Sunday, October 9, 2016

Don't Party Yet, Hillary. It Isn't Over

Hillary's Supporters are creating a sigh of relief.   They shouldn't.

Hillary's supporters woke up to a reassuring splash page on Huffington Post.  Readers whose first impression of the world comes from starting their day with the Huffington Post are seeing a very different world from the one shown by Fox or Breitbart or the Washington Times, as opposed to the Washington Post. 

Breitbart leads with the ongoing story of media bias: Chuck Todd's ridiculous overconfidence in saying the election is over.   The frame that Fox News used throughout yesterday--Saturday October 8--was one of media bias and hypocrisy.   Why wasn't the mainstream media covering the real story: Hillary Clinton's speeches to Wall Street with the revelation that Hillary Clinton was a moderate and a capitalist all along, and that therefore that Sanders voters should distrust her and withhold their votes.

Trump's comments in 2005 are not indefensible.  Trump and his surrogates are defending them, and we will see more of the defense tonight at the debate.   

Defenses include:

[This just in--late morning addition insert from Seattle airport:    Trump's words were just an exaggeration.   Rudy Giuliani) ]

1.   The words don't reflect reality, because the words don't reflect the real person his wife knows intimately.   (Melania Trump's defense)

2.   The words are past being relevant, the video being "more than a decade old."  (Trump)

3.   It is no longer relevant because he has changed--"my travels have changed me."  (Trump)

4.   It was unserious--"locker room banter."  (Trump and Sarah Palin)

5.   It is inconsequential compared to the important events in the world Trump can address (Palin)

6.   He was a Democrat when he said those things. (Republican Party Chair Susan Hutchison)

7.   He is being treated unfairly because Bill Clinton actually did things and Trump just bragged about it.  (Trump, Juanita Broderick)

8.   He is a victim of accusations by hypocrites. Hillary lived with a rapist.  (Trump, Juanita Broderick)

9.   His error is uninteresting and minor compared to Hillary's speeches to Wall Street. (Conservative news outlets)

10.  He was joking in the video.  (Breitbart)

11. He was exposed by dishonest means, a surreptitious recording. (Breitbart)

12. His words and behavior were natural.  Being highly sexed is the nature of strong God fearing leaders. "King David had 500 concubines for God's sake." ( Sean Hannity)

13. His accusers miss the real guilty party, Bill Clinton.  (Sean Hannity)

14. His behavior is not relevant to the office.  "He is running for president, not pope." (Nigel Farage, via Fox News)

15.  He still has support of the people, including Pence. "I never, ever give up."  (Trump)

                                                #     #     #

Wait.  There is even more!   That's right, there is also a podcast.  Thad Guyer and I hash out the meaning of the current polls.  We discuss the videotape and the debate.  It is not hopeless for Trump.  The polls are mixed, Trump has a defense, and Sanders proved he has a popular message for voters in both parties.

Click Here for the Podcast: Trump Nosedive? Don't Count your Chickens yet.

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