Sunday, September 18, 2016

Hillary, Wake up!

Hillary gives a disastrous one minute response to the New York bombing.   It will change the campaign.

Warning to Hillary Clinton supporters.   You won't like watching this.

This video clip is worse than the clip of her falling into the SUV.  This video clip is worse than the "deplorables" mess.  This is the clip that can give Donald Trump a landslide victory.

Don't believe me.  Watch it yourself, for 67 seconds: Click Here

Low energy

The actual content of her words were unexceptional.  She said to investigate and find out what happened and deal with it.  Perfectly reasonable.  Her words were irrelevant.  Look at her tone, her affect, her sense of energy and purpose and resolve.   

She looks exhausted.   

She does not look like a Commander in Chief.   This cannot be fixed with surrogates, not even President Obama.  A president in a wheelchair can direct and command alpha male generals, but that person needs to present him or her self as powerful and in command.  

I do not believe this can be fixed.   This creates an impression of what Hillary might do at that 3:00 a.m. phone call.   

Trump stood erect, reported the news of the New York bombs, and said we needed to be tough.  "I must tell you that just before I got off the plane a bomb went off in New York and nobody knows what's going on, but, boy we are really in a time. We better get very tough, folks," Trump said. "It’s a terrible thing that’s going on in our world and in our country and we are going to get tough and smart and vigilant. We’ll see what it is.”

Here is a minute of Trump: Click Here
"We better get very tough."

There is a campaign irony about signs and slogans.   They are not descriptions of what the candidate is.   They are descriptions of the problem the candidate has, which he or she hopes to fix with a placard.    Hillary is Stronger Together, because she appears weak.   Jeb Bush's was Jeb!, because he appeared to lack enthusiasm and was a serious candidate largely by being a Bush.   Placards and slogans identify problems, they don't solve them.

Donald Trump's slogan "Make America Great Again" is another iteration.  Trump's appeal to white resentment is backlash against cultural and demographic changes that have moved women and minorities from the back of buses toward the mainstream.  America in the post war "Golden Age" was good for American blue collar workers but through law and custom it held back minorities.  It wasn't great to be black unable to find a hotel, or a woman seeking equality in the work place, or a minority of any kind wanting a bank loan or housing or admission to a public university.  Donald Trump defines that pre-civil rights era, that era before Martin Luther King and Betty Friedan as "great".  It wasn't great for the people in Hillary's coalition, the ones who face barriers.  Again, slogans identity problems, not solve them.    

But none of this will be relevant.   What is relevant is whether Hillary can be Commander in Chief when it really matters, when a crisis happens.   This video comparison puts the issue of race, ethnicity, resentments, barriers, and social justice back to a second priority.   This video gives an answer to the question of whom voters can trust with the defense of America, including the nuclear codes   A majority have been saying Hillary.   I believe she will lose that majority.  She looks asleep at the switch.   Some people will think that is just fine, but more, I suspect, will think that Hillary simply isn't up to the job.

I have uploaded episode 3 of the podcast "Two Left Eyes".  Thad Guyer and I are figuring out how to make intersection audio commentary.  The title of this episode is "Watch Out, Hillary!"   We express our concerns.   It is not all bad news for Hillary supporters.   Thad thinks Trump will self destruct.  I think Obama will make the case for her she is unable to make for herself.  Click here to Listen

1 comment:

  1. She's tired, so what? Campaigning for president is grueling. Much ado.



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