Sunday, December 4, 2016

Up Close at Harvard

Let me explain what I am doing here.

I came to the Harvard JFK School of Government because I had guessed it would be the epicenter of discussion about the election and what comes next.   It was a happy accident that I was here just in time for the every-four-year meeting of the campaign managers which created the fireworks that are on the news.

I knew that if I went to Trump Tower to hang out, I would be one more ugly paparazzi and unable to talk with anyone.  But the Harvard JFK School and the Institute of Politics is different.  People come here to talk with the people who will be the next generation of leaders.   Generally the public is welcome, but happily for me almost no "public" is here.  I don't sneak.  I introduce myself as a visitor, an alum of the college.   Sometimes I mention that I do admissions work as a volunteer and that I am a donor.  I let them imagine how many zeros are in the checks I write.   Twice I have been asked to "show ID".  I give them my Oregon Drivers License and note I have a Harvard address.  Twice it has worked!  I live on Harvard Place in Medford, Oregon.  "OK, thank you, sir," they said.   I am "sir" now.   Apparently I look old.

The world comes here.   After the flury of activity last week I am
prepared for a quieter period.   I am attaching below the events that I know of for sure happening the next 48 hours.   I don't doubt that I am missing other things, including the open museums of Natural History, of Art, of Science and more, I am sure.   But I show the posters here below to give readers an impression of what a cornucopia of events is available to someone spending time here.   Back when I was a student I was busy with classes, with work, with papers to write.   I did not have time to sleep, much less attend lectures and events.  So here I am.   It turns out that Wednesday and Thursday have even more events, ones stacked onto others.   

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