very well.

    Please keep reading and commenting.

    Peter Sage



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