Thursday, October 13, 2016

Unwanted Advice for Jeb Bush

I showed him this one first.

"You have a big future," I said to Jeb Bush on Thursday.   "Stand tall."

Part of what is fun about being here at the JFK School at Harvard is that interesting people show up here.

On Thursday, at 6:00 p.m., I had to choose between seeing former Governor Jeb Bush or Maine Senator Susan Collins.   By good luck I bumped into Jeb at lunch.  I noticed him in conversation at a table near ours.   When he got up to leave he would have to walk by my table.   I was ready.

I had cued up on my I-pad the photographs I took of him and me in New Hampshire, the ones I have been using in slide shows talking about body language.   

I next pointed out this photo to Jeb.
I was on my best behavior.  I smiled brightly and looked as friendly and helpful as I could.   "Governor Bush, hello."   He stopped.

"May I show you some photographs I took when we met up in New Hampshire back in November?   Look, I sat next to you when you spoke and I took these photos.  Look at your hands.  They are hanging down making you look tired.  You have important things to say about education.   You have a big future.  But look at your arms.

He glanced at the photos and looked at me, silently.

I concluded with this one.
I gave him my most helpful face,  I brought my hands up to my chest.   "Governor bring your hands up here when you talk."   I smiled and nodded.

"Thank you," he said.  We shook hands.  He went on his way.

I would estimate, on a 1 to 10 scale of interest and appreciation, he gave it a 2.  Some jerk stopped him to give him posture advice.  

Yes, this was probably unwelcome advice.   Probably someone other than me should give him speaking advice.

Wait.  There is even more!   That's right, there is also a podcast.  Thad Guyer and I hash out the meaning of the current polls.  We disagree on what data is real and relevant.  We discuss the videotape and the debate and Bill Clinton and whether or not Trump can stick to issues that have popular appeal with, maybe, enough voters to get him elected.

Click Here: Disaster for Trump? Maybe not. Hear us out

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