Monday, June 12, 2017

Trump, the Picked-on Victim.

"Why is everybody always picking on me?"

Trump writes his own history, he believes it, and then he sells it with confidence.  A great many people accept his version.  You cannot trust experts, or the news media, or even videotape.

Who do you believe, me or your own eyes?  People believe Trump because Trump appears to believe Trump.

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Readers over the age of 65 will likely remember a song from their youth.  The Coasters sang a song about a high school bad boy, Charlie Brown.   He smoked in the gym, he rolled dice, he wrote on the walls, he called the English teacher "daddy-oh."

Then his response:  "Why is everybody always picking on me?"

Readers who watch CNN or the other "mainstream news" outlets, or who read the NY Times, the Washington Post, or other examples of established authority--and who do not watch Fox or read Breitbart--are missing something important.   There is a whole eco-system that readers miss.   In that ecosystem:

   Trump was a gracious and fair-minded campaigner who is now receiving far worse than he deserves.

   Republicans were cooperative and respectful to Obama but the favor of this spirit of bipartisan patriotism is not being returned to Trump.

   Trump hates leaks, leaks are bad for America, Trump and Republicans have always opposed leaks, and the only real matter for concern for Americans hearing about collusion between Russians and the Trump campaign is to identify who is leaking about it.

   Trump is being viciously attacked by former FBI Director Comey was was a partisan hack who bent over backwards to help Hillary Clinton.

   The only investigations worth doing are more investigations of Hillary Clinton with Benghazi and email servers, Bill Clinton and the Clinton Foundation, and Obama generally.

   Kathy Griffin's showing a mask of a beheaded Trump is an outrage beyond anything ever said or done by opponents of Obama or Hillary, including Ted Nugget's reference to Obama as a mongrel and urging that Hillary be hanged for treason.  No comparison whatever.

In today's news on Fox Ivanka Trump picks up the message of Trump-the-victim.   Comey, she said, completely vindicated her father.  The viciousness surprised her, she said.   "I was not expecting the intensity of this experience."  She said she was "blindsided by it, on a personal level."   She reported on the US economy.  Gone was talk of "this American carnage from the inauguration four and a half months ago.  The economy was booming, she said, and everything was looking great.  People are optimistic and enthusiastic.

Coast Guard speech
It echoes the comments that Donald Trump himself made in his speech to the Coast Guard.  He was a victim of vicious attacks.  “No politician in history, and I say this with great surety, has been treated worse or more unfairly.”   

He was doing great things he said, and "you can’t let the critics and the naysayers get in the way of your dreams.  I guess that’s why we won.”

What is important to notice is what is missing.  There was no hint of subordinate clauses, no "well in the campaign, of course, I fought hard and counterpunched and gave a few licks, but. . . ."   There was no apparent memory of "crooked Hillary", "Lyin' Ted", ugly Carly, utterly incompetent Obama, sex pervert Bill Clinton,  worst trade deals ever, etc.

What Americans are witnessing here is a masterstroke of political messaging.   Trump performs it and the media cannot stop him.  He has delegitimized the mainstream media--fake news--and the pro-Trump media echoes his story completely.  It is a corollary of the Trump Doctrine of "never apologize" because apologies show weakness.  Double down.  Insist you are right and have been right all along.  One simply refuses to apologize.  

The Trump Doctrine means to create ones own history.   And if there is videotape showing it is false, ignore it, stick to your story.

He assumes that people have no memory of the past that is fixed in documents or prior memory.  Instead, interpretation of the past is entirely up to whoever asserts it confidently.   After five years of saying he had evidence that Obama's birth certificate was fake and that he was not born in Hawaii, Trump announced on September 16 prior to the election that Hillary Clinton had been the one making this ludicrous charge and that he, Donald Trump, had finally put an end to that insulting nonsense.  He did not snicker.  He kept an earnest face.  He did not appear to notice or care that there were incident after incident on videotape showing him having asserting Obama was doing a "con job", that he was maybe born in Kenya, that he possessed very suspicious evidence, that his investigators found amazing problems. 

Trump just looked the cameras straight on and sold it, saying it was actually Hillary's ridiculous charge and Trump, thank God, was the one who ended the foolishness.

In the song, Charlie Brown, by The Coasters, Charlie asserts his own reality.  He wasn't doing high school pranks.  The lyrics say, "He's gonna get caught.  Just you wait and see."  Maybe so.

But Charlie responds as the Trump Doctrine requires: "How come everybody's always picking on me."

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