Friday, August 19, 2016

Guerilla Tactic: Humiliate Trump

A Trump statue has appeared in five US city parks.   Fat.  Ugly.  Tiny penis.

The statue is the effort of Indecline, an anarchist/humor group, to have fun at the expense of Donald Trump by posting a grotesque lifelike statue of Donald Trump, overweight and sagging with soft fat, naked with a tiny penis hidden within blonde pubic hair, and no testicles.

Indecline issued a statement:  "Unlike the statues, it's our hope that Donald Trump, our modern day Emperor of Fascism and Bigotry is never installed in the most powerful political and military position in the world. These fleeting installations represent this fleeting nightmare, and in the fall, it is our wish to look back and laugh at Donald Trump's failed and delusional quest to obtain the presidency."

Photos and a story have gotten around in the mainstream media and liberal-oriented websites. The Fox News story described the removal of the statue.   The story was amplified by a comment from a New York Parks official, which gave some official approval to the notion that it was laugh at Trump: "NYC Parks stands firmly against any unpermitted erection in city parks, no matter how small." 

This could backfire.   

Trump is the one branded the bully.  Trump is the one who joyfully humiliates.  Trump is the big man on top--the winner--who rubs into the dirt the noses of Weak Jeb, Lying Ted, Ugly Carly, Zero Graham.  

People like seeing bullies be brought down to size and the self-important emperor being made a fool of.   The slogan on the statue, that Trump "has no balls" alludes directly to the story of the emperor having no clothes, his being deluded by public adoration into thinking he wore beautiful--but nonexistent--clothes.

So what is the downside?    White resentment at being picked on.  

By any rational measure of bullying versus being bullied Trump is more the perpetrator than victim.  Right?  Trump is the bully.  He does 99 percent of the mean stuff.  Rubio's brief effort at teasing Trump back simply served to weaken Rubio, not damage Trump, except insofar as it revealed that Trump cannot resist rising to every bait thus going on television to defend the size of his "hands", i.e. penis.  

It will be dangerous for Hillary if the statues seem to come from her or are sanctioned by her in the least.  Trump's supporters and potential supporters among white less-educated voters are very quick to see "reverse discrimination" and criticism they consider unfair.  His voters feel picked on and unappreciated. They feel that affirmative action and encouragement of diversity are attacks on them.  They feel blacks, Hispanics, and women have it really easy--way easier than whites and especially white men--enjoying a tailwind of benefits and benign customs and that "normal people".  White men, have it tough--much tougher than blacks.

-------This phenomenon was joyfully sung about in 1959, in the Charlie Brown song: 
   Who's always writing on the wall?
   Who's always goofing in the hall?
   Who's always throwing spit balls?

Answer:  Charlie Brown.  And his response is: "Why is everybody always picking on me?"

Two minutes of fun musicClick here : "Why is everybody always picking on me?"----------

This morning on the Fox News morning show a twelve year old girl who returned from a hunting trip with photos of a trophy giraffe, wildebeest, a zebra, and other animals received critical comments on her Facebook page.   The Fox approach to the story was to upbraid her critics for their vulgar and upsetting criticism.  She was the victim of violence.  She was the sweet and innocent party, just minding her own business.   The theme of the news piece was that the politically correct and privileged elites were picking on the normal, innocent people, just doing what they have every right to do, the wholesome and legal sport of collecting African trophy animals.   Why is everybody always picking on her and people like her?

(Twelve year olds shooting African trophy animals is, in fact, legal.   It is not un-controversial  and it could be predicted to draw criticism, but it is legal.)

This could be great for Trump.   Or he could blow it.

If Trump acknowledges the statues and either defends himself or upbraids the artists then he will have once again re-affirmed the thin-skin-crazy-Donald meme, which would be disastrous for him.  The accusation is that Trump is easily distracted by silly things, especially personal slights and insults.    This might bait Trump.   This could be a home run for the Clinton side if Trump self-destructs.

Can Trump ignore this insult?
But the statues are unquestionably mean, insulting, and intended to humiliate Trump.   People are laughing at him.    Trump could become an object of sympathy.  This falls into the narrative of normal people--i.e. white males--being picked on, by the mainstream media, by the Hollywood types, by the self styled cultural elites, by women, blacks, Hispanics, all the privileged people who have money and power and education and the benefit of affirmative action.   

Overweight white men will look at the grotesque image of Donald Trump and think it is unfair, that Trump is chubby but not that fat, that Trump is being picked on.  It will confirm, regarding political name calling and bullying,  that "both sides do it" so Trump's behavior isn't unique, it is "only fair", and equivalent to what Trump dishes out, therefore normalizing Trump's behavior, excusing it, and making it fair and balanced, not "crazy."   That would undermine the Hillary Clinton narrative, and that would be the backfire.  It would further solidify the Trump mood of resentment: white people are under unfair attack and are being picked on unfairly.

Trump understands the Charlie Brown of the song:   I didn't do anything.   I was just minding my own business, being normal.  "Why is everybody always picking on me?"

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