Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Cars, Trucks, and Guns: A way for Democrats to reconnect with rural America

You can kill more people with a truck than with a gun.  

This isn't advice to terrorists.  It is an observation for Democratic candidates.  You do not need to be a martyr for the cause of gun control.

An indication that the Democratic party has become a party of coastal elites and college towns is their attitude toward gun control.   Democratic national leaders favor it, and indeed favoring new restrictions on guns is apparently a requirement.  Bernie Sanders got scolded by Hillary Clinton for not being sufficiently anti-gun, and Sanders immediately attempted to assure Democrats that he was not a Democratic gun heretic with independent thought, and  that he, too, supported gun registration efforts.

There is a cultural mismatch between urban and rural people as relates to guns. 

Opposed by Republicans and rural legislators
Many rural people see guns as a device they are comfortable with, useful for recreational hunting, essentially as innocuous as a fishing rod or skis.    Guns figure as a positive symbol of independence, self-reliance, and freedom, but also as a chip on the shoulder: woe to any politician who dares take this away from me.  It is a litmus test.

The NRA has been extraordinarily effective in mobilizing their base of support.  It is an overlapping group of rural people and Republicans  Local Republican legislators, House member Sal Esquivel and Senator Alan DeBoer both voted, in a near party line vote, a bill that would allow police officers to file with a judge an Emergency Risk Protection Order to stop someone from acquiring a firearm.  The lineup of votes in Oregon tells a story:  with few exceptions, legislators from the Portland-to-Eugene population center voted in favor of the bill; rural legislators voted against it.  See how they voted:   Click Here
NRA Call to Action urging members to stop the Emergency Risk Protection bill.
Democrats nationally have an idea imbedded in the back of their minds, voiced most emotionally by President Obama after the Sandy Hook killing of school children: mentally ill people and people with terrorist intent get guns and do mass murder, and we need to stop them from acquiring the tool to kill so efficiently.  

Gun advocates have a different idea in mind.  It is that guns are everywhere already, that anyone can get a gun if they want one, and that more good people ought to have guns to combat bad people with guns.  And besides, gun ownership is a right to be preserved, period, and that tyrants want to take that from you.

Can a Democrat hope to win in a red state or red district?  Yes.  By recognizing that guns aren't the problem.  Really.  People are the problem.
No special license.  $39.95/day.  Available anytime.
He or she needs to recognize and voice two simple realities.   One is that America is awash with guns and that guns are about as easy to acquire as marijuana.  Whether legal or illegal, anyone who wanted to get marijuana could get it, both a few years ago in Oregon, when it was illegal, and now when it is legal.  Monitoring and registering gun ownership has approximately the same chance of success as prohibiting marijuana access.  If one doesn't like the war on drugs, why would one think the war on guns would be any different?   

The second is the reality that guns are actually a slow way to do murder.  Cars and trucks are a far more effective.  One need not be "soft" on terrorism to say that guns are not the problem.   Guns don't kill people.  People kill people.  

 A person eager to make a statement can pick his crowd.  Want a statement about Planned Parenthood, pick a Planned Parenthood outdoor gathering.  Want to target Christians, simply pick the church and be ready on Sunday when services end and people gather.  

The victims make it easy.  They gather, they announce their event in advance, they gather in places convenient to get to, and depending on the vehicle and the advance planning one can have the hope of jumping out, joining into the wild crowd, and escaping alive to do it again.  

Truck as a murder weapon.
Police and public works departments are aware of the problem.  Barricades are becoming more frequent in front of some public buildings, especially airports, but progress is slow and public buildings are only one target and not a particularly good one.  Sporting events, concerts, political rallies, parades, civic events are much more deadly.

Here is the political opportunity for a Democrat.  One can simply accept that guns are a reality, rather like marijuana or alcohol.  Prohibition doesn't work.  People liked their alcohol, they like their marijuana, and they like their guns.   It is America.  Take Americans as we are.

 And second, the Democrat can observe and fully acknowledge with empathy the tragedy of a Sandy Hook or an Aurora or an Orlando or a San Bernadino (four cities famous as the site of mass murder by gun) and observe that the problem is not the weapon, it is the behavior.   

Note:  I am not pro gun.   I don't particularly care about guns.  I don't own one.  But I recognize that other people care very much about them.   I analogize them to my own feelings about alcohol and marijuana.  I don't consume either one, but I recognize that some people enjoy them and the effort to ban them has consequences far worse than letting people alone and enduring the consequences of freedom.

A Democrat who takes a libertarian position can be a viable candidate in a red state or red congressional district.   One who adopts the position of the national party will face the opposition of the voters, just as they would if they attempted to re-institute prohibition.


  1. I am one of those Liberals who hates guns. I was in the Army and, as an officer, I ran the ranges for all the guns the Army has. M1's, M14's, M16's, M60 machine guns, M79 grenade launchers, Colt 45 pistols, etc. I saw what those guns could do to people. After all, they were only designed to kill people, not animals. They were very good at their jobs.

    I don't own a gun and never will. You read about homicides everyday, suicides everyday, accidents everyday. It's not worth it any of it. I read that on average there are 20,000 suicides a year by gun. It's easy. Just make up your mind to do it, put it to your head and pull the trigger. It's over in a flash and you hardly feel it. Perfect.

    On day my son was so depressed he decided to end it all. However, because I have no guns in the house, the only weapon he could find was a knife. According to him, he went outside and put the knife to his neck. But, thinking about it, he thought it would hurt too much. So, he decided against it. I found all this out much later.

    A couple of years later he met a wonderful girl and married her. She relieved his depression and he will be graduating from nursing school in December. He's as very happy guy now. A good job and a great wife who supports him.

    But, think of this: If I had had a gun in the house, he would have used it and he would be dead now. So, in effect, I saved my own son's life. It doesn't get any better than that.

  2. I get it...we need to reach out, compromise, accommodate and hope for reciprocation.

    Unfortunately, the gun issue for many is not negotiable. Many of them (most?) are caught in a spiral of arrested development, a mental illness, and can not appreciate the damage their cavalier attitude towards guns can cause. The term "responsible gun owner" has no objective meaning, and the odds of a household gun injuring someone, a child, are well documented. Right, not worth it.

    In an immature mind a gun is a power symbol, something that enhances manhood and this attitude is what motivates most gun "enthusiasts". Along with the low self esteem is a overly paranoid view of the world that allows them to justify being armed. The NRA exploits this fear for profit and political power, as a lobby for the gun industry.

    Mentally ill people are sometimes violent and should not have easy access to weapons. Guns are a public health problem.

  3. I've read that gun sales are down since Trump took office. That's because the Gun Nuts (oops, Responsible Gun Owners) know that Trump won't take their guns away. Trump finally did something good. Sort of.

  4. Okay, I love guns. I'm a veritable gun nut and own several.

    However, I find it strange that no legal mind has made clear that the wording of the relevant constitutional amendment evidently referred to a militia.

    Regardless of the practicalities of prohibition, it seems to me that it should be made clear that the Constitution does not in fact protect universal gun ownership. Guns may well be regulated like cars; and their use like driving licences. It doesn't have to end up like prohibition.

    It's particularly odd that severe mental cases can still get them legally.

    The analogy with truck terrorism is misleading, haha. Nuts are not going to start ploughing into crowds all of the sudden, because their guns are taken away...

  5. Right. When was the last time you met a Libertarian Democrat?

  6. Democrats generally are libertarian on sexual matters--live and let live, choose the gender that you find comfortable, love whomever you love. (Conservatives are the statists here.)

    Democrats generally are more libertarian on marijuana--figuring the war on drugs has been a failure, causing more problems than it is worth. (Conservative are the statists here, too.)

    Democrats are more statist and government-oriented on economic and environmental issues. (Here conservatives are the libertarians, freedom to pollute, freedom from regulation.)

    On issues of personal freedom. civil rights both groups are mixed but can be libertarian. Democrats are libertarian on first amendment sex but statist on first amendment offenses regarding race. Democrats like the first amendment, conservatives like the second amendment.

  7. Another frame is that Democrats are are looser on "Baby Boomer" (sometimes "Hippie") values of drugs and sex. While Republicans value initiative, individualism, self determination, and freedom from government intervention and regulation (unless it comes to drugs and sex). Rs claim that the left is looking for a "hand out" from the government. Ds claim the government should and does have a solution for every solution problem; Libertarians say the government shouldn't be involved in but a very few programs other than national defense. Yes, you're going to see images of Ds shooting guns (recall John Kerry) during campaigns. But Ds as libertarian on issues other than guns seems a little odd and out of place, sort of like a drug dealer in a three piece suit: possible but unlikely.
    Of course, I have vastly over-simplified to make the point. See:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Libertarianism
    "Libertarians seek to maximize political freedom and autonomy, emphasizing freedom of choice, voluntary association, individual judgment, and self-ownership. Libertarians share a skepticism of authority and state power."
    "The welfare state supports a progressive tax system, higher minimum wages, social security, universal health care, public education, and public housing. They also support infrastructure development and government sponsored employment programs ...."



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