Saturday, July 8, 2017

Red Meat for Trump Supporters

The G-20 leaders sneer.   

Trump supporters like seeing him under siege and fighting back.  

 Trump's populism channels a public mood of resistance.    

 ***Resistance against economic changes caused by automation and immigration and who-knows-what that has made blue collar work no longer middle class.

Trump supporters like seeing this.
       ***Resistance against social changes regarding sex  homosexuality, race, ethnicity, or religion where polite politically correct establishment tells people they should feel comfortable, when in fact they do not.
     ***Resistance against a mainstream media that supports the values and assumptions of that educated polite society, not down home traditional thinking on everything, from child rearing, spanking, religious observance and toleration, NASCAR, recycling, guns, police profiling, gender roles, nearly everything.
     ***Resistance against condescension by coastal elites.

     ***Resistance against foreign and international perspectives on themselves and America generally, especially when those foreigners don't seem to acknowledge and share fully America's understanding  of its special, exceptional, role in winning the great wars of the 20th Century and being the great, generous, self-sacrificing force for good in the world.

Progressive, Democratic readers may well have 180 degrees reversed the meaning of news that the world is aligned against Trump.   They see it as a referendum on Trump's competence--a low or failing grade.   They think it is bad for Trump.  Quite the opposite. 

Trump supporters see it as a certificate of courage and fidelity.   They understand it as further evidence that Trump remains true and on their side.   It makes all the sense to them that the polite, over-civilized, semi-socialists of the G-20, with their heavy burden of internationalism sitting atop their own national pride and freedom, don't like Trump.   Trump is the reaction to that kind of European-Hillary-globalist thinking.   The European Union--like CNN and Washington Post and the State Department and university professors--are the enemy, the voices of polite society oppression.

Comment by Robert Guyer.   This blog has many conservative Republican readers.   Some write back.

One of them, Robert Guyer, is a civil engineer and lawyer, a former industry lobbyist.  He teaches businesses and nonprofit organizations on how to lobby state legislatures effectively.  I consider him a political conservative with strong traditional Christian beliefs.  His book in in a 4th edition:  Guide to State Legislative Lobbying.  
His is an authentic, un-mediated voice, from that group of people who see Donald Trump as doing great, good things on behalf of America, civilization, and God.  It is a clear alternative to the world view of the late 20th Century global consensus of multilateral trade and diplomacy.

Progressive readers deep in their own silos would benefit from reading and getting cues of the world view of people like Robert Guyer.   Some of it will seem simply "political", i.e his condemnation of Obama's "cowering globalism and appeasement."  But his words reveal a worldview of deeper conflict,  America in a war of civilizations, where Mohammed and Hitler and Kim Jong Un are likened as the other side of a great moral battle with America as the last stand.  Read it yourself: 

Comment by Robert Guyer:

"Kim Jong Un's brutality and seeming mental instability (per what I read) add to DPRK's arsenal; an utterly unpredictable madman with some unknown level of nukes. 

Robert Guyer
President Trump in Poland yesterday asked if America is willing to fight to preserve Western culture, after concluding that unlike the Visegrad countries, Europe is not. Virgil in "The Emerging Trump Doctrine: The Defense of the West and Judeo-Christian Civilization" holds that Trump will no more cave to Mohammed than Churchill surrendered to Hitler - despite intense opposition to both from their appeasement elites. Mohammed, Hitler, and similarly Kim Jong Un are unappeasable. 

America is now "America First" and "MAGA" creating an unfamiliar dynamic for both Islam and DPRK. Trump will do something - TBD - trying to keep America safe, which he says is his raison d'ĂȘtre. What he will do I know not, but it's a whole new ballgame; cowering globalism and appeasement no longer are running the Executive branch. 

I think we can be in no better hands than Trump's to get America the best deal possible. May God bless President Trump and the United States of America." 


  1. "an utterly unpredictable madman with some unknown level of nukes." Who are we talking about here, Un or Trump?

  2. Radical Catholic Terrorism

    I was educated by women in burkas. We called them nuns, Catholic fundamentalists. At Sunday worship, the women wore hijabs (scarves or hats). I was supposed to pray 4 times a day, three meals and bedtime, sometimes death obsessed ("if I should die before I wake"). We had our own sunis and shites (Catholics and protestants), and radical Catholic terrorists bombing civilians (Ireland). These extremists bombed London too. Jews were our infadels and all were doomed to eternal death because they rejected the word of Mohammad (sorry, I meant Jesus). We had something Muslims don't (they eschew centralized religious power)-- the Pope. He's like "God's representative on earth" (no, I'm serious). Things Muslims and my Catholicism had in common included keeping women in their place and giving homosexuals their just desserts.

    I escaped the bizarre rituals, daily prayers, hijabs, fasting, fish no meat Fridays, ashes on my forehead, Popery and eating "the body and blood of Christ". Western civilization religiously cleanes all religions sooner or later, and weirdo religious outfits drown in our cultural tides of secularism. We are culturally immune to Ecclesiastical and Sharia law. We are denim, dancing, profanity, drugs, sex liberation, and above all, religion cannot "govern" us. Jack Kennedy was forced to swear he would not be the Pope's proxy.

    Fewer, not more, houses of god with bell towers and minarets is the American culural promise. Donald Trump is intent on not letting mosques popup all over the place like Europe is experiencing, and he doesn't want a bunch of new men and women walking around in weird headdress. He doesn't want more religious fanatics here who will embrace the toxicity of political radicalism with Belfast and Orlando type massacres. America has finally isolated Christianity out of the mainstream, thrown navity scenes off the public square. Liberalism humiliates holy rollers "of the cross". We will give Islam the same hostile reception. Trump is just the guy for that job.

  3. Peter, as I said, I wouldn't be alive if the US hadn't liberated my dad at Dachau. Glory and gratitude to the US! But you can't keep making hay off that when you're actually screwing countries now, under pretext of liberating them.

    It reminds me of the Latin saying: "Senatores boni viri, senatus mala bestia". Senators are good men, but the senate is a nasty beast. Americans are very good people, but American policy has taken a grave turn for the worse, and I place the crucial turning point at the denial of freedom and self determination to Afghanistan, after claiming F-f-f-freedom as Justifying principle!! in 2001.

    Let me append something that my father wrote one week after liberation, on May 8, 1945, still at Dachau. Let it become a common call of justice for all! Americans, Afghans and Europeans.

    At Harvard, I was taught realism in the analysis of international affairs. That is necessary. But in Afghanistan, I learned that it is not enough to be realistic and ruthless. It is necessary to be realistic and moral. That was the FDR message.

    Bombing some third world target that can't defend itself to be in-your-face to the Coastal elites is not cricket.

    You lose the moral high ground by doing that.

    "VE-Day at Dachau"

    Night. Fog. Snow. We drag ourselves heavily, heads down, in rows of
    five, holding up the dying. The road before us is gloomy, narrow,
    unknown, tragic.

    The trees that flank it look like horrible ghosts, sentries of death and
    of pain. The confused masses of long, low, narrow barrack blocks
    appear to our minds like huge black coffins--the coffins of the
    thousands of companions who have gone before us on this route, and
    on the other one, too. The heavy steps of the torturers who whip us
    into motion, alternated with their guttural Teutonic grunts, cover the
    low buzz of our slave-like shuffling, and sound to our ears like
    a death drum.

    Our wrists and our feet are bleeding. Our eyes are dry, because
    they have no more tears. Our hearts can barely keep beating. Our breath is labored. Our souls are distraught, and despair.

    The street before us is the street of chains and of death.

    * * *

    Sun. Light. Air. Clarity. We walk about freely, holding our heads high,
    and the street before us is bright like a river of stars, wide like the
    space of the infinite, and straight as a sword of pure steel.

    The flags, high in the wind, that decorate it for this festive occasion,
    are flames of victory--symbols of love and of joy. They are lights of
    glory. The constant coming and going of thousands of fellow prisoners,
    now cheerful and serene, is mixed with that of the liberating soldiers,
    frank, smiling and jovial. Hundreds of languages ​​are heard, and every
    one is the most beautiful and the most kind, because they are the
    languages of free men.

    Our hands are no longer bleeding. Our hearts are pounding. Our
    breathing is deep. Our eyes are shining with joy and
    emotion. Our souls look into the pure blue of the sky
    and again believe--believe in life.

    The street before us--this same street of the Dachau Concentration
    Camp--has become the road of freedom and life.

    Marco Cristofori

    Published in "Gli Italiani in Dachau" May 10, 1945.



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