Saturday, October 8, 2016

Counter Attack Coming!

This is just beginning.   Trump will strike back.

Cable news is going crazy, saying it is all over for Trump.  Hillary supporters wish.  Trump hits back.  

Read yesterday's blog post.  That is what he does, he counter-punches every time.  That is his trademark, something already understood by the foreign ministries in capitals around the world.  

Thad Guyer wrote me saying Trump might use this to launch a winning blow.  People know Trump is vulgar and a playboy.  The news will be if Trump can pull Hillary down to a similar level.   I think not.

I consider the P-word like the N-word.  
Hillary is not Bill.  She was the wronged wife, not the perpetrator.  Bill can be turned to Trump's level, but not Hillary.  What Guyer suggests will backfire on Trump, I predict, because Trump accusing another person of being sleazy and unfit for office makes sleaziness the issue. And now, after revelation of the videotape yesterday, in the hierarchy of sleaze Trump is #1, Bill is #2 and old news and off camera, and Hillary is not even #3.  Her crime was not sleaze. 

Her crime back in the era of Gennifer Flowers and Monica Lewinsky was to have forgiven Bill and accepted his flaws as the price of some higher goal: her marriage.   But now Trump needs the forgiveness and acceptance of his own sleaze.   Guyer thinks Trump can win with a counter-punch.   I think it will backfire on him.

But it is probably Trumps best move and it is certainly the one that is trademark Trump.   Let's see what Guyer suggests we will see at the debate:

Guest Comment by Thad Guyer:

I think we are going to see all Bill's chickens come home to roost on Hillary on live tv Sunday night. The WP crossed into new historic territory today in not just posting the audio, but actually printing "fuck, tits, pussy" in an effort to take Trump out.  Hillary made a terrible error in commenting on the tape at all, worse calling it "horrific", and Kaine saying it made him "sick in the stomach".  The no holds bar tactics by the media on civility, and Clinton on condemnation, is opening a Pandora's box that is going to humiliate and possibly cripple Clinton and her campaign.

But more significantly, WP/Clinton have pushed Trump against a wall, and he is going to counter-attack ferociously.  WP and liberal media outlets that followed it, have now set the bar at "expletives not deleted". Conway had Trump apologize already, and he sounded ok with it.  But Steve Bannon is surely now working with Trump to get it just right on Sunday night.  If the subject comes up (and it must), Trump will be able to say in explicit terms:
Yes, I said those things about sex and women when I was in the entertainment industry 12 years ago.  And I apologize on Friday and I apologize again now.  But this requires an even-handed airing on the issue.  Hillary Clinton intends to give the public office of First Spouse to a man who abused his political power to have sex with multiple vulnerable women.  She intends to make our First Spouse a man who, while in the oval office, inserted a cigar into the vagina of a female intern-- he actually did this to a vulnerable young intern-- did it in the White House! Evidence from the Special Prosecutor in the case against him for lying about what he did to her included her dress-- soiled by his semen. He did that to her in the White House.  He was impeached by Congress for his lies about it, and he was disbarred as a lawyer-- permanently disbarred.

I am sorry for my reckless words on an studio set when I was in the entertainment industry. But here is the bigger point-- Neither Bill nor Hillary Clinton have ever apologized to that young woman --whose life they ruined with lies, and who Bill Clinton defiled not just with words, but with his hands and body parts-- but no apologies for his actual debauchery.  Hillary Clinton intends to put that very man back in the White House in January.  Yes, criticize me-- but explain to your daughters about the man Hillary Clinton wants to give the office of First Spouse to, an office occupied by some of American history's greatest women. Then come back and talk to me. 

                          #     #     #     #


Attorney Thad Guyer and I do a podcast that shares our take on the election.

October 2 Podcast: The Truths that Hillary and Trump know full well, but must not say

This October 2 podcast talks about the polls, about Trump's self-inflicted wounds, and about the things that Trump and Hillary know full well to be true, but must not admit.   The podcast is a spirited conversation between me and Thad Guyer, an attorney who represents whistleblowing employees, with an international practice.   He watches the election from home base in Saigon. 

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