Thursday, August 10, 2017

Trump Genius

Trump is doing a triple bank shot.   He is good at this.  He wins by messing up.

Shot number One:  distract by attacking Senator Blumenthal.

Trump hits Senator Blumenthal hard and mean, calling him an outrageous liar and then a wimp.  Blumenthal's a girly man, nyeah, nyeah, nyeah!!!b

What he actually said in tweets was: "never in U. S. History has anyone lied or defrauded voters like Senator Richard Blumenthal.  He told stories about his Vietnam battles and conquests, how brave he was, and it was all a lie.  He cried like a baby and begged for forgiveness like a child."

Pretty tough stuff from a guy who avoided the draft.

Trump established he could dish it out shamelessly.  Criticism this bold tells everyone that his own military service (college deferments then "bone spurs") do not deter him in the least.  It is the Trumtp technique of angry projection and accusation.  He isn't shamed.  He bullies.  

Then the conclusion, where he de-legitimizes his accuser:   "Now he judges collusion?"   Trum can accuse, but cannot be accused.

Trump ricochet off the rail:  The world calls for Trump to get back to work on jobs, not be busy tweeting insults.  It looks like a problem for Trump, but it isn't.

Of course, Blumenthal said  to get back to work and not to change the subject to him.    It makes Blumenthal look weak, telling a bully to stop hitting him, which helps Trump.  Stop hitting, says the wimp.

Of course, there also is chatter about Trump ctweeting notwithstanding his new Chief of Staff, making a Trump look bold and in charge, thus documenting that Trump has not been domesticated by the staff change.  Trump directs staff, not the other way around.  Trump is irrepressable.

Of course, the media piles onto Trump observing, correctly that he has fallen off the wagon, and gone back to fighting instead of dealing with jobs, jobs, jobs.  His base gets the clear message he is fighting the good fight taking attention off the FBI investigation, the civil war inside the White House between the globalists and the nationalists, and the fact that healthcare legislation has stalled.

Bounce off the third rail, and the big, important message sent loud and clear: Trump is a fearless fighter for what he believes.  That is the message that inoculates and empowers Trump.

Yes, it is unintuitive, but the fact that Trump joined a pointless fight makes it all the better for Trump because it shows that Trump throws political caution to the wind.  In athletics, it would be equilivant of a wide receiver who extends his belly while catching a pass in front of the smashing tackle to get that last yard.  In boxing it would be the equivalent of the embattered guy who wades into the fist. In basketball it's the dive to stop the ball from going out of bounds.    The fans love it.

It tells a story that belies the official, establishment, mainstream news story that Trump is a self-serving Russia-colluding nepotism-ridden disaster of an incompetence.  It tells a simpler story than the one the "fake news" tells, a message that Trump is a fearless warrior.  So even if there are stories out there that worry the serious people on PBS or the constitutional lawyer busybodies at universities, or the CNN anchors, the Trump base knows knows that Trump is on their side.   His heart is in the right place.  If he fails, for example with health care, it is not for lack of will and loyalty.  He picks fights.  He hits and hits back.  

That is the big message, told better because of, not despite, the criticism that was inevitable.  As long as the 70% of Republicans are behind Trump, he has the governing plurality he needs and the adoration of his crowds.  

It may only be 35%, but it is a majority of a majority.  With the cheering crowds added in for that face-to-face exhilaration, it is enough to keep Trum in power and loving it. 

1 comment:

  1. It's often said that it's easier to get into trouble than out of it. Never more true than now.

    Though Trump shares little with his cult, they do have one thing in common. Constant drama. From the thrice divorced single mom with 4 children, to serial adulterers, to alcoholic city councilmen, to the unemployable deadbeat dad who can't keep his car running, and so on...we have in our society a class of folks who never seem to have a calm moment. They bounce from one personal crises to another, one poor decision to another, and when things actually have a chance to smooth out they do something stupid to start the cycle over again. These are his constituency, and he is their role model.

    And they will still be here when Trump is gone...



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