Monday, September 26, 2016

Live Blogging the Debate

Live Blogging the Debate

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This is an experiment for both of us.   Let's try it.

5:42   We are hearing all about the rules.   No applause!  No cheering!    This is sort of like high school, when the assistant principal comes out.

5:47   We get a mini-ad for Hofstra.   I know someone who went there.  Ron Hren.  He played football and appears to have no brain injuries!   Indeed, quite the opposite.   Smart guy.    Meanwhile, Hofstra guy is telling us how hard it was to set up for this.

5:51  More ads for Hofstra and more acknowledgements for the big donors.  Hofstra gets big donations and stays prestigious,  "We have some of the nation's brightest . . . college students in America."   7,500 of the 11,000 students at Hofstra applied for the tickets.   It makes me wonder what the 3,500 other students are doing.   Homework?  Getting stoned?
He goes on.   Hofstra is great.

5:54  More housekeeping.   Turn off your cell phones.  

5:55.   Lester Holt comes out.    Every seat is filled he said.   

5:58   Kind of weird.   Silence.   We hear breathing and hands thumping the lectern.   "You're broken up.   You're broken up."    It sounds like a country western song lyrics.

6:00   He is getting re-miked, I think.   8 weeks of preparation and at the last moment they need a new microphone.    It makes me worry about the nuclear arsenal.  There is always some darned little thing.   We will probably all get killed because a AAA battery was put in backwards.   Never mind me.   I 'm just being antsy.   It is 6:01 and all I hear is a guy clearing his throat.

6:04  The come out and shake hands.  Cordial.  The first question starts by saying we have had job and income growth.

6:07  Hillary is listing programs.  I didn't count but I guess a full dozen.

6:08  Trump's turn.   "Our jobs are fleeing the country."   "We have to stop our jobs from leaving us.   We have to stop our factories from going to Mexico.   We cannot let it happen.   I am going to reduce taxes buy 30%.   We have to renegotiate our trade deals."   It was rambling but it was clear:  the problem in America  in jobs is jobs fleeing America to Mexico.

6:11   Hillary responds  by noting that Trump started with 14 million dollars borrowed from his father.   My father, she said, was a very small businessman. 

6:12  Lester Hold asks Trump how he is going to get the 25 million new jobs.  Trump is sniffling.  Trump says that the the jobs go to Mexico and China.   We need better trade deals.

6:14   Holt asks, again, how do we get the jobs BACK.  Trump said first you don't let them go.   Trump now answers:   tell them there will be a tariff on the goods that companies manufacture in Mexico.   They have a surcharge on our stuff and we should have one on them.

6:16   Hillary accuses Trump of being happy that there was a financial crisis.
         Trump interrups:   That's business!

6:18   Hillary mentions solar panels.   Trump says that the US invested in solar panels and it was a disaster.   Trump said he likes all energy.  We are losing jobs, he said.   "Hillary you've been doing this for 30 years!"

6:21   Trump criticizes NAFTA.  Your husband signed NAFTA!  It was the worst trade deal in the history of trade deals.   Trump accuses Hillary of having changed her mind on TPP.  

6:23  Trump:  You had 30 years and you don't have a plan!   Hillary:  I have a plan and its in my book.  Buy the book!

6:23  Trump:  you are going to raise taxes.  "You are going to regulate businesses out of existence.  You have regulations on top of regulations.  I am going to cut regulations.   I am going to cut taxes big league."

6:24  Hillary:   I would streamline regulations for small businesses.  I would pay for things by raising taxes on the very wealthy.  They have made most of the gains.

6:25  Trump:   look at her website.  She is giving away her plans.  General McArthur would never do that.   I am going to cut taxes, except I will get rid of the carried interest provision.  Businesses are keeping money outside of the US.  2.5 trillion, maybe 5 trillion would be brought back to America .

6:28.   Hillary:   I have a feeling I am going to be blamed for everything.   Trump said "Why not?"   Hillary:  join the debate by saying more crazy things.

6:30   Hillary:  trickle down doesn't work.  Top down doesn't work.  We should e helping middle class by refinancing college.

6:31:  Typical politician, Trump said.   All talk, no action.   "We are in a bubble right now. . . We are in a big, fat bubble.   When the Fed raises interest rates the stock market will crash."

6:32 Holt: You should show people your income taxes.   

Trump:  I have a routine audit but I am making 680 million dollars this year.   We have incompetent people doing trade deals.  I will release my tax returns when Hillary releases her 30 thousand deleted emails.

6:35:  Hilary:   This is Trump bait and switch.   Why not release his tax returns.   Maybe he isn't rich?  Maybe no charitable deductions?   Maybe he owes money to foreign companies.  Maybe he pays no taxes at all.

Trump:  That shows I'm smart.

Hillary:   There is something he's hiding.  

6:37:  I made a mistake in having a private email server, Hillary said.   It was a disgrace, Trump said.

6:39:  It's about time someone in government knows something about money!   I am not bragging, but I know something about making money.   Our airports look like a 3rd world country.  We need infrastructure but we don't have the money because of you squandered it.

6:40    Hillary:   since you bring up your business, lets talk about your business.  You stiff people and don't pay your subcontractors.   

Trump:   maybe they didn't do good work!

Hillary:   you are the king of debt.   You went bankrupt 6 times.

6:43.  I took advantage of the laws of the nation.  Yes I went bankrupt taking advantage of the laws of the country.  I am opening a hotel on Pennsylvania Avenue.   On time and slow budget.   The military expenses and road building expenses are way too high.  We need people in government who understand business.

Holt:   Lets move on to race.   Start with Hillary Clinton, how are you going to help the race situation in America?

6:45   Hillary:   We need police to be well trained and we need everyone to respect the law.   I support reform of the criminal justice system.   There are many police officers who want reform.    And we need to get guns out of the hands out of people who shouldn't have them. We need to handle the plague of gun violence.

6:47  Trump:  Hillary doesn't want to use the words Law and Order.  We need law and order in our country.   "I just got the endorsement of the Fraternal Order of Police"  "Our inner cities, our AfroAmericans and Hispanics are living in hell."   Thousands of shootings in Chicago.  We have to bring back law and order.   Almost 4,000 people have been killed in Chicago since Obama has been president.   Maybe we need stop-and-frisk in Chicago.   Illegal immigrants have guns!  Right now our police are afraid to do anything.  

6:49  Holt:  Stop and Frisk was declared unconstitutional.

6:50  Trump:  These are bad people who shouldn't have guns.   You need stop and frisk.  You need more police.  You need better relationships between the communities and the police.   The relationships were very good in Dallas, but 5 officers were killed.   "The people most affected by what is happening are Afro Americans and Hispanics.  It is really unfair to them."    

Observation:   Trump proposes stop and frisk as a way to help minority communities.

6:53  Hillary:   If you are black or Hispanic you are punished harder than whites doing the same crime.   I am glad we are ending private prisons in the federal prison system.    I support "common sense gun regulation."   "If you are too dangerous to fly you are too dangerous to buy a gun."

Hillary on race:   All of us have some racial presumptions and implicit bias.  Police want more support and training, since they deal with bad mental health.

6:56: Trump:  You said the words "superpreditor", a very bad word.   Stop and frisk works great and it brought crime down in NY City.

7:00  Holt:  Mr. Trump you pushed the birther thing on President Obama.  

7:01  Trump:  It was Hillary's campaign that started it.   Sidney Blumenthal got a reporter to go to Kenya.   Hillary was unable to get to the bottom of this, but I was able to get Obama to produce his birth certificate.  I solved the problem, I did President Obama a favor, getting him to produce a birth certificate.   

Hillary:   see what he just did.   He persisted year after year with this birther lie.  This was part of a long record of behaving in racist behavior.   It annoyed President Obama.  Hillary references Michelle Obama, when they go low, you go high.   

Trump:  you are trying to act holier than thou.  You disrespected Obama.

[Trump keeps sniffling]    I settled the lawsuit of the Justice Department  [sniff] which was a lawsuit that lots of real estate companies had.   I opened a club in Florida.  That is the way I feel about race.

7:07  Cyber security is an issue, Holt says.    Any comment, Hillary?

7:08  Hillary:   Russia is doing cyber attacks.  I realize Donald likes Putin but the Russian government is doing hacking.

7:10  Over 200 admirals and generals just endorsed me.   I was just endorsed by ICE.   I will take their endorsement any time one the political hacks who have endorsed Hillary.   What do we really know about who did the hacking.  Maybe Russia, maybe China, maybe someone who weighs 400 pounds sitting in his room.   Look what we found out from the hack of the CNC.   Bernie Sanders got screwed by the DNC.

7:12   Hillary:  I have a plan to defeat ISIS.  Some of this will be cyber.  But we also need air action along with our Kurdish and Arab allies.   Stopping ISIS requires going after its leaders and its on line propaganda.

7:16  Hillary:  Trump supported the war in Iraq.   [Trump says, "Wrong!  Wrong!"]  Hillary goes on, saying that the police in New York and New Jersey were great.  We need to work more closely with our allies to get our intelligence on bad actors.  We need to work with our Muslim majority nations because they are our allies on the front lines.  Trump has alienated and pushed them away.

7:17   Trump:  We've been working with these people in the Middle East and it is a mess.  And regarding NATO, I am a business person.  These countries are supposed to be paying in and they aren't    I said that NATO isn't doing enough on terror, but now they are going to do it.   We need NATO in the Middle East, with this mess that Obama and Hillary caused.   You were Secretary of State when ISIS was small and now it was good.

7:20  Trump:  I was against the war with Iraq.     Holt interrupt to say yes you were.   Trump: this is the mainstream media idea but it isn't true.  I was asked by Howard Stern in a vague way and I said it was maybe ok, but I quickly was clearly against it.   

Trump: I have much better temperament than Hillary.   I know how to win.  I have good temperament but you were talking to the AF:CIO behind a blue screen and you were totally out of control.

7:24  Hillary:   the only time article 5 has been invoked was after 9-11 when NATO backed us.   I voted for every sanction on Iran.  We drove them to the negotiation table.   I got a coalition together.   That is diplomacy.  Hillary cited the Trump story about about the Iranian sailors taunting American sailors, "I would blow them out of the water!"   That is a terrible temperament.  Caviler attitude.   "A man who can be provoked by a tweet should never have his hands on the nuclear codes."

7:27  Trump:  The greatest risk to the world is not global warning, it is nuclear weapons.   I said Japan may have to help us out and take more responsibility.

7:28  Trump:  We are not keeping up with Russia on nuclear arms.   I would not do first strike.   We have to be prepared.   North Korea is a problem.  China should go in there and fix that.   When America made that horrible deal with Iran we should have insisted that they put some control on North Korea.   The Iran deal is one of the worst deal in history.   In ten years they will have nuclear weapons.  Netanyahu isn't a happy camper.

7:30.   Hillary:   Words matter.   I want to tell people in Europe and Japan, we are not going to go back on our treaties and our word.     We put a lid on Iran's nuclear program.   Foreign countries look to what we are saying.   

[Hillary is sounding here like the Secretary of State, talking to foreign countries.}

7:32  As far as Japan is concerned, Trump says, they are doing very well, selling us cars.   

7:34  Holt:  What do you mean that Hillary does not have a presidential look?

7:35:  Trump:  She does not have stamina.  You need stamina.   You have to do many things.

7:35  Hillary:  He can talk to me about stamina after he has visited 120 countries.   

7:35. Trump:  She has experience, but it is bad experience.    

7:36:  Hillary:   Trump is switching his language from beauty, to "stamina".  Trump has said bad things about women.   Trump responded that he said these things as a businessman and an entertainer and he said bad things about Rosie O'Donnell in that context.

7:38  Holt:   Will whoever loses support the outcome of the election?

7:39   Hillary:  yes, sometimes you win, sometimes you lose.

7:39   Trump:  there may be funny business, but yes.

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