Monday, September 19, 2016

Add Chris Christie to the "Team of Intransigents"

Followup on my post from earlier this morning:  Chris Christie is sticking to the story.

Christie now denies that Donald Trump has been out selling the Birther story.

It takes courage to do what Christie did.

Readers need to appreciate the arch irony of it all.   I am praising Chris Christie, along with Kellyanne Conway, Rudy Giuliani, and Mike Pence, for being able to stick to their preposterous story, in the face of aggressive questioning and what both they, and the journalist, know full well is an obvious flat out untruth.

The trial attorneys among my readers might feel the same sense of awe and grudging respect for a witness who cannot be shamed or embarrassed into giving one inch.   It speaks well to their loyalty, discipline, and devotion to a cause.

Trump elicited extraordinary sacrifice from these surrogates.  They dove onto grenades on behalf of Trump.

If Hillary Clinton began asserting that Bill Clinton had never been impeached and that Monica Lewinsky was an unfounded internet hoax who never existed in fact could she find people of high standing willing to go on TV and assert that position.

JAKE TAPPER: “Well, just as a point of fact, again, Donald Trump did not accept when Barack Obama released his birth certificate in 2011. He kept up this whole birther thing until Friday. That’s five years. But we only have a little time left. So, I want to ask you…”

GOV. CHRIS CHRISTIE (R-N.J.): “No, but, Jake, that’s just not true. It’s not true that he kept it up for five years.”
TAPPER: “Sure, he did.”
CHRISTIE: “It’s simply not true.”
TAPPER: “It is true.”
CHRISTIE: “It wasn’t like he was talking — no, Jake, it wasn’t like — it wasn’t like he was talking about it on a regular basis until then.”
— Exchange on CNN”s “State of the Union,” Sept. 18, 2016
                                                       #   #   #
Check out our podcast, Two Left Eyes.  Thad Guyer and I comment on the state of the campaign, looking closely at the fallout from "the deplorables" comment.   There is some good potential for Hillary but this was a tough week:  Click Here for the Podcast

1 comment:

  1. At least Nixon had his non-denial denial group. Trump's are just straight denial.



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