Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Warning to Democrats: The Russia story is backfiring.

Old Trump Message:  Russia witch hunt because nothing happened.

New Trump Message: Russia witch hunt because we don't care.  The real issue is jobs, not Russia.

The new message is going to work for Trump because Republican voters and officeholders don't really care about Russian collusion.   Who knows?  Who cares?  It elected the right guy.  It all worked out.   

Message to Democrats:  It's the economy, stupid.  Get back on track.

Remember the fundamental Trump message style is to lean into criticism.  Don't deny it.  Brag about it.  For a while here, perhaps coached by White House lawyers, Trump had been in the role of denial and minimizing.   First "nothing happened."  Then after the Don Junior emails it changed to "nothing much" happened.

Trump understands that in the current media environment minimizing and denying is for losers.  Winners don't apologize, they say "damn right!".  Winners don't congratulate the losers, they humiliate them and prosecute them.
Trump is locking in this issue while Democrats talk process.

The new Trump message is that anything the Trump campaign may have done is nothing compared to what we are Clinton and others did, and none of it matters compared to jobs and tax cuts.  Trump gets to position himself as the sensible pro-jobs politician fighting for real issues.  Trump gets to be the one "moving on," hard at work fixing America.

Fox News got the memo.  They are selling this idea along with Trump, with blue collar "real people" telling their reporters that they don't care about Russia, they only care about whether Trump can get them jobs.   They are angry with Democrats, not Republicans, for talking about Russia.

Democrats need to catch on:  the Russia collusion story helps Republicans, not Democrats. 

Don't Republicans care if Russia--the Cold War bad guy--subverted democracy??   Not really.  A few do, or say they do.  There are a few people stuck in the past, still fighting the cold war, but Republican voters have moved on.  Trump says Russia is mostly OK, and the real enemies are Muslim terrorists, not Russians.  That makes sense to a lot of Americans.

And the 2016 election worked out OK, so there is no reason to look hard at it.  Whatever the Russians maybe did or did not do, a Republican, not Hillary, is in the White House.  All's well that ends well.  Move on.   Democrats should not waste their time waiting for Republican statesmen to rise up in stately disapproval of Trump and the subversion of democracy.  Russia is not that scary anymore.  
Democrats support gay rights.  Putin opposes them.

This is not the Kennedy era, where Western Civilization faced off against Godless Communist Tryanny.   Russia has reverted to an authoritarian, overtly Christian, white, homophobic, petroleum producing nation.  They are not the boogey-man; they are what Americans just moved toward.

Remember, the swing voters in the 2016 election, those white blue collar voters in the upper midwest who tipped the electoral vote to Trump, wanted to be safe from Muslims, not Russian Christians.  They rejected modern cultural and ethnic relativism, not Russian style traditionalism.  Republican voters trust Putin more than they trusted Hillary, and her coalition of feminists, undocumented foreigners, blended immigrant families, homosexuals, libertines, secular humanists, college professors, black activists, environmental purists, urban sophisticates, and overeducated snobs.
Take the hint, Democrats.  

If Trump had colluded with ISIS, Trump would have a problem. If the hacking had come from Iran or Saudi Arabia, then Trump would have a problem.  The investigation involves colluding with Putin.   

The longer Democrats focus on Russian collusion, the better for Trump.  

It's the economy, stupid.  Democrats are letting the economy be Trump's issue, not theirs. Big mistake.

Meanwhile, from Vietnam, whistleblower attorney Thad Guyer describes the Russia-collusion story as a great victory for Putin.  Guyer travels the world carrying out a worldwide practice representing whistleblowers so he is able to stay plugged into both American media and a broad international view America, a unique perspective.  

I think the Russia collusion story is becoming a big win for Trump.  Guyer says it is a big win for Putin.

Guest comment by Thad Guyer:
Guest Post: Thad Guyer

"Democrats and the Media Give Putin Political Genius Status"

Think about it.  What has completely hijacked our politics and weakened the most powerful political office in the world?  Answer:  Russiagate. Talk about "interfering" with our election and effective governance, the Russians could only have dreamed about planting such an effective time bomb in the gut of American democracy.  Imagine the success we could claim if we got the bulk of the Russian media, half the Russian population, and about half the Russian parliament not just dedicated to, but fixated on removing Putin from office, and criminally investigating his top staff and  family.  In short, just envision the awards for political genius that would be deserved by America’s intelligence agencies were we able to implode the Putin regime from within.
Russiagate probably will go down in history, studied 100 years from now, as the most successful Russian cold war strategy ever launched against its paramount adversary, the United States.  Putin undoubtedly is being heralded in the Kremlin as a political genius.  He must be taking bows not just on claims of having defeated his nemesis Hillary Clinton, but also installing a beleaguered replacement presidency.  The collateral damage is just as impressive-- a demoralized and fractured American population, a discredited FBI and CIA, and raging court battles over “emoluments” and a “voter fraud”.

Putin's memoir could be entitled "How I Turned America Against Itself with a Few Strategic Computer Hacks-- That Amounted to Nothing". The book's forward could boast about having thrown Democrats and the liberal media into a Russiagate frenzy.  "I made where they couldn't eat, they couldn't sleep, they were glued to their computer screens", the book's dust cover would quote Putin.  "I steeped them in obsessive social media and cable, and rendered them desperate and addicted to daily leaks, revelations, and scoops, as they writhed screaming for impeachment, and outraged chanting of Russia, Russia, Russia."  
Just look at it clinically and dispassionately. If the goal of Russia was to “interfere” with our elections (2016, 2018 and 2020), and to corrode the political stability of its American superpower adversary, then it’s been achieved with remarkable success.  It has been achieved not with a flood of Russian spies, but by using Democrats and the media as unwitting operatives, if not stooges. Well done Mr. Putin.  Well done.

1 comment:

  1. Peter,
    You have listed the special interest groups of the Democratic Party over and over again- Black Lives Matter LBGT college elites. But what about the Republican special interest groups? So easy to find-- on the extremes we have abortion haters who actually want to kill Drs. Military Crusaders who want to obliterate Muslims. Christians who want to speed up the rapture and so support a dominate Israel hoping for the Armageddon. Mormons. Crazy anti tax anti government libertarians who want a government for none. Make your own list. It's easy.



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