Monday, October 17, 2016

Breitbart and Fox are the Boys who Cried Wolf

Watch this Space!
Can a new Scandal sink Hillary???

Could Andrew Weiner hold in his hands the future of the American Republic?  Keep reading.

The Drudge Report is teeing up a "Watch this Space!!!" major announcement.   They say they have some new scandal.   Possibly Hillary cheated!  Maybe she likes women!   Maybe she doesn't like sex with Bill!

A new charge may well be too late and announced from the wrong place.   Fox, Drudge, Breitbart, and Trump himself have all been so wild and relentless in careless accusations that they have little credibility outside their base of supporters.   Even if some extraordinary wiki-leaks announcement comes out, if it comes out in Breitbart or is hammered by Fox, it simply will not matter.

Serious charge, reported in the wrong spot

They have promoted too many conspiracy theories.  Too many ideas that were unproven and unlikely.  They are known for being negative, not for being credible.  Birtherism, Obama wearing a secret Muslim ring, armed invasion of Texas, Obama as foreign agent, Hillary with Parkinsons, Hillary murdered Vince Foster--they cried wolf.

Trump says the media is out to get him and they are rigging the election.  I think it is very arguable that the mainstream media covers Trump harshly, using negative rather than neutral descriptors.  "Wild" rather than "animated".  "Claimed" rather than "said."    But Trump is mixing this with a conspiracy of the corruption of local independent election departments.

By mixing the likely with the implausible or the utterly impossible, Trump and his media lost--perhaps irrevocably--their ability to launch an October surprise.

One reader, with whom I asserted this idea suggested that the key would be whether or not it got confirmed by the left media, i.e. the NY Times or Washington Post.  The Post's own investigations confirmed the Monica Lewinsky story that had been originally reported by Drudge.   His prediction:  a bombshell allegation that Hillary and Huma have "a relationship", which is a public issue rather than a private one since Huma has been given a key government job with security clearances.   This sets up homophobe "it's disgusting" Trump versus Muslim lesbian Hillary.   The future of the election and maybe the republic sits in the hands of Andrew Weiner.  If he confirms it, perhaps out of spite or as a negotiating ploy to get better face time with their child, then Hillary is in a new, credible scandal.    Or he keeps quiet or confirms this as nonsense.

Imagine this:   A statement by Andrew Weiner one way or the other determines the election.

                                                       #   #   #
There is more.   Once a week I upload a podcast of a conversation and commentary created by me and Thad Guyer, an attorney who specializes in representing whistleblowing employees.  We talk about the current state of the race, the mainstream polls, the outlier poll, Trump's message, Hillary's weaknesses, Bill Clinton's past sins, former Sanders voters, the ghost of Nader, and more.   Check it out.

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